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Posted by Bob on November 10th, 2006 under Coaching Session, History


In the late 1960s David Halbersham wrote a book called “The Best and the Brightest” which was a best-seller the media didn’t like. The media were blaming Vietnam on Lyndon Johnson and blubbering over John Kennedy’s Camelot, those glorious John Kennedy days before before the Evil Texan took over.

Halberstam pointed out, in detail, how it was Kennedy’s Harvard advisors who got us into Vietnam BEFORE Johnson took office.

They were called “the best and the brightest,” the kind of young liberal intellectuals the media worshipped.

And today neoconservatives declare that they are not the old-fashioned conservatives who opposed the glorious things liberalism did in the 1960s. They say they WERE liberal intellectuals, and they ARE liberal intellectuals in the exact image of “the best and the brightest” back then.

And they got us into Iraq, our new Vietnam.

They are neos, and Iraq is our neoNam.

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 11/10/2006 - 2:35 pm



    I can only say this to George Bush, “Mission Acomplished”. Fourty years on democrat contol of congress was quashed in 1995, it took only six years of GWB to throw out the window. I was once a republican, now I am no longer a game playing fool for either party, I dispise both parties, I’m an American for America. These two parties are full of traditors and selfserving sico’s. As for the neo cons, they are Troskite leftist and a danger to anybody who falls for their lies. These Harvard and Yale educated so called Wiz Kids got us into Iraq in the belief that the Iraqis would embrace democracy and it has been a failure. These same idiots got the US into Vietnam, we never learn and they just keep weasling their way back into goverment. The neo cons are intellectuals then again so are the PC, muticultrial idiots, they always have the answers to everything and they always create a disaster for America.

  2. #2 by Antonio Fini on 11/10/2006 - 8:15 pm



    The Neocons who gave us Neonam. That’s damned catchy and I’m going to start using it everywhere. I’ll bet it gets into mainstream news soundbites eventually.

    When the WTC was destroyed I remember reading about a bunch of college proffessors who drafted a resolution supporting just wars against terrorist states. How inspiring I thought; even these lefty academics are really patriots deep down inside when their country is threatened.

    Man I was so innocent then I was stupid.

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