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Alan Parker

Posted by Bob on January 23rd, 2007 under Bob, Comment Responses



this is Al Parker, logged in as Peter again.

Like the European intellectuals who talked a good deal about how wonderful Communism was but didn’t want to cross over into Eastern Europe, how do we know WE would want to live under the type of government that would be empowered with upholding the views and values expressed on this blog?

I wonder if we are malcontents or if we really mean it.

Comment by Peter


As so often happens, what I am about to say is so true it sounds like a joke.

But, Al, what IS the type of government I seem to advocate? I ask this because, since I gave up conservatism, I am no longer sure what it is I would advocate. My aim now is to concentrate on race and, since my faith in my race is strong, to let THEM decide policy.

I have a very good how WIDE a range “type of government” covers. That was my job.

I have advocated that any honest citizen be allowed to be armed and my freedom of speech ideas would be ACLU if THEY believed in the same freedom for the right as for the left. I would not only end subsidized higher ed and the education monopoly, a major proportion of today’s college administrators and professors and others would be punished under anti-monopoly law.

Beyond that, about all I have done here is read the Preamble to the United States Constitution to you.

No, illegal aliens would have NO rights here, and there would be far fewer legal ones.

I am being honest here. What kind of government IS being advocated here, Al?

No answer constitutes a reply.

  1. #1 by richard on 01/23/2007 - 11:41 am


    I hope to God that Bob isn’t advocating ANY form of government. With a racially aware white population, the form of government and party policies won’t matter because they’ll necessarily reflect the people’s views. We get the government we deserve.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/23/2007 - 1:00 pm


    What is beside the point is “what kind of government talk” entirely. Let us leave that to Libertarians and their delusions.

    The real question is, who is boss? And that gets back to the efficacy of force and violence and even the efficacy of electoral politics. Notice I didn’t say “force and violence VERSUS electoral politics”, as both forms of controlling communities are wholly ineffective, a point hardly anyone sees.

    Communities everywhere are mostly taken over by peaceful and subtle means, means having nothing to do with force and violence or electoral politics. Instead, follow the money and ask yourself, who is it really that is living in that mansion on the hill and where are their allegiances. Never forget to follow the flow of cash in relation to the allegiances of the wearers of epaulets in the organizational rank hierarchies.

    This cash flow through the organizational ranks controlled by bosses’ arithmetic is hardwired regardless of form of government, so the question comes back to who is boss? Keep in mind the very essence of the word “boss” is the fact that someone must decide, as an algorithm cannot decide most decisions of importance, decisions that are guided by the most basic of perspectives.

    You tell me what these facts have to do with “form of government” debates and what “form of government” debates have to do with how communities are actually controlled and ideologically conditioned.

    Accordingly, I want a boss committed to racial purity and improvement and who understands the advantages of apartheid. Now that is as damned politically incorrect as you can get, and because it is, odds improve that we will actually have such bosses someday.

  3. #3 by Peter on 01/23/2007 - 3:01 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    All I know is that the government we have now is terminal cancer. Who cares what clown wants to be president or senator,etc.etc Shari

  4. #4 by Simmons on 01/23/2007 - 3:01 pm


    Speaking of governments we deserve everyone take a break and go rent “Idiocracy” for the night.

  5. #5 by Pain on 01/23/2007 - 3:02 pm


    “But, Al, what IS the type of government I seem to advocate?”

    You don’t advocate any although in the past you have indicated a personal preference for a local, minimum, confederate government.

    Which is what I think what we all want except that we must be aware that the transitional or caretaker government after the revolution must needs be forceful, but with a time limit.

  6. #6 by Pain on 01/23/2007 - 3:20 pm


    In any case, no revolution can be successful while the string-pullers still hold the strings.

    This means that our financial form of government must go. Probably the dollar must go at least for a while. We have to cut the strings of power or our hoped-for revolution will be overthrown on day two.

    But one instant benefit is that each of us will be debt-free.

  7. #7 by Alan on 01/23/2007 - 4:41 pm



    The perfect society and goverment will never exist, a society that is free of allien races and cultures and the distructive influences is all I could ask for. Our race the white race was never perfect but we functioned well and prospered before we allowed our race and culture to be poisoned, today this rot is every where, and it is our race who takes the blame, yet it is that allien poison that has made us sick.

  8. #8 by Peter on 01/23/2007 - 8:23 pm



    Definitely not anarchism or libertarianism. Probably not a dictatorship or totalitarian state.

    It would likely be the smallest, least intrusive form of government that can implement and maintain policies based on your values and world view.

  9. #9 by YearningForFreedom on 01/23/2007 - 8:26 pm



    OOPS. That’s me, Al parker, with the comment above.

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