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Posted by Bob on November 13th, 2006 under Coaching Session


Like many kids I put effort in attempting to figure out the secret to hypnosis, but my attempts to figure it out flummoxed me.

Years later, a TV entertainer gave away the secret, not on TV, but in testimony at a murder trial.

The man is known as “Kreskin” and goes by the stage name of “The Great Kreskin”.

He was testifying for the defense. The purpose of his testimony was to inform the court of why testimony obtained under the influence of hypnosis is not reliable.

This is what Kreskin told the court: “For the court to accept testimony obtained under influence of hypnosis is to commit the same error the subject of hypnosis commits.”

Kreskin continued: “I am one of world’s most expert hypnotists and I will tell you the hypnotist’s secret: There is no such thing as the hypnotic state. That is the con of the hypnotist. The subject, no matter how skeptical, is under a fear that the hypnotic state might exist. It is that fear that is the hypnotist’s ally.”

Then Kreskin said: “Hypnosis is all suggestion and the manipulation of human fear. That is why anything anyone does or says under the influence of a hypnotist is unreliable. Hypnosis in its entirety is a fraud, that’s why we entertainers love to use it.”

What an enlightenment that was to me. Here was “ The Great Kreskin” telling the bald face truth about his craft for the sake of justice in a court of law.

I suddenly saw that the hypnotists’ secret was to understood how vulnerable humans are to lies because of fear.

That is why the PC crowd is so much under the influence of multiculturalism. Their fear is being associated with “evil racism” and it trumps their rationality, making them subject to the hypnotic suggestions of multicultural orthodoxy.

And that is why BW’s mantra is so critical: It forces rational examination, thus breaking the hold of the hypnotic manipulators over their subjects.

In being confronted by the mantra, fear causes PC antis to struggle for an exit, but there is none. This awakens them out of their trance, a trance induced by fear based manipulation.

This is what makes BW such a genius. He understands minds. He knows how to insinuate influence into the world.

This is the stuff many in the world of political consultancy dream of, but never achieve.

They are all too much under the influence of the college educations for that.

Comment by Dave —

  1. #1 by Pain on 11/13/2006 - 3:24 pm


    I think we have a writer here!

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 11/14/2006 - 4:47 am



    The power of the Hypnotist is awe inspiring, he is a god, he can hold you under his power. His power is not based on superior inteligence or elite status, its power our ones sense of reality, based upon belief. The Professor Priest Hood operates using the same principle, the professor is seen as a god, all knowing, honest and forthright. In actuality, he is a freud, his ability to manipulte his audience is based on pure belief, ignorance and trust. Like all freuds, he keeps his racket alive by attacking the unfaithfull, he labels them racist, the hypnotist would call them closed minded so they are poor candidates for hypnosis.

  3. #3 by Nobody on 11/14/2006 - 6:37 pm

    Vanguard News Network’s Craig “Chain” Cobb noted that fully accepting the truth about RACE, and OUR RACE, in particular, is a Satori Moment; suddenly, we see the Matrix for what it is, and we see that, as the CREATIVE RACE, the power of the Matrix – the Jewtrix, as we say on VNN – is limited to the power we give to it.

    From the Quickening – the Satori Moment – to the Awakening – a path of seeing the thinking truthfully that never ends – we should all be motivated by nothing so much as the idea that the ONE AND ONLY RACE – literally, OUR POSTERITY – is responsible for ALL that is good on the face of the Earth, and ALL that makes what is GOOD, into something that is BETTER than what came before.

    Any time I think I’m not making any headway on the issue of the saving of the Ideal of Western Civilization, I remind myself that the “timeless” Satori Moment – the TRUE Quickening – leads toa path of ever more frequent such “timeless” moments, into the realm of the Men Above Time.

    And, as for the exact form the outcome of our efforts may take?

    ALL we have to do is work on the fundamentals with controlled, disciplined ruthlessness.

    From page 44 of “The Lightning and The Sun,” by Savitri Devi”
    “from “The Lightning and the Sun” by Savitri Devi p. 44
    The most distinctive trait of the men “outside” or “above” Time, as opposed to those who live “in” Time or “against” Time, is perhaps their consistent refusal to use violence even in order to forward the most righteous cause. Not that they are at all squeamish about violence, like the weaklings, neither good nor bad, who compose ninety per cent of mankind at our epoch. They could not possibly disapprove of the warrior-like ideal of detached, selfless violence preached by Lord Krishna — the divine Preserver of the Universe, Himself — in the Bhagavad-Gita; for that ideal is in harmony with ever-lasting truth, which any man who has transcended Time is bound to acknowledge. Only they are not Kshattriyas by nature, whatever be their race, their social position, their inherited responsibilities; they are not men of action, by nature, let alone fighters. Their action, like that of the Sun, lies essentially in their personal radiation of power, beauty and goodness. What they do is, of course, the integral reflexion of what they are, nothing more; nothing different; nothing which is foreign to them, for they are fully conscious of their being. And if they have any substantial influence at all, it is, like that of the Sun, an influence from above and from afar, characterized by its absolute impartiality, its indiscriminate and impersonal goodness. They do nothing to compel others — nothing, at least, beyond certain limits, even if they live in the world. They know they cannot force the evolution of things, nor suppress the part played by Time in the lives of those who are still submitted to its iron law. Again, like the Sun, they shine. If the seed is alive, it will ripen sooner or later, never mind when, Violence would only help to produce an artificial growth. And if the seed be dead? Let it be! There are new seeds; new creations, for ever and ever. The people who live in eternity can wait.”

    And, while “the people who live in eternity can wait,” we can not; we must work, singularly, and joyously, to sowing the seeds for a much better Tomorrow for OUR Posterity.

  4. #4 by PeterGene Budarick on 11/17/2006 - 6:05 am



    Brilliant post!

    Talking my language and in the trenches with me as well.

    Spot on!

    The people on this forum Bob has inspired are a team of immense quality!

    You are THE BEST!

    There is no forum as good as this one!

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