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No, Shari, I am NOT Saying Your Mother is Ugly!

Posted by Bob on January 18th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

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This blog is fascinating and I think about it a lot. But, I wonder if you don’t also despise us who are white, but not brilliant, as “cute Amish.” Shari


This is another of the million examples of taking offense where none was intended. I say something about life in Pompeii before the volcano, and somebody looks offended and says, “So what you mean is that my mother is ugly.” He or she then goes into a detailed discussion about how, if you really wanted to, and I mean DESPERATELY, you could take what I said as, if I had motivations I hadn’t dreamed of, would show how SUBTLY, since I’m smart and probably being subtle, be taken as a reference to his mother’s lack of pulchritude.

As you can imagine, this sort of thing is AWFULLY hard to deal with. It’s like a slap in the face. No, I did not have this person, much less his MOTHER, in mind. I thought what I said was pretty clear in itself. I don’t think anyone here who has been subject to my criticism — ask Al Parker — thinks of me as SUBTLE.

Today the term used is “designer children,” and it is considered to be a horror by the “Christians” and by the Politically Correct Ethics Departments of all universities. Once again, you have this alliance of “Christians” and Political Correctness against the future.

I have seen tracts by “intellectuals” attacking the germ theory of disease in the old days the same way. I saw sermons denouncing vaccinating, based on the germ theory. I dare any of you to go to a doctor today who does not subscribe to the germ theory of disease. When it HAPPENS, it is simply a practical step based on reality.

So I said that a person in the year 2100 who CHOOSES to have children with random genes will be regarded as “cute Amish.” Thais, he will have ugly, dumb offspring, who will probably NOT regard that choice as “cute.” But then again, circumcision was treated as “cute” on the Seinfeld Show. You can do anything you want to a baby.

I don’t think Amish children resent their upbringing, even when they choose the modern world. As I SAID, their parents can be pacifists because they have us here to protect them. They can choose not to have vaccinations because everybody else does, so the diseases are not a threat. They can NOT choose to send their children to school through the eighth grade only, as they wish, because that is not allowed by the established religion of this country. Even “cute,” “pet” people, which is what the Amish are, are allowed to defy The One True American Faith.

These are god points. These are IMPORTANT points.

So I make them and Shari says I am insulting her.


I am talking about people half to a century from now who will make a particular. I would be very happy to learn that Shari is indeed contacting us fro the future, because I would have a lot of questions for her if she is. But for the moment I will go on the assumption that Shari is also living in the year 2007. Shari can no more decide not to have designer children (her age will not then be a factor) than the Amish could have decided not to own an automobile in the year 1850.

And, Shari, for the twentieth time, it is YOU who keep saying you’re not bright, and Ole Bob is the one who KEEPS saying he wishes you would STOP that. It implies that ***I*** tolerate dumbies. You are here and quoted because ***I*** clear your comments and ***I*** quote your approach and ***I*** would tell you if I thought they were not bright.

Shari, your mother is NOT ugly and you are NOT dumb. If you had nothing to say I wouldn’t quote you, and that puts you in a vanishing small percentage of the present population.

STOP IT! If you keep putting yourself down, you are going to give the impression that the women here are considered stupid. If you do that, I am going to send Elizabeth after you.

If you really tick HER off, you’re going to find that the female of the species is not only deadlier than the male but if she really gets going, she makes us look like wimps.


  1. #1 by Pain on 01/18/2007 - 2:47 pm


    “Shari, your mother is NOT ugly and you are NOT dumb. If you had nothing to say I wouldn’t quote you, and that puts you in a vanishing small percentage of the present population.”

    Subtle?! No, this is a direct compliment.

  2. #2 by Peter on 01/18/2007 - 2:52 pm

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    You have been clear. I’m afraid I have been down in the dumps and up to my eyeballs in frustration, which is hardly your fault. So I apologize and will stop it. Shari

    ps. I actually wouldn’t mind a no nonsense Elizabeth around. She could do her worse and I think it would perk me up. Ha!

  3. #3 by Bob on 01/18/2007 - 3:11 pm

    The compliment, Shari, is that we consider you as one of us. I get a little, only a
    little, perturbed that you refuse to accept that compliment.

    But it was the threat of siccing Elizabeth on you that straightened you out.

  4. #4 by Alan on 01/20/2007 - 5:06 am



    The only dumb question is the one you fail to ask, this is an old line my college professors would use in class. We expect to be punished if we do not answer the question correctly and this is the problem most of us face in here. We are not being asked trick questions, Bob I think is trying to open our minds up to objective and clear thinking. I once commented to Bob, I think I see the light but I can’t seem to bring it all together, well maybe I am afraid because the master might scold me for giving the wrong asnswer. What I will do is speak from the heart and put it forth as I see it in relation to what I have learned in here, its the best I can do.

  5. #5 by Peter on 01/20/2007 - 9:36 am

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    Thank you for the compliment. I do appreciate it. Shari

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