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Posted by Bob on August 31st, 2006 under General


I have to rely on BWs complaints about Stormfronters because I have not posted or been on that site.

Membership organizations in general are not very bright if their purpose is promotion of a cause. The purpose has to be the cause, and not the “identity” needs of those participating.

There is a tremendous amount of high quality content on WNs sites. This is particularly true of this site and BWs postings.

WN content should be organized into an RSS feed that can be provided as a link to blogs and forums were people are challenged by BWs mantra.

The major weakness of our opponents is that their cause in not worthy. They need to be continually reminded of the squalor they are promoting and the destruction they have wrought.

Unworthiness stands on its own as condemnation.

This was brought home to me as I watched George Soros subject himself to yet another embarrassment in front Google’s CEO and staff. This audience, almost wholly white and very intelligent was not impressed with Soros. It was obvious.

You see, Soros is incapable of doing anything worthy, being essentially a criminal pretending to be a “wise intellect”. Google, on the other hand, is essentially a worthy project composed of a wholly different class of people.

Remember many Antis out there are just confused. They can be brought around. That is the genius of BWs mantra.

Comment by Dave


What do you do when you’re an old warrior who has been beating his head against the wall for years and then, one day, a group of brilliant people get your message and expand on it?

What a wonderful dilemma!

Kevin McCarthy starred in the original 1950s version of the movie about the Pod People (Invasion of hte Body Snatchers) taking over his town. The movie began with him inthe middle of the highway, shouting, “They’re HERE!”

He was taken to the police station and told his story and naturally they thought he was nuts. But at the very end, someone reported that they had FOUND a trcukload of the pods. They shouted, “Call Washington!” Call the governor. Put a police cordon around that town IMMEDIATELY!”

They rushed out to fight the pod people invaders.

The last scene showed McCarthy leaning against the wall in exhaustion, his job done.

I have always wanted to be that McCarthy character. And I feel like him now. He was exhausted, but the load had been taken off of his back. He was no longer alone, even though he was left by himself in that last scene.

He would be back in the fight. But, at long, long last, he no loner had to be the only one shouting into the wind.

I am getting ready to drive up to Washington for a conference for a few days. Then I will be back at my keyboard HELPING you fight the fight.

But the message has FINALLY been taken up by others. I get a break. I will probably write from DC, but right now I am GLORYING in the rush of wisdom and action and unserstanding I am getting from you who are going on to greater heights on the basics I have so desperately been trying to impart.

I am tired, but I am no longer alone.

Thank you!

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 08/31/2006 - 8:37 pm


    To Dave…

    Great ideas,
    Google ain’t the good guys.

    In a not to distant past,
    our people trusted that their destiny was to rule the
    world and make it a better place to live.

    This was called “manifest destiny”.
    The world WAS OURS.
    To rule.

    Now we as a people are ASHAMED of our existance.

    Lots of smart people have posited the “why”.

    The elite in this country are college educated.
    They believe what they are taught.

    They are also highly competative.

    There are three ways that people can be controlled.

    One: Rescources.
    Two: Force.
    Three: Beliefs.

    Simply put,


    All three agree with Noel Ignatiev.

    Please, Please Think about that.

    Your Favorite Company.
    Your Favorite Political party.
    Your Favorite Church.

    All view you as the “Cancer Of The Human Race”.

    Heresy ain’t easy.

  2. #2 by Steve on 09/02/2006 - 11:52 am

    Not Spam

    Not Spam

    Hi Bob.

    No you are not alone, I too see our time is NOW.

    Can people who are involved in ongoing debates please post the links for those sights on this blog, so that the rest of of can join in the fun.

    I say its time we NAILED, these social constructs, Oops! I mean antis (sorry coach)

    Regards, Steve.

  3. #3 by Kelly on 09/02/2006 - 9:29 pm

    I caught last nights Stormfront interveiws….I’d say that there was a certian sway in your return to D.C….A call for Revolution!..That was Demanding…

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