Archive for September 5th, 2006

Reply to Comment I Can’t Find

Someone asked me who Kelso was.

This is a bit harder to Google! than Willis Carto, who has been in this game longer than even I have and fills the pages.

The trick is you have to put “Jamie Kelso” into Google! rather than “James Kelso in order to get the formidable list of hate (Anti-Hate) pieces directed at him from them and from our side.

I was proud to note that MY name came first in some of them. Fox reported that Bob Whitaker and Jamie Kelso were the exceptions to the people who would not talk to them, for instance.




Also, are you calling Willis a psychopath since he is in charge of this affair?

Comment by Mark —


I am SURE that is the way it will get back to Willis.

The article was ENTITLED “Old Fighters versus the Psychopaths.” I talked ENTIRELY about how Willis made this mistake beause he is NOT a psychopath.

So you ask me if I am calling Willis AND MYSELF psychopaths.

This is the way these fights get going. You did a good thing here. You made me change the title to make the whole thing absolutely, crystal clear. But it will still get back to Willis that I called him a psychopath.


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Bob I forgot you covered that in one of your radio lecture/porch talk lessons…I’ll go back to what I thought (but forgot) as I do sometimes

Comment by Kelly


As I said below, us old warriors get mean. So I called Kelly’s excuse for the WWII Generation “BULLSHIT.”

But my commenters are getting used to me. A year or two ago somebody would have been personally hurt if I had said that. Kelly takes it in stride. I am not aiming this at HIM. I am aiming it at all those others who keep coming back at me about how I am insulting their Beloved Grandaddy Earl who was in World War II.

Did Kelly make some monstrous mistake here?

Of course not.

Here is my reply to his comment above:

“Kelly, it would be nice if you remembered every single golden word that falls from my keyboard, but it ain’t gonna happen. Trying to remember all I write would be like trying to swallow Niagara Falls without a bathroom break.”

“If you get the basics and build on them that is more than enough for me.”


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Whoever this Willis is…..he’s definitely my kind of guy, Bob.

Comment by joe rorke


I just Googled “Willis Carto” and the first page and a half of the list of sites are dedicated to the this same Willis Carto. You don’t get lost in a bunch of OTHER names like you do with “Bob Whitaker.”


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Taking Our Country Back

It is not the Jews we need to take our country back from. The Jews have simply used the ammunition dumps they had already been provided BEFORE most of them got here.

If we are to take America back, we must take it back from Abraham Lincoln. Ithe was he who declared that our country is based UPON THE PROPOSITION that all men are created equal. This is as alien to our Constitution as any Marxist Russian Jew. That is the declaration of the melting pot.

George Will says this perfectly. He says, “Other countries like Germany and France are based on a population, based on Frenchmen and Germans. America is based on a proposition: YOU ACCEPT THE PROPOSITION AND YOU ARE AN AMERICAN.”

I will not say, “in other words” because there are no other words. What Will is saying that anyone on earth who agrees with him is more of an American, has more right to BE here, than those of us whose families have been here for three to four hundred years.

The Constitution of the United States could not have said anything more opposite. Its only basis of power is “We the people of hte United States of America and OUR posterity.” The only REASON for the existence of America is secure the blessings of liberty “for ourselves and our posterity.”

As Secretary of State John Quicey Adams put it, “We are the friends of liberty everywhere, but the guardians only of our own.”

For this entire century every war from World War I to Iraq has been fought on the premise that our only mission to is to protect foreigners. We left our borders open and fought to save Stalin. We leave our borders open and go our to fight for Israel. This has been going on since Lincoln took citizenship away from the people of the United States ofd America and our posterity.

Almost every monomaniacal anti-semite I know agrees with Lincoln. He just says Lincoln had the wrong proposition. He says America is based on the CHRISTIAN proposition, not the JEWISH proposition. He may say that America is based on a “freedom proposition” or a capitalist proposition. Lincoln and the Jews are just unAmerican because the only right we have to be here is based on a DIFFERENT proposition.

This is the very embodiment of the Big Lie. It is a lie so gigantic and so basic that everybody assents to it.
