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Pavlovian Antis

Posted by Bob on July 28th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

The former KGB man was discussing how easy it was to get Americans to the point where “You could SHOW them the Gulag, and they still wouldn’t believe in it.”

I had a creepy experience of this.

In my Intelligence days, about 1970, I was crossing into a European Communists country, legally and openly for a change. I was on a bus and had noticed that a couple of middle-age hippies were on the bus. I was interested in how they would react to the border.

You see, ALL Communist countries had, at the least, cleared areas at the border with the skull and crossbones sign on them that said “minefields.” There were guards in sight with automatic weapons to shoot anyone who tried to escape.

The hippie creed in those Vietnam days was that if we were no different from Communists, it was because Communists were for Liberation. I wondered how that aged hippie couple would deal with the reality at the border.

I repeat, it was CREEPY! It was exactly like something out of a science fiction movie about the Pod People.

As we approached the border, both of them went into a coma. They stared straight ahead, not seeing the landmines, the guards, anything. They only came back to consciousness when the guard came on the bus to check our passports and the weapons and minefields were behind us.

A pure Pavlonian reaction! And I SAW it!

We kept asking pro-Communists, “If Communism is OK, why does EVERY Communist country have to KILL people who try to escape?” They twisted and they changed the subject, exactly like antis do here when we repeat the Mantra.

Pavlov’s antis simply cannot deal with this simple statement:


“It is said that there is this RACE problem. They say this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

“The Netherlands and Belgium are as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY Black Country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem? I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

  1. #1 by Pain on 07/28/2007 - 9:17 pm

    “both of them went into a coma. They stared straight ahead”

    This is a cult’s behavior, like Jehovah’s Witnesses or Jim Jones’.

    I typed in “Bezmenov” (the KGB man interviewed) and came to a forum. There was one poster who had been there a long time and had about 2,000 posts. He was trying to connect the video with today’s educational system. He was civil and made good points. The response to him was insults, open name-calling, naked lying, and refusal even to look at the video. Naturally he was banned.

    This is cultic behavior. And “conservatives” are worse at it now than liberals. They stink more badly than the hippies did. (I guess bathing is something only racists do.)

  2. #2 by Mark on 07/28/2007 - 10:36 pm

    Pain what history do you have with the JW’s? I could tell you horror stories — and what I see coming from left and right politically reminds me of the JW mindset.

  3. #3 by Mark on 07/28/2007 - 10:42 pm

    Bob, why do people put the blinders on when shown something that counters their political and social dogma? You would think seeing the other side of the coin would be something everyone would seek out — just to make certain he/she is on the “right” side of the issue.

    I listen to talk radio a lot since I’m on the road all week selling. I listen to both left and right just to hear what both sides are saying. Why doesn’t everyone? Have we, as a culture, been indoctrinated to fear opposite viewpoints, are we mentally lazy, or are we just too cowardly to seek out that which doesn’t conform to the current “hip” viewpoint?
    Where does this come from?

  4. #4 by Pain on 07/29/2007 - 12:00 am


    I have another experience by way of a family member with another cult. I have some interactions with JWs to know that they are miserable, lie freely, and have no moral conscience when it comes to protecting their cult; they make me a believer that the dark side is real. When I talk to them, I have an overpowering feeling of great evil. Their Watchtower tracts are written for a Kindergarten audience, but in person they are more scary. My first hand experience with the other cult has helped make me resistant to the PC cult and has taught me how PC makes people into mindless robots with no conscience.

  5. #5 by richard on 07/29/2007 - 5:46 am

    Pavlov found that dogs could be conditioned to love what they previously disliked, and vice versa, by subjecting them to massive trauma. In humans, the easiest way to do this is to induce overwhelming fear.

    Back in the 18th century John Wesley changed the face of Britain and created a new church, by using the same methods. He would preach about the terrible tortures that await sinners in Hell, til his audience were brought to the point of emotional breakdown. Then he would build them up again to become good Methodist Christians.

    Most antis who become racially aware do so because of some traumatic watershed event. Maybe they were attacked by a gang of black thugs, or were passed over for promotion in favour of a less-qualified minority. Here in the UK, the BNP are accused of “exploiting the fears of working class people”. Damn right they do, and it works.

    The Pavlovian response could be our greatest weapon if we know how to use it.

  6. #6 by richard on 07/29/2007 - 5:47 am

    By the way Bob, are you related to John Whitaker of Reynolds tobacco fame?

  7. #7 by Mark on 07/29/2007 - 10:14 am

    “Most antis who become racially aware do so because of some traumatic watershed event. Maybe they were attacked by a gang of black thugs, or were passed over for promotion in favour of a less-qualified minority. Here in the UK, the BNP are accused of “exploiting the fears of working class people”. Damn right they do, and it works.”

    Richard — you don’t know it, but you’ve just outlined the strategy WE need to use here in America!!! Hush Bimbo is fond of saying, “A conservative is a liberal who got mugged.” White Nationalists, you could say, are “antis who got mugged.”

    Bob, what about this? Any thoughts on how to “exploit” the fears of white working class people in America — in conjunction with the Mantra perhaps?

  8. #8 by Mark on 07/29/2007 - 10:25 am

    Peter, my family is chock full of JW’s. What you say is dead-on correct. They are miserable — constantly cutting people down and complaining when other people’s backs are turned and then putting on the cultic glad-face when people are looking.

    They practice what they call “shunning” meaning, if your wife (for example) became a JW, and you did not adhere to her belief system, she would be prompted by JW leaders to cut you off to the point of divorce. If you were a JW and your son or daughter refused to follow suit, you would be expected to cut off contact with him/her as well. Entire families are split apart by the Watchtower — all in “God’s Name.”

    You mention lying. The JW’s in my family have on thing in common: Every other sentence out of their mouths is a lie or fabrication or a bending of the truth. They have terrible self esteem and it seems to me, from a lay-psychologist point of view, that lying stems their inner fears and turmoil. They can live in a fantasy world if they lie long and loud enough. Did I mention they are cowards face to face? Tough guys when youre not looking, self-pissers when confronted.

    And if you try to show them where they are wrong they will do their best to rip you apart — in manner avaialble to them.

    Needless to say, ALL of these things are common with the anti’s religion today — including kindergarten tracts designed to spread the “truth.”

  9. #9 by shari on 07/29/2007 - 10:59 am

    There is no SAFE place in this world. A little religion, a little anti-religion, some education, some ignorance? What you don’t know can hurt you and those you care about too! You just don’t get by without serious effort and a sound view of yourself. Not haveing a stupid HIGH opinion of yourself, but willing to leave yourself alone and let Christ be your judge. It’s HARD and that’s why it’s easier to not try, but we had BETTER.

  10. #10 by Pain on 07/29/2007 - 4:35 pm


    I saved your last post about JWs to disk.

    I have a friend that wrote a book about them. He said he used their own information at his local windowless “Kingdom Hall” library. He said they were so stupid, they couldn’t throw any Watchtower stuff away, but didn’t read any of the old stuff. In their own library was proof that they KNEW the world was going to end in 1974, but nobody in person would believe him or even look at their own official documents proving they are idiots. When they found out what he was writing, their happy cult-face vanished, and these “religious” people started using the worst sexual profanity you could think of.

    On Wikipedia, cults take over and write the articles about themselves. Free advertising. The JWs invented an article about “Jehovah in the New Testament.” To anyone who knows much about the Bible, you know that’s impossible and the article is hilarious: full of off-topic trivia, no logic, etc. Cults do not realize stuff like this keeps away anyone with reasonable mental health.

    Now the reason I spent space here on Bob’s Blog about this is that the PC religion is not just a religion, it’s a cult, a genocidal cult.

    One of many tools professional deprogrammers use to help cultees exit is to have them look at other people’s cults. For example, if the deprogrammer had a JW with them by a TV, he could slip in a DVD about Jim Jones. While it plays, he says something like: “My, cults are so mean, see how they control people and split families?” And when the DVD ends, everyone is dead.

    I think the analogy here with the PC cult is clear. We are deprogrammers.

  11. #11 by AFKAN on 07/29/2007 - 4:56 pm

    The mass education system in America has become the mass indoctrination system, and extends childhood into adolescence, and adolescence well into the years that were historically considered “Adulthood.” This process shifted into high gear with the mass consumption of color television, starting about 1964.

    The Rebellion of 1968 demonstrated that passive aggression, combined with an overwhelming surge, can defeat democratic institutions, and neutralize their opponents who are blinded by the concepts of “democracy,” “fair play,” and “due process.”

    Their excessive identification with the First Virtual Reality – color television – made them unconsciously accept the ideas of their RACIAL Enemy, and set them on the path to cultural, and therefore RACIAL, suicide.

    From time to time the Real World threatens to interfere; they then dope themselves up a little further, while bleating for the shepherds to make it go away.

    The economic winter the Kondratieffers saw coming along about 1980, which was foreshadowed during OPEC 1 (1973-74), has been postponed due to the tremendous substitution of debt for productivity/income/equity growth, and the decade of ever-cheaper debt is gone.

    I mention this because I remember the looks of horror, and amazement, in the people of the gas lines in the winter of 1973. In spite of what should have been a horrific wake-up call, the American people went along with it, as the price of gasoline more than tripled in a matter of weeks.

    What is needed is the functional equivalent of “Mr. Mule, meet Mr. Two by Four” moment, as the catalytic event for people realizing that the Words they hold in their Mind, and the Reality their Senses perceive, do not map onto one another very well, if at all.

    I recall a tv ad Jesse Helms ran where you saw the hands of a white man holding a letter, and the voice said, “It happened again. You lost the job to a lesser qualified minority. It’s just not right, it’s wrong, and you can do something about it. Vote Jesse Helms.”

    It was so remarkably effective, and to those who shut down their Senses, and voted against Helms, and those like him, I can only say one thing.

    Mike Nifong.

    Imagine an entire “justice” system run by men like Nifong.

    I have mentioned traumatic events on three different levels – economic, political, and legal.

    The first got little reaction, and, even then, it was reduced to impotent complaining, and never rose to the level of constructive action.

    The third had The System scrambling to paper over the reality that there was a lot more of what Nifong did, where that came from, and it wasn’t just in Nifong’s office. Nifong was made the sacrificial lamb, and will probably run for political office, and win.

    The second – the Helms ad – was so effective that it disappeared, and I used to wonder why the Republicans didn’t run a variation of it nationally.

    Guess it was too “inflammatory.”

    Too accurate, as well.

  12. #12 by Pain on 07/29/2007 - 5:20 pm


    If only 144,000 JWs will be saved, that means less than 1% are saved and the rest get outer darkness and soul death. So I have always wanted to ask a JW the following: “Of the 100 people in your Kingdom Hall, which ONE person do you think is going to make it?”


    If a JW tries to convert you again, tell her you won’t join because then SHE would be less likely to get into heaven.

    When she asks what you mean you say that only 144,000 will be saved. If there are only 144,000 JWs, then all of them get saved. But anyone who joins after the chosen 144,000 reduces EVERYONE’S chances. So joining the JWs just sends more JWs to outer darkness.

    By that you mean “I’m giving you my ticket to heaven, auntie.” Then hand her a Kleenex so she can dab at her tears of gratefulness.

    (Sorry Bob, I know this was somewhat off-topic, but it is another illustration of how to deal with the Pavlovian response.)

  13. #13 by Mark on 07/29/2007 - 6:23 pm

    “By that you mean “I’m giving you my ticket to heaven, auntie.” Then hand her a Kleenex so she can dab at her tears of gratefulness.”

    That’s funny…I guess the only winner in that scenario is the Kleenex company.

  14. #14 by shari on 07/29/2007 - 6:52 pm

    Some irony on the JW’s. Here, the “Kingdom Hall” is right next door to a crematorium.

    All that aside, there is plenty of cultlike thinking in all the churches and schools and universities, right now, not to mention places of employment. I have a daughter who works for the city public library. Now what all must never be mentioned there? It’s even hard to mention at home.

  15. #15 by Pain on 07/29/2007 - 11:41 pm

    Bob says I need to spell out the link between cults like the JWs and our mission.

    We live inside a cult a very big cult.

    Speaking the truth scares people.

    The truth is white genocide and the whole thing is explained in a nutshell in the Mantra.

    People who are scared don’t think straight, so they do not think logically

    Thus they are easy to beat in an argument (keep it simple).

    The truth scares them because they believe in lies: that it’s alright for aliens to invade ALL white countries and ONLY white countries, white genocide isn’t happening but white genocide isn’t a bad thing either and whites do not exist.

    Since they believe in lies, they babble when they talk and they are easy to beat in an argument.

    You can get in a sentence or two before they start screaming, plugging up their ears, calling you names, or staring straight ahead as if they do not hear you.

    You know that that one sentence took effect when they react that way.

    On a forum, you will be able to write out the Mantra a few times and win a few short debates before you are banned.

    Stick to the mantra.

    It is often best just to take small pieces of the Mantra out at a time, so people can ingest what you are saying without plugging their ears for “preaching.”

    Telling the Mantra to people is just like talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses or other cultees. Although they do not want to listen to you, you scare them — another part of them wants to hear you, and they want to be free.

    The truth shall set them free.

    The truth the doctor prescribes for them is the Mantra, even if it’s just a blurb: “If the Mexicans don’t stop coming here, you know we all will be genocided.”


    A: “You know, why is that ONLY the white countries and ALL the white countries are being flooded with aliens?”
    B: “They are so poor at home, you can’t blame them.”
    A: “Yea, we sure made America prosperous. But of this flood keeps up, we’ll lose our prosperity and become genocided.”

    Let him chew on that. Cultees aren’t used to having too much truthfulness at one time; it makes them fart.

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