Archive for November 3rd, 2006



Das Hund, never mind Bob’s irritable ways. Those of us “oldtimers” on this blog are used to it, and truth be told, none of us are nice all the time, so why should we expect perfect manners from Bob? I don’t and he and I have sparred on a few occasions and that’s just the way life is. With men, we are sometimes brusque, sometimes rude, but we are usually more than willing to forgive.



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Blood in the Water

The guy April and I were discussing looked at the Blog and said we weren’t concentrating on JEWS enough.

I replied that he didn’t really BEONG inthe Blog, though he has plenty to contribute to the movement elsewhere. What I said was actually very complimentary,a nd you know I don’t hand out compliments like candy. But I DID say he didn’t belong HERE, which is what April indicated, too.

He went ballistic. Here is our last exchange. His comment is below mine:


I didn’t say you were irrational. I told you my emphasis is different. It is MY approach, MY emphasis, MY OPINION.

I would be saying you are irrational if I insisted that MY emphasis, MY opinion, were some kind of Final Truth or Holy Writ and anyone who disagrees wiht me is somehow nuts. A lot of people do that, and you got me confused with them.

But it will be long cold day in Hell before I say THAT.

No, I don’t think the Jew is the deadliest threat to our existence. There is a disease in ourselves that Jews exploit. Lincoln exploited it. William Buckley exploits it.

If the Jews disappeared tomorrow somebody else would exploit it, though not as well. But the bottom line is that if you bleed in the water there will always be sharks to come after you.

In the end, we provide this ammunition to our enemies. Your signature statement from Hitler on Americans demonstrates that.

Jews today ARE a deadly threat. And you and Dr. Duke are onto them.

I do not judge my comrades. If it makes you feel any better, Jared Taylor does not LIKE me. But he has helped me and IN MY OPINION it is better to correct pro-whites than to exclude them.

I will not tell you to calm down. I don’t WANT you calmed down. This is a war and there is nothing to calm down about.

Give me hell, but don’t let it interfere with your fighting the fight. Sometimes giving an old stick-in-the-mud like me the devil gives you battlers added drive.

[QUOTE=Paradigm Shifter;3577861]I made it clear that I belong to a group that names the Jew in the first post of this thread, and then you invited me to “try” your blog. You’re the one who has behaved illogically here. Did you really think that I would fail to notice your link to American Renaissance?

This is an absurd statement.

I understand that the Stormfront staff wants to be inclusive as possible, but what about [URL=”″]this[/URL]?

Stormfront should not be so inclusive as to embrace individuals and groups who are antithetical to its policy:

“From that commitment flows our most important message: we name the Jew as the deadliest, if not the only, threat to our existence as a race. Forge this message in titanium.”

Do you “name the Jew as the deadliest, if not the only, threat to our existence as a race” Bob?[/QUOTE]



That Smartass Dave Again


Re: “Wolves” And The Ability To See And Hear What Other’s Don’t

An “undomesticated person” is a person that is able to endure life without indulging in consolations. That is what furnishes him his “wolf-like” character.

Such personalities possess a sightedness and an ability to hear what others don’t, a decisive competitive advantage (to man and wolf).

Adolph Hitler had his “thousand year Reich”, Globalists have theirs, and Libertarians have theirs. Let us leave such things to them.

Instead, let us turn our attention to the HERE AND NOW.

To bullies and their penchant for defamation.

But what is defamation to a seer and hearer (a wolf)?

A “wolf” knows this:

For every inside, there is an outside.

For every obverse, there is an inverse.

For every concave, there is a convex.

Tell me:

Why do the Antis scream RACIST!!!! so loud?

Why do they devote SO MUCH ENERGY TO IT?

27×7, holidays included, for 65 solid years Antis have screamed RACIST!!!

Without intermission.

Their pure relentless screaming is amazing; it never ends, it never ceases, not for a second.


Why endlessly scream about something that is TRUE? What is the necessity?

Have the Antis been screaming that springtime grass is green? That a cloudless daytime sky is blue? That the sun rises in the east and sets in the west?

No, to the contrary:

They have been screaming that white people are NOT INHERENTLY SUPERIOR.

To a “wolf” this is good evidence its OPPOSITE.

Unlike a “dog”, a “wolf” can accept the energy offered by its enemies.

Consequently, “wolves” ACTUALLY NEED the defamations and attacks of bullies and enemies.

Scream RACIST!!! at a “wolf”.

The “wolf” will take that energy and PERFORM JUDO upon it.


For the “wolf” hears the epithet RACIST!!! for WHAT IT REALLY IS: an incantation to his knighted soul, to summon its supremacy, and to prove it in poise.

NO NONWHITE can see what the “wolf” SEES or hear what the “wolf” HEARS.

Their simian and parasitic brains couldn’t possibly do such a thing.

Ask yourself:

What is authentic about an “African American”?

There is nothing “African” about him.

He speaks MY MOTHER TONQUE. He wears MY PEOPLE’S clothes. He lives a life that is wholly of MY PEOPLE. He is a parasite is every aspect of his existence.

Why does the Japanese businessman stand there in his Englishman’s business suit, completely unaware of his ridiculousness? Why does the Chinaman do the same?

What is Mexican in a Mexican? In their pickups and Hondas?

Do you see what I am getting at? Do you see how marvelous white nationalism can be?

Learn to SEE and to HEAR.

Comment by Dave —



April Gaede and James Kelso Are HERE!

The oldest signatures of history we have are the hand prints Cro-Magnon men signed their paintings with thirty thousand years ago. It is shame that their fingerprints are not on file. I don’t have that problem.

April and James are part of history, if it is a history I want to be part of. April is the mother of the two lovely young blond girls who make up Prussian Blue. If you don’t know who they are, Google it. April founded this duo and is spokeswoman for it.

April and I share the privilege of having been denounced in National Review for our special place in spreading evil RACISM. But that is the least of HER accomplishments.

Kelso has been part of this blog for a long time. He is the man I have mentioned here many times, the man who works 168 hours a week for our cause and still finds time to take care of any technical or other difficulties we have here.

I finally got Kelso to actually WRITE something here. I use subtle technique by telling him I was dying of something and had only days to live and would he please grant an old man’s dying wish. I remember some sobbing came in somewhere there, too.

April just handed me the Christmas present of popping in here.

If there to be a history in the future that MATTERS, and not the scribblings of an endless brown humanity made up of a very large ant colony that stagnates and calls itself Mankind, you and I will part of it, and April and Kelso will be at the top of that list.

April, if all this gushing adoration embarrasses you, just blush sweetly for the old man.


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Merry Christmas, Bob!

Each morning, when I drag my corpse out of my coffin, I make my coffee and head straight for this Blog. I am ready to see what comments we have today. Most mornings I hit “Login” to see what you have to say and the computer grinds away, minute after minute, SLOWLY getting to what makes my morning worth while.

This really ticks me off big-time. I dragged my corpse up, which for me is always a pain, I got my coffee, and I am ready for my reward, the one I EARNED by doing all this.

This morning I realized the feeling I have was very familiar, but I couldn’t locate it. Then it hit me. I remember, in the far-gone days of my childhood, looking at those Christmas presents under the tree and thinking that December 25 would NEVER come.

When I woke up on Christmas morning the time it took me to get the Christmas tree would have made an Olympic sprinter green with jealous awe.

If anything had gotten between me and that tree it would have been sprinters. And this damned computer, grinding at me, is getting in my way!

I used to get through all that and see, “There are no Comments for you to Moderate” or, worse, nothing but several pieces of Spam.

Now I am getting comments, GOOD comments, and every morning is Yule.

Thanks, gang.


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