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SF Exchange

Posted by Bob on November 3rd, 2006 under Coaching Session

Fair? Did I say I was being fair?

If you beat your chest about how unfair you were to the Indians, you are bleeding in the water. I have known hardcore white racists, contributors to the Klan, who insisted we were unnice to the Indians.

When Lincoln slaughtered us over slavery, he didn’t invent that guilt complex.

We took the world. Either, all crap aside, what we are is the only thing that matters on earth or we aren’t.

We feel empathy with the losers. But the losers want what WE have. No INdian wants tolive like an Indian. Try to get an African back to Africa and he will slit your throat.

Stop the crap. Stop the crap 100%.

Or you can cry and bleed in the water. If we believe that crap THEY believe that crap.

AmI being too subtle here?

I cannot talk to a group of Pod People.

[QUOTE=Dr. Ford;3579503]Bob,

Do tell us more about this. In your opinion, what specifically is our great flaw? Some say that it is because many Whites are cowardly. Others say the problem is due to the greedy and corrupt within our ranks.

To me, a large part of the problem seems to stem from the fact that the average White person cannot comprehend the nature of the mind of psychopathic people. They believe the lies because it is difficult for them to see that there are people who can lie to that extent.

When Jews go about parroting their latest social craze (racial equality, radical feminism, etc.), people tend to believe it because they think such ideas come from (distraught) people within their own ranks, rather than “aliens” with a hidden agenda (or mental problem).

Take all the voluminous works of Marx, Adorno, Gould, etc. It is hard to believe that these people could create falsehoods of such epic proportions, or, if they were deluded themselves (and actually believed their own crap), that such people could be so sick, yet still live somewhat normal lives.

For this reason, delusions are often contagious.

The other question that comes to mind is: Is it fair to expect Whites to be immune to every possible threat? If a person contracts an infectious disease, is it because of a faulty immune system or is it because of the existence of the disease organism itself?[/QUOTE]

  1. #1 by Pain on 11/04/2006 - 12:22 am


    They are saying that fence-sitting gives splinters but few friends. But what they don’t understand is that you are as hard-hitting on the Jewish enemy as anyone on the planet. They don’t understand that you have fought hard in the REAL world for our race in Washington and the globe and have paid a real personal price with your emotional life. Your strategy is both take-no-prisoners and practical. The real hard-hitters are beginning to see all this, which is why you saw April here. More people are reading your blog furiously. I know. I have met a few in person who don’t post comments.

  2. #2 by Pain on 11/04/2006 - 12:42 am


    On the “flaw” business. The obvious thing is that the only way the Jewish enemy could get in an acquire so much power is that we let him. It’s that simple. Obviously, there is a flaw, a sickness. Jewish schemes are actually bungling and inept. Marx’s Communism was the incoherent ramblings of an over-confident 12-year old. Freud was the incoherent ramblings of an over-confident 12-year old who has watched a lot of porn. Last night I heard a broadcast about some Jew named Katz who believes the solution to losing weight is never to eat salty foods at the same time as sweet foods. He is obviously very stupid, but the white newscaster was taken with him and his anxiety-free grab for money in a diet-fad scheme. Katz, as stupid as he is, has an important job as a researcher for some important institution.

    These schemes are STUPID. They only work because we adults LET them.

    All they have going for them is the sociopath’s lack of anxiety.

    Lack of anxiety is NOT fearlessness, confidence, nor charisma. It is a lack of conscience.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 11/04/2006 - 3:08 am


    Well said Bob, hes a fine example of a popular and trusted psycopath.
    Evangelist Ted Haggard admitted Friday that he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a gay prostitute who claims he was paid for drug-fueled trysts by the outspoken gay marriage opponent. I believe the psycopath gets off on manipulation and desciet more that anything else, what sicko’s. Bush is a psycopath or a retard maybe, he gloats about iraq’s new constitution, later, when the IDIOT US Supreme Court through out propietry rights he said, I respect their decision, what an asshole. He also talks about protecting Americans from terrorist yet our southern border with Mexico is left wide open. Bush,the PC crowd and the rest of these phonies are sick, evil freaks!

  4. #4 by Mark on 11/04/2006 - 10:45 pm


    Bob, is there indication that readership of WOL is up? Do you have any way to track it?

    Also, if Bob will allow me to direct this to everyone on the board (here I go again) please, please, please post the Mantra! We need field soldiers — not armchair generals.

    Even if all you do is post it once a day I’m begging you to post it.

    There are a lot of places you can post and it can be done anonomously. You can email the Mantra, post the Mantra on blogs, post the mantra on news discussion forums, post the blog in chat rooms, send the Mantra by instant messenger — use your imagination but just get the message out!

    If you “convert” just one person that one future comrade could be be the next Napoleon that saves our race — you can never tell. One stone thrown into a pond creates many, many ripples — remember that. So please post!!

  5. #5 by Simmons on 11/05/2006 - 1:19 am


    Speaking of psychopaths, In England some city council or something banned its employees from using the phrase “Political Correctness” so as to not identify it with what it really is an authoritarian religion. The article is over at American Renaissance.

  6. #6 by Elizabeth on 11/06/2006 - 8:25 pm

    NOT SPAM (see!)

    The basic flaw I see is this deep-seated need to be LIKED. I got over this in my late 20s, when
    it had nearly ruined my life a few times.

    People who go through life needing to be LIKED are seriously crippled psychologically.

    One thing we need to all remember about the President is that he has a degree
    from Harvard. (He has an MBA from Harvard Business School.) Being in the Ivy
    League seems to maim a lot of people in the integrity.

  7. #7 by Shari on 11/07/2006 - 9:24 pm



    I agree with Elizabeth that a deep-seated need to be liked is a flaw. I didn’t get over it in my late 20’s, but was smacked out of it hard, about then, although I have nothing to brag about. I’m not big league anything. The president has a degree from Yale, I think, home of the “skull and bones”. Another reason why the Ivy League maims, is because they are required to degrade their selves in being elite.

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