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Comments Needed

Posted by Bob on November 30th, 2006 under Coaching Session

One of the mistakes I made in the last month or so was to emphasize the Mantra so much that it made observations and comments seem unwelcome. I think it’s time I got back on track. This is a place of discussion and comraderie.

I sidetracked myself the same way. Writing is work for you, too, so I appreciate it.

Let’s try to get back on track.

The Mantra project should have given us more to talk about. Experience in the field is useful and could be interesting. Bt one thing we must always do is see which sideof a thing works and which doesn’t. We need to keep up our discussion while those who wish can go on with the Mantra and I hope the “buddy” approach works out independently.

But writing is in itself critical. It is an art we will have to develop, and this is a special opportunity to develop it. I get a lot of your ideas and they lead me to think in areas I would not have gone without the stimulation.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/30/2006 - 1:03 pm


    I have studied Federal tax law for many years and it is a damnable thing to figure out.

    I have no doubt in my mind why tax reform efforts fail. The reason is that the reformers are always, though well intentioned, sadly misinformed.

    Their reform efforts invariably play into the hands of the Establishment and help consolidate Establishment power, the very opposite of what was intended.

    This is playing out today with the Libertarian fools who want a Federal VAT (sales tax to replace the income tax).

    These Libertarians are so stupid they don’t realize that helps the Federal Government consolidate its jurisdiction within the States by replacing the income tax (which has a Constitutional cloud over its jurisdiction) with a tax that doesn’t.

    BW is a rare historian because he surfaces this very phenomenon time and again as playing the central role in the enabling of the Federal dictatorship we now endure.

    But my message is this: Getting our facts right IS IMPORTANT. And my hope of White Nationalism is that it will be the one movement and opposition party that will get its facts right.

    Now that is a big hope, but with the Internet, for the first time in history, there is some chance of that succeeding.

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 11/30/2006 - 2:48 pm



    The N word crisis is now upon us, Great leaders from far and wide are coming forth, they shout heresy. Jessy jackson and Al Sharpton are calling for the abolishnment of the N word, these self proclaimed leaders of the Black race will have it no other way. The political grand standing over this makes be laugh so hard my sides hurt. Theres Jessy and Al grad standing using this incident for a fund raising event. Then we have all the white liberals and chicken little conservatives also crying heresy, wile those amoung us who are really the victims, the White race find ourselves being beated down and chastised for being white. Lets point out this much, Richards is a Jew, so rather than totally destroying him for the comment, he is no the black communities poster boy for white racism, I say bullshit, this was a personal act so keep me out of it. I would also like to know why the mouthy blacks who lack manners and respect for those in the audience that night were not brought to bear for their use of the word cracker and whittie, seems to me they have used these words before. You know how it is, a Nig@% is a victim so its always whitties or crackers fault.

  3. #3 by Kenny on 11/30/2006 - 2:49 pm


    I was thinking about the times you have been on the road or the site is down, the central meeting place for us is gone. What about forming a yahoo group as a second site that moderates membership but allows posting freely. It would also work as advertising for this site to those who stumble across it. Just throwing an idea out to the floor, I’ll set it up if its agreed to.

  4. #4 by Alan B. on 11/30/2006 - 2:59 pm



    One more thing about Jessy Jackson and Al Sharpton, these two phoney do nothings worship words as Bob would say. Remember the New Orleans Flood, you couldn’t find a hide or hair from these two bums. when it comes down to really helping thoses in need they can not do shit. All the words in the world can not guide a group of blacks to shore in a boat or bring them food and water. When the racism angle finally surfaced the Jessy nad Al came out of the wood work, but ever these two idiots could hide the fact that whittie was manning the boats that were full of the black helpless victims. So my advise to jessy and Al is this, keep knocking up you tramps, keep calling New York Hymie town atleast then I know your doing something thats not staged.

  5. #5 by Shari on 11/30/2006 - 4:40 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    I put the mantra on an Am.Ren article, but they didn’t post it. But now I notice this;

    “Would Gaddafi mind if millions of Americans moved to his country?…. How about millions of Brits ,or Mexican or Chinese? Would he like his country to be one forth American,one forth Mexican, one forth cChinese with the Lybians at one forth, a minority in his own country?…”

    So, did anyone here do that, I wonder?

  6. #6 by Dennis on 11/30/2006 - 5:31 pm



    I have used the Mantra quite a few times, though often paraphrased to make it relevant to the topic of conversation in a public forum held weekly in my city outdoors. So far I have actually had little opposition, and it is probably largely due to the delivery. Which has led to me to ponder this.

    On the internet, we can read someones text but cannot see their facial expressions, or hear the tone of their voice or make out their speech pattern. While the Internet is a very effective means of spreading an idea, incredibly efficient, actual face to face communication is still more effective in influencing people. Face to face, people can see your sincerity, can judge your character, and more importantly, cannot not project the image of an ‘evil racist’ which they can do, when just reading words.

    Yes, the Internet is revolutionary, but we are still people, and face to face communication still has a greater impact that reading text in a screen, especaially when they hear these words from someone who seems an ordinary person.

  7. #7 by Alan B. on 12/01/2006 - 6:03 am



    The national sales tax would be a better than a federal income tax, comsumption of goods is a matter of choice, the federal income tax is one tax you pay regardless. What we really need is for these self indulgent paresites in washington to drasticly cut spending otherwise any tax system would just be another joke. When two thirds of the federal budget is social welfare spending etc, just eliminating this waste would enable the American worker to shed the chains of this Marxis income tax rip off with out any need for a new system. Reality IS, these low lifes in DC will never do anything for the people if it lessons their power over us, so until these paresites are voted out and replaced with real human beings just forget the idea ever occured to you. When Isreal wants cash all but 8 vote yes, when the sheeple just bitch its business as usual.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 12/01/2006 - 1:53 pm



    The legacy of Adolf Hitler lives on today more than 60 years after his death. People of all walks of life are facinated with this man, hes is used as the lefts poster boy for evil, yet others gain a since of pride from his mystique. What I believe attracts people to Hitler is his strong emotional emphasis on German nationalisn and race. Hitler drives drives the point home, he compliments his people, reminding the Germans of their unique place in history, their heritage and life blood. Out side of the anaziwhowantstokill6millionjewsclub, the majority of us deep down wish we had a real leader who took as much pride in our great race, a man who isn’t afraid to point out our great achievments. Todays world is do mondane, phoney and scripted that it cries out for a strong leader who can lift us out of this PC nightmare we live in. Many want us to see Hitler as the devil, yet what they are achieving is the oposite, they are portraying the kind of leader most of us are yourning for.

  9. #9 by LibAnon on 12/01/2006 - 3:08 pm

    “Let’s try to get back on track.”
    Yes! Please! I miss the old Bob’s Blog, which couldn’t be reduced to a “mantra”.
    After a year or so of reading your stuff, I find there’s very little with which I can “agree”. But that’s precisely why I kept coming back! You made me think, and you made me laugh. In other words, it was truly, and uniquely, subversive. But then came the “Mantra”, and the tone here soon became (IN MY OPINION — remember that?) just as grim, fanatical and unhealthy as the jingle/jangle/jungle culture we’re trying to overthrow. But another thing I’ve learned here at Bob’s Blog is never to give up on Bob’s Blog. Even after the longest fallow periods, it always comes through with something I wouldn’t have wanted to miss.

  10. #10 by Lord Nelson on 12/01/2006 - 3:18 pm

    Hi Folks

    I just got back from a business trip to Bulgaria where I traveled around towns and villages that have not really changed from the communist era.
    It gave me a real insight into just how evil and dehumanising that whole system was, and its scary to think that the sick mindset that inflicted such evil is now controlling the governments and media of our White countries.
    When I have time I hope to write more of what I experienced there.
    Till then I just want to say its great to see this blog getting bigger and better.

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