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Spare Me!

Posted by Bob on June 7th, 2007 under History

Look, gang, we are all suffering for the inexcusable blunders our ancestors made. When I mentioned Sam Dickson’s things like Sam Dickson’s comments about the mistakes Germans made in 1860, someone gets defensive.

Damn it, the South destroyed itself by being too stupid not to secede earlier. The WASP Yankees were the villains of history. I once put “We the People of the United States of America … and our posterity” in Stormfront, and someone on STORMFRONT whined, “What have you got against immigrants. My people came over about 1850…”


We have GOT to cut the “victim” crap!

“We the people” let in the Germans because we NEEDED them. Not because they were “victims of tyranny” but because WE needed them. They did some screwing up but Lord knows not as much as WE did.

I wish to HELL people would spare me the victim crap. We are where we are because my ancestors were STUPID. I can live with that, why can’t they?

We need to look at history as it was to save ourselves. There is no room for ethnic or racial balance here.

  1. #1 by Mark on 06/07/2007 - 10:54 pm

    “When I mentioned Sam Dickson’s comments about the mistakes Germans made in 1860, someone got defensive.”

    I can’t find any “defensive” posts. If your’re referring to my post about my great grandfather all I can say is GO BACK AND RE READ WHAT I WROTE AND SPARE ME THE SELF RIGHTOUS I’M SO TIRED ATTITUDE. If you’re not referring my post, forgive the outburst.

  2. #2 by Bob on 06/08/2007 - 1:03 pm

    I can’t find your comment.

    Pain mentioned dividing whites and I overreacted, but Pain knows me well enoughh to realize I was not reacting to him, but to the many, many hurt replies I have gotten from people who insist I am trying to divide white people.

    As usual, I was talking about what a comment made me think of, not attacking the commenter.

    I’ll amend the entry. As I’ve said so often, I NEED you to call me on this kind of thing.

  3. #3 by Alan on 06/08/2007 - 9:46 pm

    Timing is everything, the South threw away the opportunity to leave the Union before the issue of sucession boiled over. Her enemies were many and their motive was power, the monies the southern economy garnished through trade was what it was all about. Would anyone had cared if she had left the union 10 years earlier, I doubt it. This same thing happened to Germany, WW1 was the result.
    Germany had to play by the rules, had she attacked France in 1907 while the Czar was facing a revolt at home, his navy recieved a crushing defeat from the Japanese fleet, the situation in the world today would be awhole lot different. Germany put her faith in negociations and ignored reality, in 1914 Germany faced three major enemies who were prepared for war. Sometimes survival requires saying the hell with the rules, act while the iron is hot.

  4. #4 by Pain on 06/09/2007 - 1:02 am


    You worry too much. People tell ME that all the time.

    I need to buy you a beer one day.

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