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Kelly Again

Posted by Bob on August 28th, 2006 under Comment Responses

If you ever wonder whether BUGS is a real seminar, note that this is the third entry in a row that resulted from Kelly’s questions and comments:

BUGS is catchy…Bob is there a think tank that make up mommy professor?..Or is it some universal organism that has simply manifested because it’s alive??

Comment by Kelly —


I wrote about how this all came to be in “Why Johnny Can’t Think.” But, for book sales, my explanation was the worst one possible.

Like Bob’s Mantra, my explanation of Political Correct embarrassed our enemies so badly they ban it. But like Bob’s Mantra, it is ALSO so obvious that nobody on our side, revolution hobbyists who want to read about Deep Dark Conspiracies and rush the latest news about Israel to each other, would not touch it.

OUR blackout on what Bob has to say is as solid as THEIR blackout on what Bob has to say.

What happened in academia was inevitable. We created a giant, heavily financed bureaucracy, gave it endless amounts of money, forced our children to go into it, and then left that bureaucracy answerable only to itself under the words “academic freedom.”

ANY bureaucracy, including the academic bureaucracy, that is given endless power and money and left entirely without outside supervision, will become a disaster.

Exactly the same thing happened to the intelligence bureaucracy operating under the title that covers all sins, Top Secret.

Exactly the same thing happens in any totalitarian state.

When you give ANY group endless money AND endless power and then leave them to police themselves, everybody in that bureaucracy ends up saying the same thing, back each other without question, denouncing anybody who questions them as racists, Communists, psychiatric cases, anti-intellectuals, or whatever their word for “heretic” is.

Let’s get back to basics. What is a professor’s job?

The only thing a professor has to do for the public is sign a paper saying a student took a particular course and giving him a grade on it. EVERYTHING else he does is dedicated entirely to pleasing other professors:

He gets his job by being hired by professors.

He KEEPS his job by being given tenure after seven years by a vote of the other professors.

He gets promotions by publishing articles in journals edited entirely by other professors.

He teaches what the other professors have set down and what they approve of.

This is called Academic Freedom. A person who does any free thinking in a bureaucracy like that, be it Communist China (Peace and Freedom!) or America’s intelligence establishment (Top Secret), is in deep, DEEP trouble.

This is obvious. But if one says it, our side ignores it and the other side cannot permit it to be said.

  1. #1 by Kelly on 08/28/2006 - 5:14 pm

    Are you saying that Academic Freedom is a problem for free thinkers?..Along with the complacent professor preisthood?..It is in my opinion that the lack of futher intellect or the lack of allowing futher intellect is in direct opposition of the Scietific Creators plans…and there for should be dealt with..(priority for mans sins of the intellect) If they beleive themselves to be untouchable then they should be touched!

  2. #2 by Kelly on 08/28/2006 - 5:19 pm

    I misspelled further there in edit button here in BUGS?

  3. #3 by Bob on 08/28/2006 - 7:07 pm

    I have the Edit button.

    Don’t sweat it. Let’s make it clear we are interested in what you say. The Internet is making the speeling freaks obsolete.

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