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Posted by Bob on October 30th, 2006 under Comment Responses


Unfortunately I don’t understand the first part of your comment. What do you mean with “By replying with standard tactic number 1: DUHH!”? Also, is “anti” the same as “anti-racist”?

Well, I don’t want third world immigration to Norway. Neither do I consider myself an “anti-racist”. How can I be “against” something which is a part of nature?

I’m just saying that in Norwegian public debate, of which this Harvard professor is not a part, I’ve never heard third world immigration to Norway justified with solving a “race problem”. We have been given other reasons, initially that we needed more workers and then that the immigrants are refugees who need protection.

So it seems that this notion of a “race problem” comes from America?

Comment by timestre

— ME

Tom hit the nail on the head. Your original statement sounded like the old “DUHH!” stuff. It is a relief I have ONE commenter who will go to bat at that.

About every time I was in Europe there was an “Anti-Racist” group marching or an “anti-racist” speaking in Hyde Park. Opposition to “anti-racism” is not permitted in Hyde Park now, as you know. I remember one of our Bloggers put Bob;s Mantra in British newsgrops and was immediately physically threatened by a bit “anti-Racist” outfit there.

Groups don’t often use the term AntiRacist in their titles here because it is so obviously Marxist The verbiage is different, if that’s all you mean.

Your original comment, as Tom and I said, sounded a lot like the “DUHH!” crap we are used to.

The same people who agree that intermarriage is the solution to the race problem go “DUHH! I never said that” when we challenge them on that.

They tell every white country that its population is aging so the third world has to pour in. Japan’s population is actually going DOWN as it ages, but no one DEMANDS that THEY bring in the third world.

All those poor little “refugees” could make a good living in third world countries and offer special skills to them. But no one EVER demands that any third world country bring them in. Indians are the only hope for many African countries getting food at all by trade.

But as soon as Eastern Europe threw off the Reds, the cry began, “Are you ready for immigration yet?” It was fully understood that if a country is white, third world immigration is the next step. It never even occurred to anyone to ask WHY “Are you ready for immigration yet?” would be the first question asked of desperately poor WHITE countries.

The verbiage differs but the goal is always the same. It is the GOAL that matters if one opposes genocide.

  1. #1 by Adelheim on 10/30/2006 - 11:32 am


    Hello timestre!

    Bob said “The verbiage is deifferent, if that’s all you mean.”

    I am also Norwegian. And I have never heard someone use the exact phrase “race-problem”. It is extremely seldom I hear people using the word “race” either. We just put it in another way.

    If we are going to translate the mantra into norwegian we must find a substitute for the word “race problem”.

    As Bob said “The verbiage differs but the goal is always the same.”

    SOS-racism is a marxist group (with some respectable conservatives) that want mass-immigration into Europe and hide behind that they are “only” anti-racist.

    Anti-racists will always argue in favour of more immigration.

  2. #2 by timestre on 10/30/2006 - 11:36 am


    Thanks for replying to my comment Bob.

    It’s true that once the immigrants, or invaders as I prefer to call them, have established themselves in Norway, we are told that they “become Norwegian” and should be assimilated into the population. This is of course problematic since the immigrants don’t always want to “become Norwegian”, neither do all Norwegians want to assimilate with them. There are ever-growing parts of Norwegian cities where Norwegians have been diplaced by immigrants.

    Do I at this point dare to mention Philip Atkinson’s “A Theory Of Civilization: A Study Of Our Decline” at Has anybody read it? Do you have any opinion about it? Here’s a quote taken from

    “Invasion Flows From Vigorous To Feeble
    Once the citizens of Western Civilization were determined as well as able, so they dominated the countries occupied by weaker cultures. These subject countries became colonised— they were forced to adopt the language and culture of Western Civilization— and the superior understanding of Western civilization was promoted throughout the world, along with its peace and wealth. However as the citizens of Western Civilization became selfish they lost their resolve, so the control exercised by Western communities declined. This allowed the colonies to recover their independence and re-assert their own culture, which inevitably obtained the poverty and misrule, which had existed before colonialism. As Western Civilization has abdicated its rule over its colonies, wealth and peace have given way to poverty and anarchy. The example of the social collapse of South Africa has been repeated all over Africa. For many citizens of these colonies, modest means enjoyed in peace have been replaced by a perilous poverty, and the only escape from this misery is to go to where wealth and peace still exist, the home countries of their erstwhile colonial rulers. The tide of influence has reversed. It is no longer flowing from, but to, Western Civilization; and instead of peace and wealth, it is poverty and anarchy that is now being spread.”

  3. #3 by Dave on 10/30/2006 - 11:39 am


    Ever encounter a little child who has lost his Mommy or Daddy in a crowd? There, the little tyke stands, all alone and plaintively sobbing, an orphan to our big hostile world.

    The little one only understands that he has lost his Mommy and Daddy. Accordingly, he believes himself to be truly lost. He does not know that he will soon be reunited.

    I see the whole cloth of human life when I see such a lost child because it foreshadows the grief we all encounter when we lose our parents and grandparents to death.

    For if we live a natural life into adulthood and old age, we are destined to outlive our parents and grandparents. Consequently, we all are destined to become orphans during our lives. It is part of the natural process of life.

    If we live in a society that is our natural right, we are left a legacy of property and tradition. Our parents and grandparents continue to bear the same relation to us as parents in death as they did in life.

    Accordingly, even though our parents and grandparents are physically gone; they still sustain us as their “children” in their legacy to us.

    Therefore in a world that is our by right, we are not orphans and never become orphans.

    Our relation to those that have died before us is sustained through a legacy that is our birthright.


    The wordists would have it that there is God, Country, and Family. To wordists, God comes first, Country comes second, and Family comes third.

    In their view there cannot be Country or Family without God, so God is prior to Country, and Country is prior to Family.

    That way a Hitler, a Bush, or a Pope, can emit the words “family” and “country” (things they invariably find distasteful but never admit) only by first emitting the word “God”, something to which they (according to themselves) have an exclusive tether.

    Invariably, the Hitlers, the Bushes, and the Popes love to tell us the exclusive “skinny” coming from their PERSONAL PIPELINE TO GOD.

    From that they give us the “skinny” on political correctness, and then to the meaning of “country”, and finally to the meaning of “family”.

    These “meanings” become very peculiar whenever the Hitlers, the Bushes, and the Popes convey them to us.

    That is why in our time, “Family” becomes Michael Jackson waving a baby over a balcony with a towel over its head or Madonna waving a pickaninny into the camera. “Family” becomes a “my two Mommies” adoptee learning “tolerance” in a lesbian household.

    “Family” becomes all the mixed-up half-brothers and half-sisters and no-blood-relation “brothers” and “sisters” in the staggered polygamy “been married three times” mainstream.

    “Family” becomes all the elderly “Georges and Marthas” tooling down the road in RVs with a “We’re Spending It Now So Our Children Don’t Get Any” bumper sticker.

    And lording over these peculiar and evil meanings of family and country are the mainstream media, which repeats over and over: “We’re All Family”.

    To the mainstream, Niggers, Spics, Chinks, Crackers, Homos, Lesbians, all of us live together in one big “Family Stew” of love, unity, and tolerance.

    To the mainstream, “Family” becomes one big utopian “melting pot” where tolerance trumps everything and there are never any unkind consequences, except to “haters”, a loathsome being that is enemy to all.

    The real relation of family to country and to God is never considered.

    It dare not be considered, for the real relation, the whole cloth of human life is the opposite of the wordists’ version of God, Country, and Family.

    Instead the actual relation is family, country, and God.

    In reality, family comes first, country comes second, and God comes third.

    This order of family first, country second, and God third is the most profound relation of human existence.

    For without a legacy of property and tradition we do not have family, and if we do not have family, we do not have country.

    But the most terrible, the most awful part is that without family and country WE DO NOT HAVE GOD.

    The liars say relation to God is a given.

    Pastors, Popes, and Kings need that lie, for if you do not know you are lost, how can you find your way home?

    Nonwhites and the multicultural tyrants have one thing in common: They think they can do anything without any consequences to themselves whatsoever.

    In fact, they never consider consequences. They are incapable of it.

    They have stolen our legacy. They have stolen our property. They have stolen our traditions. They have orphaned us to the world.

    In doing so, they not only destroyed our families and our country, they did something far worse: They severed our very connection to God, a terrible truth that even the most ardent white nationalists refuse to admit.

    The white race is now truly orphaned to the world.

    The nonwhites and multicultural tyrants have utterly ruined us.

    These animals never considered that having stolen our property and traditions, having destroyed our families and country, that they have caused us to be reborn in a crucible without God.


    That they can do anything with consequences to themselves is the very essence of the morality of the nonwhites and multicultural tyrants.

    No restrictions, no limits, anything goes, is their motto. In their view of the world, they get to do anything without the slightest consequences to themselves whatsoever.

    The idea of a “no consequences” world is now the essence of mainstream American culture.

    Even Adolph Hilter in all his evil would have blushed at the evil that is now the essence of mainstream American morality.

    The American mainstream is in the grip of an evil millennialism that has never been so extreme at any time in human history.

    It is an evil extremism beyond the pale of anything that has ever existed.

    What a sick joke it is that the mainstream heaps such scorn on the “Sig Heilers” of Adolph Hitler’s Germany. What a sick joke on themselves!!!

    There was never a “Sig Heiler” more ardent in any of Hilter’s crazed mobs than the least of the “Sig Heilers” of the multicultural mainstream.

    These “Sig Heilers” are the givens of our daily existence. We see them every day on the news. In every sitcom, movie, sporting event, political event, and classroom they endlessly assault us.

    They are out there “Sig Heiling” at us from the break of dawn to well after midnight. They never quit. Their fervor and ardent propagandizing is 24 by 7, holidays included, day in and day out, year after year, without end or interruption.

    They stop at nothing: They throw sex perverts at us and tell those sex perverts are loving parents.

    They tell us that we have no rights to our identity, to our race, to our property, to our traditions, to our children, to everything that is rightfully ours.

    They tell us that our acceptance of their brutal rapes, thefts, and humiliating domination is the very meaning of patriotism.

    They tell us that our “tether” to God is to tolerate ANYTHING.

    They tell us to follow only one rule: If it is destructive, if it is unwholesome, if it is sick, if it is a lie, then it is moral.

    They tell us that anything filthy, repulsive, immoral, destructive, disloyal, and against decency is what is right.

    They say that as long as you betray your own flesh and blood, that as long as you sell your children down to river, that as long as you throw your country to the dogs and commit your life and very soul to the most humiliating lies, then and only then, in their view, are you moral.

    Their extremism is beyond all reason, more gargantuan than anything that has ever been in sheer magnitude of evil.

    Never has such evil extremism ever existed in human life. Never has such commitment to wholesale destruction in every facet of our familial, economic, patriotic, and spiritual beings, existed.


    And the nonwhites and multicultural tyrants think they can summon this travesty of human decency and this insult to human existence into being without consequences to themselves.

    How deluded they are.

    How deluded they are.

  4. #4 by Shari on 10/30/2006 - 2:07 pm

    Not Spam

    timestre, I have a close friend whose father was Norwegian. She and her sister, along with husbands traveled there to visit a cousin who lives on Tof island, off of Bergen. One of her cousin’s daughters had two children by two different Norwegian men. Apparently, socialism has ruined marriage there as well. Then she went to Africa, because that is a very fashionable thing to do, and came back pregnant and had a “black Norwegian.” These are middle class, educated people. I’d say that there is a race-problem and sick thinking in Norway too.

    “Without family and country we DO NOT HAVE GOD” is what I think also. Dave can say it better.

  5. #5 by Tom on 10/30/2006 - 3:18 pm




    I’m on the tenth time and counting reading of your comment. To me it is beautifully written but one concept is highly alien and without I feel that I have missed the point. I understood “God, Country, Family” because I exercised those principles as a wordist. Though I didn’t believe in god at the time, I realized the power it held over people.

    Now I’ve come to a complete reversal and understand family and country but I can not figure how god would come third. I don’t even know how it fits in, it was nothing more than a tool to me and that is how I still view the topic today. I would greatly appreciate it if you could go into more detail.

  6. #6 by Alan B. on 10/31/2006 - 4:30 am


    Our constitution refers many times to God, we have our God given rights, laws and so forth. The great men who wrote the constitution were well aware of the depravity of pagan law, rights afforded to a society by the grace of god could never be taken away or usurped by a tyrant. This worked fine for a period of time. Human secularist and marxist believe in rule and rights drived by man, 60 million human beings lost their lives in the 20th century because of this fraud. So where does this all fit in today. PC, multiculturalism and racism are three parts of that new religion that is destroying our white race. This religion is based apon rule and law derived by man, they warp all our concepts of life, liberity and the pursuit of happyness. If brown skin immigration is not worshiped we are called racist, we are denying their right to liberty. If we do not tolerate their allien customs, we are denying their right to liberity. If we refuse to accept them with open arms and fail to provide them with benifits beyond what we possess, we are dening their right to a life on easy street. When god was replace by man, we ended up with this sick and twisted logic, few question how prejudist this is against our people. Our rights and our liberities were god given, from there it was up to each individual to make the best of it, thats what freedom is all about. The church in America today has sold out each and everyone of us, they only preach what is in style. The church has lost faith in god and turned to man for guidence, how else can we explain their refusal to fight the PC crowd, god never takes sides, if only these religious idiots would open their eyes and see how used abd abused they have become.

  7. #7 by Bob on 10/31/2006 - 9:03 am

    Alan, the Constitution does not refer to God one single time.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 10/31/2006 - 3:30 pm


    Let me guess, Divine and creator, now I remember, I did not look it up, lol, last night after work I was tired and I showed it, thaks Bob for pointing this out once again.

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