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Posted by Bob on February 16th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, How Things Work

You may wonder why I don’t comment on this blog very often like I used to. Truth is, I find you folks comical — yes, even you Bob.
While debating how to word the mantra, hardly anyone is using it I’m assuming here, but with the lack of feedback of how it’s being used, when, and where, makes this a no-brainer. It just plain ain’t being used.
Go on, comment you whiney-babies. Re-word the damn thing to death, and have your intellectual conversations all you want you Buckleyite-sounding do nothings. Little has changed and unless in the so-called pro-white movement. There are a thousand armchair generals endlessly “getting ready” for the next “big push” but the privates have all gone home to watch Jew T.V. and wait for baseball season to return. I wonder how the white race every got anything done in the past. If genetics is responsible for our achievements you couldn’t prove it by watching you oh-so-smart pro-whites in action today.
Inactivity in action? Hell, I’d call it comatose babbling of the worst sort.


So what am I supposed to do about this?

Believe me, I think regularly about closing up the blog, but where would I put my own thoughts? I do the paying, I do the work, and you are upset that people aren’t putting in effort.

With ME!

My contributions have, given diminishing returns, over ninety percent already made. Problems with the cable monopoly here have made me pay for a land line in order to keep my DSL.

I am thinking about doing all my internet work on another computer once a week.

What you may be doing is overestimating my importance in my own eyes. I am no longer assembling a team or expecting people to do what they manifestly are not going to do. But what we have here is a group of people who are WORTH me putting my ideas to.

But Mark and I are burned out. I have had two nervous breakdowns and am back. I just read a biography of Stalin that mentioned that when the Germans brought Lenin to Russia in 1917, it was the first time in his life he had ever spoken to a large crowd. The large crowds and the marches come at the end, with the sunshine patriots and the summer warriors marching in them.

I listen to Basso Profundo here telling me I haven’t overthrown the establishment. Gee! How would I have known that if he hadn’t had the originality of thought to come up with it?

I am doing what I can do. Don’t think I have been disappointed for fifty years?

Mark, if you are going to roar in and then quit, you will join a long, long line of others who have done the same thing, including three separate teams who did WOL. All did fine work. But no one has asked a warrior to serve his stretch for twenty-five years since the Roman Empire.

I do not expect ANYBODY else to serve WITHOUT PAY as long as I have. I would have gotten my political money easier if I HADN’T insisted on fighting for our cause. I simply CANNOT stop, and I have watched soldiers and honest fighters like you who have actually done greater things than you will ever know come and go.

You have more than done your stretch. No one will stay in the way I have – nobody else has been in the front of this fight nearly as long as I have is they didn’t make their living at it.

That’s my JOB. That is what I will die with, and it makes me very contented.

I don’t need the torchlight parades. I can see the side I started out against sinking slowly in the mud, with a whisper, not a blast. I see a new world that no one else who has not been right where I am can see. Even if they SAW it, they couldn’t SAY it. A person who makes his living at this must search for things that reinforce his audience’s preconceptions. He must demand attention to his part of the whole. Finally he thinks in no other terms.

Once again, “the manufacture of information.”

If I relied on the work of my audience, I would have quit long ago. I would have quit in the 50s when I saw the Masturbation Generation weaseling out on us and a hundred times since.

But I cannot speak for Mark. I see where I am going. If anybody else could, I would be turning the thing over to them.

In the meantime, I do my duty and I see what others do not see. I predicted every major trend until today, so I have pretty good faith in me.

  1. #1 by Alan on 02/16/2007 - 5:23 pm



    In the real world, that is, out amoung people on the street and at work, I interject reality into conversations that come up. Whether it is this new cigarette tax, immigration or war I point out the obvious and all I get is that stupid blank look we can always expect. This is real frustration and what can piss you off more is their stupid ass refusal to open their petty minds up and see reality. This makes me wonder if it is worth saving such retards and I always say yes. If one in ten can be converted then I have succeded, I will keep up the battle, I hate these PC bastards.

  2. #2 by Dave on 02/16/2007 - 6:29 pm


    The only reason I found BWs blog and his other works is that my personal orientation to is trace ideas to their originators. I have been doing this for years. When I began doing it as kid, I discovered quickly that there are few original minds.

    Mark, you are underestimating BW. I can’t imagine a more interesting discourse than happens on this blog. That’s why I take care to compile it. I know it is important.

    Personally I have had great success in influencing people, people who count in my community, with ideas and perspectives I have obtained here.

    BW and bloggers deliver a real product, and that product is visibility on our developing situation. People respond to real visibility, so much so they regularly pay for it.

    BW himself could be out selling his know how in the world of political consultancy. Anyone with real expertise would quickly ascertain that his product is superior.

    But give BW a break. It is enormous amount of effort and stress to run a consulting firm and younger people than BW have got to run with this.

  3. #3 by Mr. Profundo on 02/16/2007 - 8:12 pm

    The real point is that Mark can see Reality. You can only jerk him around so far, Bob. Cheerleading only goes so far. Mark is looking at the world around him and he can see that all this cheerleading that he sees and hears on this blog is only just that: cheerleading. He knows that there must be another way to achieve the ends that you are seeking. In other words, he can see that you are pissing in the wind. That’s what us commercial fisherman call it: pissing in the wind. This is one of the things that you are not supposed to do.

    You have planted you seeds, Bob, and that is a good thing. A very good thing. If they are going to come to fruition they will come to fruition. They will do that, if they do that, in a way that you have possibly not expected. It may appear that people have “given up” when, in fact, they have not given up at all. They may just have a different idea as to how the objective must be accomplished. The idea is to skin a cat. There is more ways than one to skin a cat. Our Founding Fathers knew that.

    Mr. Profundo

  4. #4 by mderpelding on 02/16/2007 - 11:36 pm



    I usually HATE cliches. But Mark,
    With you, I make an exception….to wit…
    “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”.But lets have some fun…

    “Go on, comment you whiney-babies. Re-word the damn thing to death, and have your intellectual conversations all you want you Buckleyite-sounding do nothings. Little has changed and unless in the so-called pro-white movement. There are a thousand armchair generals endlessly “getting ready” for the next “big push” but the privates have all gone home to watch Jew T.V. and wait for baseball season to return. I wonder how the white race every got anything done in the past. If genetics is responsible for our achievements you couldn’t prove it by watching you oh-so-smart pro-whites in action today. ”

    First, what is a “whiney-baby”? Sounds like a doll. I picture a hypochondriac doll.
    Must be just me. I note that after the “whiney-baby” we have to re-word something to death.
    And, pray tell…please define a “buckleyite-sounding do nothing”.

    Talk to me as a MAN, MARK. Not as an object of propaganda.

  5. #5 by Peter on 02/17/2007 - 1:33 am


    Don’t put this all on Bob. Read these twenty points to learn why the cause hasn’t succeeded in the past fifty years:

    -Al Parker

  6. #6 by Mark on 02/17/2007 - 8:03 pm


    Thank you Mr. Profundo. You said it better than I could.
    And MrPelding — why I should answer you? You’re not going to change the world anymore than any of these other intellectual do-nothings, so go ahead and whine, baby.

  7. #7 by Alan on 02/18/2007 - 12:32 am



    Mark, if you post the mantra a thousand times a day thats great, please back off from insulting others. The brash and rude approach you use against us is one thing, if used against our enemies will only hurt out cause, you will be viewed as a thugish malcontent. Mark, it is hard enough to open up the minds of the walking dead in America using the civil approach, so ease up and ditch the tantrums.

  8. #8 by Bob on 02/20/2007 - 1:49 pm

    Good point, Mark.

    Quote removed in both places.

  9. #9 by Peter on 02/23/2007 - 3:33 am



    This isn’t therapy. Don’t come her with your wet cheeks, looking for a shoulder. I’m sorry Bob had to even hear this. Bob’s a fighter. I come to learn how to fight, not how to think or talk. You call us whiners, you come here with a hang nail wanting to show everyone your red big toe.

    You want to be a winner, join the neocons . . . good day.

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