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Blog Strategy Explained in Stormfront Exchange

Posted by Bob on July 26th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

I don’t subscribe to the catastrophic breakdown theory. I watched the whole Soviet Empire fall with scarcely a shot fired.

When the turnover happens here, as in the case of the Sovet Empire, everybody will say they knew it all along.

This is important. You are preparing for total collapse and I need more people helping me get ready to grab the reins, whch is what we are doing on Bob’s Blog.

leucocyte: The breakdown in society will prevent an orderly, judicial proceedure to bring any traitors to accounting. There won’t be time or resources for court sessions, or to present evidence. Video evidence might be hard to show with no electricity.There will be an inherent punishment in the breakdown process, as those who are most dependent on the system will starve to death the quickest when it ceases to function. Or perhaps those who have the most faulty grasp of reality will be the first to die. Those who see things as they are will take action, escape, fight or hide, and thus survive.

  1. #1 by Pain on 07/26/2007 - 2:19 pm

    Tell Leucocyte I saw that movie.

  2. #2 by danerebor on 07/27/2007 - 10:50 am

    Bob- can you expand on what you think total collapse would be like? How would it be different from a catastrophic breakdown?

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