Archive for March 3rd, 2007



Is it too obvious to say that the internet is like the printing press, we are like the reformers, and it only takes a few reformers to do the job?

Comment by Pain


What you call “obvious” is what the world desperately needs said. Just about everything we say here will be considered obious in a decade or two.

I did not say people will have ACTED on it by then, but they know it is true. They wll be on the defensive, and you know how a purely defensive war ends up.

Tell the truth others ignore. Don’t get it mixed into a mass of other statements to make you look knowledgeable.

People will resent it. They will assume that you are calling them idiots for not seeing simple reality in the tangle of their fashionable nonsense.

They will be absolutely correct.

Just keep doing it.



Comments (5) is Now Comments (9)

I went to bed last night after bragging that there were FIVE comments under “Cyberoots Rebellion.” I promised to respond to them.

It is flattering that people have said that it is a special honor when I put a comment I wish I’d made right up here, as blog and without discussion. Like being accepted as regular member of this seminar, I expect you to take it as a compliment.

But there is another aspect. The old idea of a graduate seminar only survives HERE. In the old, REAL seminar, one of the great accomplishments for the professor is when he can just sit there with a satisfied smile on his face while his students go at it. Permit me that privilege.

GO TO CYBEROOTS REBELLION and READ THE COMMENTS. A good teacher teaches, but he is also aware when he has TAUGHT. This is a bunch of old hands stating what they got and dealing with each other. At this point for me to jump in with my Authoritative Opinions smacks of Mommy Professorism.

I have done a spectacular job here, and you show it.




I have a LOT of experience with power. I even have some credentials in the area.

In my professional opinion, you are part of the most powerful conspiracy on earth. As usual what I am about to say is so obvious it sounds like a joke. In this case, a set of jokes.

Benjamin Franklin stated the fundamental problem with conspiracies: “Three people can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead.” Every single word that was ever spoken in a Bilderberger meeting WAS in the files of KGB. The Stasi had them, the CIA has them, Mossad has them, MI-6 has them, even the Surete has them! And the FBI is not going to let the CIA have something they don’t, even if it is officially outside their jurisdiction.

It is the absolute secrecy of the Bilderbergers that upsets people.

Our conspiracy is a little different. I have just congratulated Brain on his project of assembling every single word of OUR conspiracy and making it available to anybody on Planet Earth who wants it.



Changing the Parameters

You can get credit for a new idea. But real power of the type we wield is not based on new ideas. New ideas and information is BYPRODUCT of what we do. We look in places that have been kept dark, so we do come up with fascinating stuff. That keeps it interesting.

But what we REALLY do is more fundamental. The Mantra is a prime example of this. When you state the Mantra, you have simply outflanked the other side completely. Suddenly all the weapons in the enemy’s arsenal, guilt, the idea that doing something or a whites is a selfish thing for a white to do, the whole mass of stuff they have used for sixty years, becomes WORTHLESS.

You have not pulled a new idea, a new piece of detail abut relative racial IQ, to ANSWER their standard stuff. You have completely changed the entire subject that the debate is ABOUT. Suddenly they must defend guilt as the basis of racial suicide. Suddenly they are no longer True Idealists willing to give up their privileges as white people. They are instantly exposed as nutcases who want to DESTROY their own race to be fashionably guilty.

The Mantra is not a continuation of the old debate. It is not just another contribution to the debate between “both sides.” It completely transforms the whole terms of the argument. It is not on EITHER side. In fact, with the Mantra, the old “both sides” CEASES TO EXIST. You are changing the debate itself, you are creating a whole new set of parameters within which all the old discussion within the old parameters simply ceases to BE.

That is what my first book, A Plague on Both Your Houses did. Until it was written, nobody looked on the giant education-welfare establishment as an interest group with hundreds of billions of dollars and enormous political power. That is obvious today, but try to look it up before 1976. Conservatives back then stipulated at the beginning of every discussion that they were for greedy capitalists and military force while the other side was dedicated to True Idealism.


The conservative argument was NEVER that the other side was made up of Idealism, but only that it was IMPRACTICAL Idealism. That set of parameters changed in 1976. Even liberal commentators were committing political blasphemy. Teachers had always been sacrosanct, the focal point of Idealism. At the 1976 Democratic Convention, for the firt time, commentators began to mention how many members of the National Education Association were there getting more money for their own salaries and expenditures and POWER.

Nobody even noticed that was NEW. And no one would admit they had never even noticed this before.

Changing the parameters gets you no credit, but it gives you a staggering amount of POWER.

People want credit, fame, promotions, high-sounding titles, money.

Except US.

They can have the credit, the fame, the money, the titles.

We just want to rule the world.


No Comments


One of our commenters is downloading all the WOL stuff all the way back to 1998. Then he’ll get on the blog. He is going to make it possible for me to do what David Irving does, allow anyone who wants to download it ALL.

I personally need this more than Irving does. At this moment ALL my internet work on WOL is dependent on the fragile connection I have with my bandwidth, and I have to call Kelso to straighten it out even when the blog goes down. That has caused me great worry each time it goes down. It would be an enormous comfort to me if some of you had the whole thing.

There is a story here that is worth keeping. If you will LOOK AT THE COMMENTS, especially today and yesterday, you will see commenters doing the work only I could have done. More important, they are discussing these things at a level I was only beginning to scratch at in 1998. My thinking has developed to an extent I can hardly recognize the superficial things I was writing, as he says, “in the last century.”

I have picked your brains so much I could be a neurosurgeon. Like any good teacher, I have learned far, far more than you by having to explain everything over and over, from ground zero. That process alone will be a major contribution to the whole field of intellectual development.

Looking at thinkers my age who lived in earlier times, and not THAT much earlier, I see the process of intellectual calcification setting in in their late fifties, the exact time I started WOL. No matter how many admirers and former students they had, their thinking had formed, and each conversation became a restatement of what they had already said.

This was inevitable. After forty years of nailing down what they thought, every conversation had to be mostly getting the person they were talking to up to speed. That is what we see in what are called “seminars” in graduate school today. The professor may not be lecturing, but he is mostly being sure his students have the tools – Political Correctness – which are necessary for TRADE of being a college professor. Intellectual curiosity or original thought is as unwelcome as political discussion in a high school shop class.

That des the student a lot of harm, but few consider, as I must, what that does to the PROFESSOR. Trying to talk with a person who calls himself – try not to laugh – an “intellectual.” It is like trying to talk to a jack-in-the-box. You say something and he comes back with an answer that was old when Neanderthal Man was an endangered species.

Actually it’s WORSE than talking to a jack-in-the-box. That toy is not under the impression that he THOUGHT of the tired old reply. That is what makes it really painful, that is what takes it from silly to pathetic.

It destroys the students, it destroys the professors, but we can take it a step farther. It destroys the minds of the OPPOSITION. If you try to read conservative books you find they are the same thing. A person is being programmed to pop up with a standard jack-in-box reply to each standard liberal statement. Listening to a “debate” on television is like watching a bunch of statues with tape recorders in them.

If you look at WOL back at the turn of the century (Gee, that’s GOOD!) you can see signs of the same thing happening to me. I had some excellent new ideas for the time, but if you read my 1976 A Plague on Both Your Houses! You will have EXTREME difficulty believing that it contains one new idea. You would have to do dissertation’s worth of research to find that everything I said then was not already common thought. One of my original ideas began to appear in commentary at the 1976 political conventions. Another became the basis of a bet between the two top party staffers on Capitol Hill that same year.

You might have some trouble seeing that the twentieth-century ideas at the turn of this century in WOL were NEW. They are part of routine political discourse. As for me, starting in my late fifties, I have outgrown them. For that I have you to thank.

Do it for the Gipper!
