Archive for August 7th, 2007


Tory says:
The above analyses concerning the timing of the pedophilia excitement just doesn’t ring true to me. (And, by the way, I’m sure we all recall the witch hunt just a decade or so ago for pedophiles running day care centers… This pedophilia hunting is not brand new.). I think the reason it’s all over the media now is that there is a cable tv channel for everything. And somebody figured out he could get ratings by having a Pedophilia Hunt cable tv channel.


It could have been done ten years ago. Pedophiles on the web were big Pat Robertson stuff then. But you could still be right.

It is hard to to decide whether the media bureaucracy is responding to pressure or has just been too dumb all these years not to exploit what was in front of them.

My guess is that they are responding to the pressure to censor “Hate.”

But my guess could be wrong. The point is that Expert Advice, the stuff I got paid for, is always just a GUESS.

The way it should work is that real leaders pay me to hear my guesses and then make serious decisions.

But some people take the guesses of people like me and turn them into Eternal Truths. That is Wordism. At least a hundred million people were killed in the last century by people who followed Marxist Wordism.

Which puts you front and center. “Hey,Bob, that doesn’t ring true to me.”

Screw the Experts. Your job is NOT to listen obediently to US. You provide US with a LIVING. Thanks for the money.

But when the direction of our world is decided, it is YOUR job to make the call.



When the Media Start Worrying About Sexual Deviants, It’s Time to Worry About THEM

NBC is catching web pedophiles at

Why? I think the reason is the growth of white nationalism on the web.

This is the way it SHOULD be done. Pedophiles who use the internet, especially SCHOOL Teachers, should be EXPOSED. But the timing is very suspicious, and it won’t stop there.

The media never worried about pedophilic school teachers BEFORE, and it’s as old and well known throughout the public schools as pedophiles in the priesthood, something EVERY Catholic bishop knew about, even if he didn’t help the pedophiles out, a generation ago.

The media led in the battle to get pedophilic homosexual scoutmasters in the Boy Scouts.

Remember the media kept saying priests were molesting CHILDREN, and it took them forever to admit it was BOYS who were being molested.

No matter how many times I repeat it, those who have mastered the art of Missing the Point will miss what I am saying. I am NOT asking “Why expose pedophiles?”

I am asking “Why NOW?” Why, after all the decades, is the media allowing this sort of thing to air NOW.

Before the Missing the Point experts go into their usual blather about moral righteousness, let me remind you the key word is NOW.

Normally the age-old molestation of children by teaches was a secret, like the priest thing. But the media is beginning to allow stories like this NOW because of a simple agreement between liberals and “Christian” conservatives that, as white nationalism grows on the web, is becoming urgent for them.

“Christian” televangelists are leading the fight to censor the web. Also Pat Robertson is pushing intermarriage and interracial adoption. So they demand that we “protect the children” by censoring the web, and are happy to join those who want to ban “Hate,” too.

All to protect the children.

That’s why NOW.



Is This One of OUR People on SF?

Until the head is removed, the problem will remain.

We may not have to…

The beast has a mind of its own now. Notice in the past few years where the vanguard Jews go? They’re becoming “conservative.” Orthodox rabbis call for increased birth rates, some even call for expanded conversions. Neocons try to marry evangelistic “democracy” to Israeli interests. Pro-Israeli talking heads, like Limbaugh, are joined by Jewish Savage, Levin and others.

They’re running scared.

Hostile press coverage of Israel’s on-going Lebanon adventure reveals a new game. The emotional child has usurped the cunning father. Just as they lost control of Christianity and Communism, the new creation turns on its founders. Call it Internationalism, or Fonte’s Transnational Progressivism, Diffuse Marxism, Racial Marxism, whatever. Even Jews are divided. Some habitually stick to the old egalitarian deconstructions, some realize the created-thing has an agenda of its own.

The habit will continue to single out two Nazis in Minnesota while excusing 2 million wahabis in Michigan. Good. Accidental allies abound.

Momentous times. We’re not only living through Peak Oil, but also seeing Peak Moyle. Que chaos – and new opportunity


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