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Posted by Bob on August 31st, 2006 under Comment Responses


The importance of BWs mantra is not only in its explicit message and content, but it is also an instruction in a diplomacy and etiquette.

If you assume white superiority, your attitude toward racial matters must be imperative.

Therefore, when introducing BWs mantra preface it with: “Pay attention. What I have to say is very important. Consider it well. Remember it!”

Don’t argue. Instruct!

The advent of political correctness was effectuated by instructing white people in an ethic (that is a diplomacy and etiquette) of submission to non-white people, non-white concerns, and non-white views.

That is how the damn thing (political correctness) was implemented!!! It needs correction.

White people need to be told to modify their personal bearing when dealing with non-whites. As a white, your personal bearing to non-whites is that of a superior to an inferior.

Learn this bearing and maintain it, always.

And for God’s sake, do not adopted fascist symbols, or wear fascist uniforms.

Forget Hilter, forget Mussolini, forget WWI, and forget WWII.

Instead, regain your bearing!!!

Non-white people including all Asians (except the rare non-white intellectual) know they are inferior. Reflect their knowledge by your personal bearing towards them.

Comment by Dave



  1. #1 by Shari on 08/31/2006 - 4:48 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Never having been around a lot of non-whites, I think that I have always been somewhat aloof. Well, you naturally are, if you’re not trying hard to be one with the whole world. Seeing a white clerk in a store kiss and coo over a black baby just seemed un-natural to me. Something else that I noticed is that the black baby didn’t respond, neither laughing nor recoiling from an overbearing stranger.

  2. #2 by Twin Ruler on 09/01/2006 - 10:17 am

    I wish people would forget all about the Second World War!

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