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Good Save, Shari!

Posted by Bob on April 27th, 2007 under Bob, History

Shari pointed out that she didn’t understand my comment about Gaitskell in “Corrections.” That’s because I forgot to put it in, and Shari wants to know what the hell is going on.

Good for you!

Here it is, mistake and all:

By the way, when I was eighteen I happened to be standing at the gates when Hugh Gaitskill (?), the 1959 version of Tony Blair, had just been elected. It was the opening of Parliament after the election. Everybody else came through in limousines. Gaitskill, like Carter in 1977, WALKED through. I actually saw Churchill six feet away in his limousine.

Maybe Churchill recognized me. You know that famous “V for Victory” sign he used to make? He gave me HALF of it.

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