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Posted by Bob on February 27th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


I don’t think I have ever posted one of your essays, but I post the mantra so much that I’m surprised someone has not whacked me over the head and said “DAMNIT WOMAN, STOP POSTING THAT THING. WE HAVE READ IT ENOUGH!”

I just don’t bother to report back on here with a “look at me, aren’t I so wonderful by doing something so simple as cutting and pasting words that aren’t even my own”. I mean, why brag about that? The answer to that seems to be that it makes you feel better, but I’m telling you, it feels awfully unnatural.



Papillon, you made a common mistake:

You were so concerned about the social lesson you have been taught about not being a braggart that you completely forgot the fact that Ole Bob may NEED to hear what you just wrote.

It helped a lot.

Please see if you can help Mark and cl out.

  1. #1 by Mark on 02/27/2007 - 11:44 pm


    It also makes me feel good. I hope some of my ranting and raving has caused others on here to post the Mantra as well.

    Well done!!!

  2. #2 by Pain on 02/28/2007 - 3:28 pm


    “I don’t think I have ever posted one of your essays, but I post the mantra so much that I’m surprised someone has not whacked me over the head and said “DAMNIT WOMAN, STOP POSTING THAT THING. WE HAVE READ IT ENOUGH!”

    I haven’t stopped posting on newsgroups, I have been told to stop for reasons that it was “spam.” I ignored them. Posting in Newsgroups is repetitious, so there isn’t much to say; and when I report here the blog then becomes about me, instead of the mantra and other people.

    When I have saturated the newsgroups for a while, it seems best to leave them for a while so that the mantra will not be automatically ignored like I throw away my junk mail at home unopened.

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