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Posted by Bob on July 25th, 2007 under Comment Responses

White libs never asked what the blacks and the hispanics thought of them. I of course ask those questions pointedly to the traitors, and as they say the silence is deafening. They basically are stupid if they would have paid attention to several of the gentile white libs such as Abbey and John Carpenter instead of listening to the Freudian Neurotics they might have been useful today instead of ready to sip the Kool-Aid. But the Jim Jones cult lives on and those that survive, well Bob I promise to make them pay for what they have done.


“Bob I promise to make them pay for what they have done.”

I hope so, and that’s an easy promise to make. But look at respectable conservatives. Once you start getting PAID for the fight, and once the establishment finds you worth bribing and, worse, praising and accepting, the tendency to forget everybody who paid so much down through the decades to get you where you are is overwhelming.

Right now National Review is attacking everything its funders stood for in 1955, and raves about how right liberals were on everything until on or about January 1, 1970, i.e., they are neoconservatives.

AND, more important, you get STUPID. Conservatives, like the moderate Republicans before them and the liberal Republicans before them, lost it ALL. The pressure will be enormous. If my heirs can resist it and not get stupid, as every other group has, they can rule.

Can you keep it up when charm and money beckons?

  1. #1 by Simmons on 07/25/2007 - 2:46 pm

    My view they won’t have anything to bribe anybody with partly to my Peak Oil theories and other crap. But then again I have a trail of unpleasantries about Jews, and that is a career killer as for being a paid respectable. Pretty much the rhetorical end of respectability has been bought up by Jews, even the American Conservative has been heaped up on that pile. And all that is tied up onto the mill stone of Israel home of the circumsised pussies of the IDF. Remember if Jews take it up make plans to abandon it. As for the promise I’m a vengeful man with a smile on his ugly face.

  2. #2 by Tim on 07/25/2007 - 9:39 pm


    You are comparing the tribal situation today with the non-tribal situation of yesterday. Whites are late on this global trend (the global trend is tribalism). As you have said:”I never thought they would get it”. It is damn near impossible to buy out leaders in a tribal situation. It is too dangerous and there is more profit in representing the tribe. Ask Putin and his boys whose full time job has been ‘what is good for the slav’.

    On a bus with me, you think someone could buy off the white kid in charge of speaking for the group? It is possible of course, but not probable. The difference is pressure and the thought of danger. White Leaders have been financially rewarded for selling out. When it becomes physically dangerous……things change and money has a slightly different meaning. And that is how it works.

    If someone tried to buy me off to sell out my pals on the bus in the morning. The first thought would be:”how in the hell are you going to protect me?”. And unless you got a condo on mars for the traitors. You got a tough sell. Don’t get me wrong. Some fool will Teddy Kennedy style sell out and then get strung up or his house will get burned down with him in it and things change immediately. Danger focuses the mind and tribal environments are always dangerous……especially for traitors. Just go to Russia and ask a journalist to write a piece about Slavic Racism in Chechnya etc… and criticize Putin for it. A few have done it of course……. and look what happened to them. I just read a piece about an Anti-racist who was testifying against some skinhead boys. One evening a bunch of hooded slavic women showed up and beat her with hammers. This is a tribal situation. How many Mike Nifongs you gonna in a tribal society where it pays but the damn cost is HIGH.

    Bob, the money may becon ……but it will either be too dangerous or there will be more oppty and money by NOT being a traitor.

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