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Posted by Bob on November 2nd, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

As I said, when Pain was worried about getting too much attention because Mark said he had made some points that needed addressing, too. I pointed out that Mark not only didn’t mind Pain getting attention, he and I would both be ecstatic if Pain took over the frigging world.

Instead of sitting there like a rock, Mark immediately ratified my point. When I speak for someone else, I NEED that.

Mark said not only would he love Pain to take over, I could eat my heart out if he did — joke, gang.

I replied to Mark, “Eat my heart out, hell! I’m just doing this so you folks will take over the government and raise my pension.”

I even told you befor how we would do that. I said my big ambition in life is not be president, but to be an EX-president. The perks are endless, the work is nil. And nobody can fire you from the ex-presidency.

You get a multi-million-dollar book deal, any professorship you want, Secret Service protection for life, a presidential library with a residence in it, a huge office and staff, guaranted paid publication of any dribble you write, hundred thousand dollar lecture fees, and the salary of a Cabinet member for life. And MORE.

So I will run at the head of the ticket and Mark or Pain or Dave will be my running-mate. The minute the inauguration is over, I’ll resign. I will go off and enjoy being the ex-president, and Mark or Pain will work his butt off and maybe get shot.

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