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The Servile Theme

Posted by Bob on December 31st, 2006 under History

The World War II generation brought back to America the old servile attitude: “This is a government of laws, not of men.” The preamble to the American Constitution was exactly what the Kings men did not want: “We the PEOPLE of the United States of America… and OUR Posterity.”

There was a sense of ownership before World War II that is hard for me to explain today. When the Federal government intruded, it was a personal thing. WE were responsible for being sure no white woman got attacked in OUR territory.

Contrasted to this, I remember how odd New York television programs looked. From Superman to cowboys, they showed the bad guys lynching evildoers, and the evildoer was always innocent and should have been governor. What struck me as odd was that, as I looked at the rabbits who had come home from World War II, I could not imagine any of them taking ANY law into their own hands.

Basic training in WWII was aimed to make a rabbit out of a man. Then half of them went on to college under the GI Bill and learned that you had to obey and regurgitate to get that degree. I did not meet ANY products of World War II who would sanction any independent action of any kind.

Today, if your child is rape, the jury will kill you if you take the revenge any male would take. The idea that they wouldn’t is as alien as the America before the Tyrants’ Greatest Generation took over.

When the first member of the WWII Generation became president, his inaugural speech said, “Aaask not what your country can do for you, aaask what you can do for your country.” You could not put the servile spirit more simply and more clearly. In 1789 we formed a government to serve US. In 1961 “The Greatest Generation” reformed it to a government we had to serve.

The FBI denied the existence of organized crime and did what the World War II generation wanted it to do. It concentrated on infiltrating and destroying anyone who resisted integration. The World War II Generation contained a lot of segregationists, but all of them said the FBI was right. Like respectable conservatives, any lynch mob the Feds formed they wanted to LEAD it.

Today this servile attitude is embodied in gun control. Listen to someone who is demanding gun control and you will hear that old servile theme, “All Power to the Authorities. Only the Authorities should have guns.”

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 12/31/2006 - 8:32 pm



    The Wilson and Roosevelt disasters ushered in the nanny state, the depression and the helplessness it created thanks to the Federal Reserve stripped our citizens of the freedom to prosper in times of hardship, if that result was intended as a mechinism for goverment reliance it was effective. Every leftist goverment program Roosevelt inacted made condictions during the depression worse, goverment regulations and intrusion always hamper the free market. Sure we have those propaganda films of the citizens working on goverment funded prodjects, smiling and praising their god Roosevelt, truth is, by the time we entered WW2 more Americans were unemployed than were in 1933, the nation was in bad shape. The war created the mother of all eutopias for the leftist nanny state champions, state managed and assisted production. So there was full employment if ones considers killing your fellow man a job, aka military draft and the goverment went to work convincing the Greatest Generation that Rooselvet was god and goverment could be trusted, big business came around too, they made a fortune with out tax dollars. It never fails to amaze me that nobody asked why all of a sudden there was money galore available once the war got started but before then the fed restricted the availability of loans to a bare minimum. The myth that war creates properity and goverment can run the economy was cemented in the minds of the American people. The Greatest Generation bowed down to big goverment and accepted all the tax payer funded hand outs once the war ended, they say we owed it to them, bullshit. The men who died or became destitute as a result of the American Revolution never said anybody owed them anything, they gave us freedom and a constitution, the Whinnest Generation through it all away for a free hand out, thanks fellas.

  2. #2 by Nobody on 12/31/2006 - 9:43 pm


    “Servility” is the attitude – the MIND set – They Who Rule always want, in They Who Serve.

    We tend to overlook the psychographics of the Depression Generation.

    They were placed on ever-softer ground, and the economy around them – the REAL economy, the PRODUCTIVE economy – was softly imploded by the bankers, the one group nobody dared name . . .

    Business liquidity was supplied by what bankers called Ninety-Day Paper – short term loans by the banks to the businesses – small businesses, in particular – that were backed by accounts receivable; historically, these notes are simply rolled over as they came due. Suddenly, they WEREN’T rolled over; they were called. This led to a series of cascading cross-defaults (a term you will hear in the years to come), and the small businesses faced insolvency. This increased, as the banks did not make any new loans, and a cycle of collapse began. In turn, small businesses, which had their credit lines revoked, went bankrupt and sold their assets to larger businesses, which retained their credit lines, for pennies on the dollar. This pattern was extended to agriculture, where the banks foreclosed on farms where all but ten percent of the loan was paid off. Assured of getting their money, even in a down market (they had the buyers lined up, of course), the banks foreclosed on the “ten per-centers” with great joy. Doesn’t this resemble a sort of “collectivization,” as was the case in the Soviet Union? Do you see the same Goddamn JEWISH system at work?

    Fast forward fifty years, and see how the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation” stands idly by as the dreams of their sons and daughters are disappearing in a “stagflation” economy, particularly in farming, and construction. (Remember that word, “stagflation economy.” You’ll be hearing it again, about a year from now. Remember the “solution,” as well.)

    And just WHAT came out of the collapse of the farming economy in the mid-Eighties, or so, from a People with nothing, and nothing to lose.

    The Militia Movement – a totally serious, totally focused, totally motivated, totally MASCULINE attempt to consciously recapture the foundations of their families, their livelihoods, their identities as Men, and subconsciously, even inadvertently, the living foundations of their RACE.

    The self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation” sat idly by – “Don’t rock the boat, son! I’m still getting my Social Security, and I’ve got an appointment at the VA Clinic next month!”

    When they saw their future, the sons of the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation” found the goddamn balls their fathers gave away, in the name of “maturity,” “tolerance,’ and “getting along with others.”

    I see the “Militia Movement,” for all its weaknesses, as an Aspect of “Recovery of Manhood,” which is THE vital element in pushing Civilization forward.

    The “Greatest Generation” pretty much stood by as the small family farms were wiped out, one at a time, just as in the Great Depression that they faced . . .

    Their sons, and grandsons, saw their wives and sisters reduced to despair; the Masculine response was of disciplined, focused anger.

    I think They Who Rule saw the Militia Movement as the leading edge of what could have been a prairie fire, and decided to Do Something about it, before it hit a critical mass of followers.

    In time, a “Men’s Movement” came forward – a kinder, gentler version of the Recovery of Masculinity that crystallized as the Militia Movement – but the so-called “Men’s Movement” substituted a softer version of the Form of Masculinity for the Substance of true Manhood. Kinder, gentler, softer and even more, dare I say it, “tolerant,” the “Men’s Movement” was quickly coopted by various Christian Church organizations.

    The Soft Gelding of our brothers, and our sons, continues apace…

    We are past the hope of Easy Answers; frankly, “hope” has served us very poorly in the past.

    Activity – disciplined, purposeful Activity – is our only “hope,” and the only “hope” over which we have any chance of control.

    I have been horrified at the Whigger Phenomena, and its Female Counterpoint, the Casual Whore Phenomena – as the entire generation “Y” seems lost to the West, and has accepted the marks of the servant – the TRULY “Servile” – with gracious ease.

    After all, it’s the “tolerant” thing to do.

    I see something far deeper in our history in this willingness to toss our children away in the name of “tolerance” – a term that simply masks their servility, in mind, and gelding, in practice.

    I am reminded of the God of the Goddamn JEWS, Molech, also known as Ba’al, who demanded the children – the best, the brightest, the future – be sacrificed to him.

    The public fool system represents the triumph of indoctrination over education; King worship, and all that implies, even as Washington is marginalized today, minimized tomorrow, and cast away, soon thereafter. I see “teachers” who realize they have no say whatsoever in the functional equivalent of human sacrifice they support, ever day, as our sons and daughters – the future of our RACE – are gelded, and reduced to race-mixing whoredom. This makes the school bells resemble nothing so much as the horns the Morlocks used to call the Eloi to harvest . . .

    And the Eloi went to be harvested, passively, peacefully, even actively “tolerant” of their “servile” status.

    In our society, of course, the Servile, the Eloi, are called Followers of Christ, and they are led to the slaughter by preachers, teachers, and practitioners of JUDEOChristianity.

    The Recovery of Masculinity takes generations, but it can take place, daily.

    The first step, ironically, is to plant the seeds; for example, arrange for your children/grandchildren of elementary school age or older to take judo lessons. The discipline and self-confidence they will gain will be of vital importance in having the strength to overcome the impotence that Wordism will poison their souls with. With that courage, the proper Mind set can take root, and grow forward, on behalf of the RACE, one Child at a time.

  3. #3 by Pain on 01/01/2007 - 1:19 am


    Ever wonder how the least servile are actually the most loyal but are accused of “having a problem with authority?”

    So if authority is the sole measure of worth, any crook can take over a position of authority, and the servile will worship him while he commits crimes.

    But they mix authority with power. You have to be an expert on something and have the character to back it to be an authority. A crook but holds a position of power.

    Being loyal to your people, the racial community, means fighting crooks in positions of power. And we will fight for any true authority.

  4. #4 by Alan B. on 01/01/2007 - 3:32 am



    Good post Nobody. Its almost satanic how the outwardly weird and distructive is worshiped by many and defied by so few. This is the result of political correctness, that religion made up of word worshipers, people who believe in nothing stand for nothing and as a result wind up with nothing, the human spirit is devoured by this poison, its what doomed communism in. The one thing these PC psycopaths can never totally destroy is out free will, we can conform but in the end we will rebell, the PC priesthood will never be satified with anything they dump on us for long, they always shove something else up our asses thats longer and wider than the last thing and eventually we won’t bend over and take it anymore. These sicko’s will in time, will come to face a rebellion that no words can protect them from, freedom lives in all of us, right now we are stuck with a mess dumped on us from previous generations who got the shorter stick.

  5. #5 by Annon E. Mouse on 01/01/2007 - 11:03 am

    Great commentary in the preceding posts!

    Nobody, your letter should be required reading by all white folks before they can leave the house in the morning.

  6. #6 by Nobody on 01/01/2007 - 6:33 pm

    in reply to Alan B.
    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Commenting upon Alan B.’s comments:

    Good post Nobody. It’s almost satanic how the outwardly weird and destructive is worshiped by many and defied by so few. This is the result of political correctness, that religion made up of word worshipers, people who believe in nothing stand for nothing and as a result wind up with nothing, the human spirit is devoured by this poison, it’s what doomed communism in. The one thing these PC psychopaths can never totally destroy is out free will, we can conform but in the end we will rebel, the PC priesthood will never be satisfied with anything they dump on us for long, they always shove something else up our asses that’s longer and wider than the last thing and eventually we won’t bend over and take it anymore. These sicko’s will in time, will come to face a rebellion that no words can protect them from, freedom lives in all of us, right now we are stuck with a mess dumped on us from previous generations who got the shorter stick.

    In reply:
    Thanks for the kind words.

    I think that we have to focus on Intelligent Rebellion, and that begins with the awareness of the importance of Culture – essentially, the social construction of Reality – and how we must organize our lives around creating and sustaining the Culture that only we can create, and transform in a positive manner.

    When I looked at the Militia Movement, I saw that, beneath the Matters of Form – militant organization – were truly important Matters of Substance – Men being gelded by the goddamn JEWISH financial system, and families being destroyed – I noted that the goddamn JEW-controlled media ONLY focused on the weapons, and chose the least articulate members as the “spokesmen” – the Symbol – for the Militia Movement.

    Not ONE said, “You know, these guys and their parents have been rooked into a financial system that doomed them from Day One, and THAT is responsible for this state of affairs.”

    Then, as if by a miracle, “The Men’s Movement” came into being; kinder, gentler, and oh-so “tolerant,” almost as if a firewall was being created to harness the growing gelding of our sons and brothers, and the subsequent discontent, into positive, socially uplifting, “caring and sharing” ways.

    The Prime Directive – the continued negation of the Masculine – continued apace. Today, less than a generation later, all too many of our sons have become whiggers, homosexuals, or both, because they do not have the cold moral clarity that is the foundation of courage, or the Masculine Framework that provides the necessary moral and spiritual foundation to develop the moral clarity, and moral certainty, that WE are RIGHT, and THEY are WRONG – and, what they do MUST NOT be allowed to dominate.

    Character is what you do when no one is looking; imagine what message we send to one and all – the all-important nonverbal message of deeds, not words – when we “tolerate’ the moral inversions of mandated “equality” today, and “accept” the moral inversions of homosexuality, tomorrow, then we have relinquished the right to DEFINE what words MEAN.

    Giving our RACIAL ENEMIES the power to DEFINE passively yields control of the Culture at a verbal level; we become enslaved to THEIR meanings of OUR vocabulary.

    This is why we must be aware of our feelings; they are no less a tool of morality than any assemblage of words. They are no less important a component of MINDSET than any other element, AND they work faster than “thinking,” because the need to transform them into words is minimized – suddenly, you KNOW what to do, and why it must be done, NOW.

    This is critically important; this is why I advise, in the strongest of terms, that our children, even in elementary school, learn judo, for its structure, its discipline, the feeling of self-confidence it offers, but, above all, the certainty that it offers that you can do what needs to be done if a conflict develops. As predatory animals, like the Colored, seek softly, willing Prey, they will pass by those who do not signal fear, and submissiveness. In turn, our children will develop the self-confidence that is the necessary foundation to know, inerrantly, what is truly RIGHT, from a Cultural level, from what is truly WRONG. This Cultural understanding will be manifest, in time, as RACIAL Wisdom – IF we lay the all-important foundations TODAY.

    We must simply start where we are, and we must start soon.

    Today would be fine.

  7. #7 by Nobody on 01/01/2007 - 7:41 pm

    in reply to Anon E. Mouse:

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Lest anyone think we are unfeeling, let’s remember that the arts preceded the development of words. The human mind is a symbol processor, and the arts are how the soul communicates without words.

    When we allow the words to overrule the soul, we literally remove ourselves from the source of our Creativity, which is, uniquely, the hallmark of our RACE. As a result, we slowly go mad trying to make the Outer World of the Propasphere – the 24/7 wall of goddamn JEW-controlled media manipulation aimed at telling us what to believe, at any cost – match what our Inner World, the Mind, tells us simply is not so, and cannot be true, or even remotely true.

    When the words and images send a constant message of the joys of servility, then the mind literally goes mad, with horrific consequences for all. If the madness is retained internally, the resulting subpotence leads to depression – anger turned inward – and this takes all manners of forms, such as overeating, or projecting one’s denied power onto a sports team. Why do you think men argue so vehemently over their sports teams? It’s because they use them to compensate for their choice of learned helplessness.

    The solution to the impotence of servility is to see it coming, and choose to deal with it on the correct terms, YOUR terms, RACIAL terms, with quiet, assertive confidence.

    A friend and I went to a restaurant this morning. In the back was a group of our Colored friends, making enough noise to be, well, distasteful. There were two booths available. One booth was back near Little Africa, and the other was far away from our dusky brethren. The hostess told us there was an open booth, and moved to seat us near Little Africa. I looked at the waitress and firmly said, “No, we aren’t sitting next to those people. Hell no. We’ll sit up here, where people know how to behave.” (Note that I did not define the issue in exclusively RACIAL terms.)

    You could have heard a pin drop in the booths near us. People were paying attention . . .

    We were seated away from Little Africa, and my friend said, “Why don’t you want to sit back there?”

    (First Rule of Fight Club – NEVER TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.)

    I could see people around us – older people, prosperous people, educated people, White people – almost pause to hear my response.

    (Second Rule of Fight Club – NEVER TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.)

    “Well, I just can’t stand to be around those jungle savages. Simple as that. There’s no peace and quiet, and they just ruin the experience for the rest of us. They ruin every place they go. Simple as that.”

    EVERYONE around us grinned quietly; one guy looked at me, smiled, and gave me the “thumbs up.”

    “Do you think you’re a racist?”

    “Yes. Yes, I am. So were all of my ancestors, and so were all of your ancestors. They, ALONE, built Civilization, they ALONE make democratic governments work, and they ALONE are responsible for ALL that is good on the planet. Medicine? White people. Hospitals? White people. Schools? White people. Men on the Moon, and bring them back? White people. Do you see a pattern here?”

    “I don’t think it’s going to work out between us.”

    “Fine. I’ll take you home now.”

    “OK. I’m sorry you’re a racist.”

    “I’m not, as you understand the term, but I don’t have time to explain this to you. For that matter, if I have to explain it to you, then I have too much work to do.”


    Not one woman looked at her with anything other than pity.

    THEN came the kicker.

    She spoke softly, quietly, with a skip of hesitance.

    “I don’t want to ride in a car with a racist.”

    “Fine. Here’s cab fare home. Happy New Year.”

    She went to call the cab, and an older couple who had seen all of this was getting in their car, which was next to mine.

    The guy looked at me and smiled, while shaking his head and nodding in her direction.

    His wife looked at me and said, “It’s not my business to say, Mister, but you are right, and she’s wrong. She’ll be sorry she let you go.”

    I looked at them, said “Thanks,” and gave them Kevin Alfred Strom’s best line:

    “What happened to us? What happened to White People?”

    I mention this as a reminder that RACE is a concept that is greater than mere Words can convey; you can explain what it is, up to a point, and how it operates, up to a point. Past that point you are in the realm of Creativity, where it is what you choose to make it. The raw materials are in place, but it requires the spark of Creativity to give it Life.

    Suddenly, you just REALIZE the Truth; you, literally, KNOW WITHOUT KNOWING – the Spirit short-circuits the Mind, as the RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS sees an opportunity to move the RACE forward, without the need for Words.

    And the RACE moves forward.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 01/02/2007 - 1:14 am



    I can recall two instances when I almost ran over a black man on a bike, the road had poor lighting and the idiot’s bike was missing reflectors. This reminds me of what i encountered in the day light. For some reason many blacks think its cool to walk real slow as a 4,000 pound car is heading staight towards them at 35 miles per hour. I never slow down and I refuse to swerve for these morons, funny thing IS something clicks inside that pea brain and the retard finds the good sense to haul ass out of my way. The toughest bro is no match for the punch I pack, I wonder if they ever seen me break for the squirels, now thats showing respect.

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