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Trager Catch Up and Your Reminder

Posted by Bob on October 12th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Trager mentions that our race originated somewhere in the northeastern Europe. He hasn’t been reading the blog, so he doesn’t know that I have talked about that point of origin a LOT.

The Bible talks about the Garden of Eden but gives no place for it. But the Bible DOES give a point of origin for the entire human race:

Mount Ararat.

Mount Ararat is not exactly on the Road to Damascus. In fact, the map of the Holy Land you see in church excludes anything but Palestine, and very few events in the Old Testament actually occurred inside that map. Mount Ararat is away the hell out of the area the Old Testament covers. Ararat is right on the coast of the Black Sea, which was formed abruptly, meaning in a day or two, by a titanic flood that inundated a dry and fertile area where the Black Sea now lies.

The bottom of the Black Sea is still sea water. One day, after being eaten at for hundreds of years, the dam of land at what is now Istanbul suddenly collapsed totally, and a wall of water up to three hundred feet high roared across that huge, settled valley.

By a coincidence which would be the next thing to statistically impossible, the flood of Gilgamesh, the flood of the Old Testament, had the remnants of humanity fetching up right on the edge of that disaster.

Which is why I keep harping on Zoroastrianism. The only non-Jew praised in the Old Testament is Cyrus, ruler of Persia. All the evidence except a specific statement demonstrates that the Jews turned their tribal JWHW into the God of the Old Testament entirely as a result of their contact with the Persian Zoroastrians.

OK, let’s put it down to coincidence that the Flood ended up with the only human survivors of the Flood being at Ararat. Let’s put it down to coincidence that the only goy who is specifically named in the Old Testament as “doing the work of God” is the Zoroastrian King of Persia.

But there is a THIRD coincidence. Three titanic coincidences must add up to nothing less than a miracle.

Christianity was absolutely obsessed from the beginning with chastity and the concept that THIS WORLD is evil. Satan tempted Jesus by offering him the Kingdoms of the World. How is it that Jesus would accept the idea that Satan OWNED the kingdoms of this world and could offer them?

How is it that Christianity began with the idea that perfect chastity was a supreme virtue? As Trager says, this jumps out at me, but no one else notices it. There is certainly not one single word in the Old Testament that even hints at the idea that perfect chastity is good.

In fact, the Old Testament states that, “It is better to cast thy seed into the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground.” One of the points no one challenges that was brought up in the book “The DaVinci Code” was that, at the time of Jesus, it was Joseph’s OBLIGATION to find a mate for his son long before Jesus died on the cross.

For two thousand years, the idea that a Christian has the ideal of chastity has been central to the Christian faith. The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox version of the New Testament has St. Paul saying very specifically:

“A bishop shall have ONE wife.”

But all those who try to trace everything to the Old Testament totally ignore this, the elephant in their theological living room.

Only Zoroastrianism ever declared this world to be the realm of Satan. Manichaeism was invented by Mani, a Christian in Iraq when it was ruled by Zoroastrian Persia.

Another coincidence! A THIRD coincidence! Our entire history for the last two thousand years has rested on a pillar of Zoroastrian thought. Zoroaster taught that there were two powers, the Lord of This World, who was evil, and the Lord of the Next World, who was good.

By the time of Jesus, Zoroastrianism was two thousand years old. It was degenerate. When Islam conquered Persia, the last Zoroastrian ruler, the ruler of a religion which limited its membership specifically to Aryans, was a mulatto.

There is fourth coincidence. The Jews rejected Christ, but the Zoroastrian Magi accepted him. But we are becoming ridiculous here. I am pounding in the obvious.

Good or bad, the entire context of the New Testament is from Aryan sources. The OLD Testament all the way back to Ararat is from Aryan sources. Indo-European sagas go right back to The Flood.

“Mankind” and “Indo-European” are the same thing.

Which, I think, is relevant to the whole question of defining “our” race.

  1. #1 by Shari on 10/13/2006 - 10:59 am

    Not Spam

    I think that perhaps the early Christians may have been taken with celebacy because they expected an immediate return of Christ or a quick death as a martyr. For all of history until recently, sex meant children, not having fun, with no children. At least on purpose. Chastity is not the same as celebacy.

    How this quickly became an IDEAL, I don’t know. But things do develope,or something. All this is intersting and raises a lot of questions. I have wondered why Christianity took root and spread only among white peoples and hardly anywhere else. Oh I know, you would say that it was forced,because they got burned alive if they didn’t. I don’t know. That might have happened, but it doesn’t explain a lot of things.

  2. #2 by Sam on 10/13/2006 - 4:06 pm



    Please don’t take my confusion for nit picking, that is not what i intend.

    In “keeping the payoff” you said “kingship is every bit as alien an institution, a Middle Eastern institution, as is the church itself.” but in this piece you say “Good or bad, the entire context of the New Testament is from Aryan sources. The OLD Testament all the way back to Ararat is from Aryan sources. Indo-European sagas go right back to The Flood.”

    am i missing the distinction between church and christianity?

    Bob says: “All the evidence except a specific statement demonstrates that the Jews turned their tribal JWHW into the God of the Old Testament entirely as a result of their contact with the Persian Zoroastrians.”

    Does this mean the the jews of the bible were indo-europeans, or a middle eastern people? Since you say it is written by indo-european sources, why is it so radically departed from zorastrinism and christianity is not?

    Oh yes, did i mention i’m confused?

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