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Those Spam Machines Are Getting Smarter

Posted by Bob on November 5th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Some of the spam used to be from “Elizabeth”.”

Now they say “Kevin” a lot.

Many of you are upset because I don’t recognize that “joe ororke” is a real person. How DARE I ask a regular, who has earned his place here, to put



at the top.

How can Bob not know that you , regular is not writing spam? How insulting can Bob get?

Well, to start with, I can and do get a LOT more insulting. But only when I MEAN to.

But in this case you need to realize that machines LEARN.

In a year or so, every spam machine will know to put



at the top.

In the meantime you would help me if you followed what some of you seem to think are Bob’s orders, the ones you ain’t skeert of.

  1. #1 by Kevin on 11/05/2006 - 6:24 pm


    Bob, we spam machines have attained artificial intelligence. Only keauno reaves can stop us now!

    I suppose I have been writing a lot lately. I sure hope it wasn’t a hint to stop.

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 11/05/2006 - 11:51 pm



    That was funny, LOL.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 11/06/2006 - 1:23 am



    The famous philosopher Rodney King once said, “Can’t we all just get along” The was after his days of mugging and beating up little old ladies. Remember what Bob told us, we need sergents and sergants know how to follow order from their superiors, so get your head out of you 4th point of contact, follow bob’s dorections.

  4. #4 by Adelheim on 11/06/2006 - 6:41 am



    To tenestre!

    I have posted it on no.samfunn.politikk.diverse (

    And: no.samfunn.politikk.innvandring (

    We should see what they say and may adjust it.

  5. #5 by Adelheim on 11/06/2006 - 5:30 pm



    To tenestre again!

    I got some criticism. It seemed like they did not understand it. Even the anti-immigration people. Not just the “DUUh” argument. Maybe “meltingpot” was not a good idea. Therfore I rewrote it. So what do you think?

    “Alle snakker om innvandring, integrering og flerkultur. De sier at vi må blande alle folkeslag, slik at alle mennesker til slutt blir det samme folket. Dette blir også kalt smeltedigelen.

    Dersom smeltedigelen faktisk var målet, burde også ikke-hvite land ha innvandring, integrering og flerkultur. Men ingen sier at denne politikken er nødvendig for Asia, Afrika eller andre ikke-hvite områder.

    Nei, denne politikken gjelder bare for ALLE hvite land og KUN hvite land. Politisk korrekte sier målet med dette er at alle mennesker i hvite land skal bli brune. Som i klartekst betyr at hvite vil slutte og eksistere.

    Hva om jeg sa at innvandring, integrering og flerkultur var bra for ALLE afrikanske land og KUN afrikanske land? Og dette ville ende med at alle mennesker i afrikanske land ville bli ikke-afrikanere. Som i klartekst betyr at afrikanere vil slutte og eksistere.

    Hvor lang tid ville det ta noen å innse at jeg ikke snakket om innvandring og integrering fordi jeg ville ha flerkultur, eller for å gjøre alle til det samme folket? Det jeg egentlig snakket om var å integrere afrikanske mennesker ut av eksistens.

    Og hvem ville ikke sett at dette var et folkemord mot afrikanere dersom de opphørte å eksistere? Og hvor lang tid ville det ta en fornuftig afrikaner å legge merke til dette? Og hvilken afrikaner ville ikke ha protestert mot dette?

    Men hvis jeg forklarer denne åpenbare sannheten om folkemordet mot mitt folk, hvite mennesker, hvor vi integreres og assimileres ut av eksistens, så er politisk korrekte enige om at jeg er en nazistsomvildrepeseksmillionerjøder.

    De sier de er anti-rasistiske. Det de er, er anti-hvite.

    Anti-rasist er et kodeord for anti-hvit.”

  6. #6 by Elizabeth on 11/06/2006 - 8:20 pm


    Sorry. I get carried away with enthusiasm occasionally, and I
    really do have ADD, official diagnosis and prescriptions,
    and all.

    I’m preparing to defend my thesis and to take my “comps”
    (orals, exit exam, you get the idea) on Wednesday. Prayers
    and/or cheering up appreciated.

  7. #7 by Kevin on 11/07/2006 - 7:08 pm


    I’ll be cheering for you Elizabeth, good luck!

  8. #8 by Bob on 11/08/2006 - 10:44 am

    Elizabeth, as Trager wrote you, the defence is never a problem in our fairly extensive experience.

    You thikof hte hard questions they could ask you, but they don’t. If you have it clered by the readers already, they would be on the spot, too. Professors don’t like to make enemies that way.

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