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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!

cl and Simmons

Posted by Bob on February 5th, 2007 under Coaching Session

One of the glaringly obvious differences between Whites and others is that White groups tend to take on pejoratives as their own mantle (redneck, yankee, most of the denominational labels, etc), while non-Whites perceive words as the thing itself. Thus, for instance, Blacks must continually be re-labeled since the “term of the day” always takes on the connotation of “worthless.”
Name-calling is a form of blackmail. The proper way to respond to blackmail is to shrug your shoulders and say “so what,” ala Bill Clinton. Only then does a pejorative lose its power. It’s also a way in which the opposition does our work for us, by automatically culling the wishy washies who are “scared” of being a “racist” (leaving us to separate out the freaks).
Comment by cl —

“The pretense of equality. . .”
That’s a good phrase! All the liberal propaganda terms should be associated with an “enlightener,” like “pretense.”
Comment by cl

“Questions!” Programmed entities being either human or computer cannot handle questions that are the slightest bit deviant from their programming. Its why I keep harping on our need to find a sense of inquiry in our particular intellectual culture. Even Bob would like to have the word “racism” defined by the Dictatorship of the Professors so as to trip these high priests of stupidy tripped up. Questions are our perfect weapon.
Comment by Simmons

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