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Around Here Sergeanting is a Verb

Posted by Bob on February 26th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session

If you are a REAL Man, the Greatest Generation tells us, you don’t NEED anybody. But I told Mark that I needed him, our Sarge. Bob’s a wimp, gang.

I’m PROUD of it. No matter how pissed off Mark gets, and God knows I understand how pissed off he is, I can appeal to him by the unfair tactic of saying ***I*** need him.

However he may criticize me, Mark knows WHO I am, and Ole Bob takes pride in that.

As for being a wimp in the eyes of the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation, Basso Profundo says, “you deballed the World War II Generation again …”

Hey, Profundo, you can’t deball a hen.

It is hard for others to understand how completely I identify with Mark. Mark is out there hitting with the Mantra. He asked REPEATEDLY for some of us to join him.

Nobody did..

The reply was, “But I am doing something else.” How many times has every sergeant heard that line?

You may BE doing something else. My ideas will spread. But you also owe MARK some backing, some ACTION.

Mark is pissing you off. He is sarging.

Show me a sergeant who pisses no one off, who is beloved. I’ll show you a noncom who needs to be retired or transferred.

Mark is doing what I cannot do. I need to keep our little force in being. If I were to bitch and moan endlessly about how people aren’t pitching in, I would lose my audience.

So I’ve got Mark, who sergeants. He doesn’t give a flying horsehockey whether he is hated or not. In fact, if he started being liked, he might feel very uncomfortable.

Mark is sergeanting.

Understand where I am coming from. To me, follow-up is everything. Mark is out there in the trenches and HE says he is alone. Mark told us again and again where we could meet him and back him up.


I have faith in spreading ideas. I believe that my writing them down here is critical. I believe Alan when he says he is pushing these ideas in his own way.

But I have also been out there alone the way Mark is. Mark says, “Here we have these marvelous weapons. I am out here and no one else is.”

Just saying, “Well, have faith that I am doing just as much on other fronts” is not enough. If you want to be part of this war, and a comrade like Mark says you are MIA, you should think about HOW you are being MIA.

Thanks, Mark. I can’t sergeant like you do. You are the only one out there and that takes a courage I appreciate. Just keep coming here sergeanting. Tell is EXACTLY where we should be.

Do what you are doing, but hit us regularly with your demand that we get out there like you are.

If you think Mark pisses you off you would never want to meet the younger Bob Whitaker. Mark is what I used to be, though, like all old men, I think I was even meaner.

Sic ‘em, Sarge!

P.S. Something just occurred to me.

I was considering whether I should put the piece above, “Schuldhunger,” on Stormfront.

But then I thought about THIS piece. Why doesn’t somebody ELSE copy and paste that onto Stormfront? If what I say is so good, so praiseworthy, why do ***I***, and I alone, have to put it on SF? Remember that Mark is dealing with newsgroups out there, but we ALL know about SF. If everybody is doing things, why is the most obvious forum of all empty of the best blog stuff unless I put it in?

Pain put one of my pieces of SF once, but I already had. So did that make us look BAD?

No way! Nothing would be better than for Stormfront readers to say, “Oh, my God, Whitaker’s fans are putting his stuff in here AGAIN!”

Granted it wouldn’t make YOU look great. But that isn’t the point, is it? It would make it look like a group thinks what Whitaker says is critical stuff.

I don’t think that, outside of Pain, I have ever seen one of you put my stuff into SF.

Including Mark.

That makes me a bit doubtful that everybody is doing “something else.”

I am asking for copy and paste, not a frigging moon landing program.

If for no other reason, do it to make Bob feel better.

DO something.

  1. #1 by Peter on 02/26/2007 - 6:54 pm


    I don’t think I have ever posted one of your essays, but I post the mantra so much that I’m surprised someone has not whacked me over the head and said “DAMNIT WOMAN, STOP POSTING THAT THING. WE HAVE READ IT ENOUGH!”

    I just don’t bother to report back on here with a “look at me, aren’t I so wonderful by doing something so simple as cutting and pasting words that aren’t even my own”. I mean, why brag about that? The answer to that seems to be that it makes you feel better, but I’m telling you, it feels awfully unnatural.


  2. #2 by cl on 02/26/2007 - 8:00 pm

    It might be helpful if someone followed-up with a reply.

  3. #3 by shari on 02/27/2007 - 1:36 pm


    I sent the mantra to 12 people that I know personally. I got replies from exactly no one. Well damn, I don’t care. They have been told.

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