Archive for August 11th, 2007

granmontblanc, Hardric and Ron Paul

gerardmontblanc says:
I am one of the ignoramuses supporting Paul. What do we have to lose by giving
him a shot? It’s a no brainer that he can’t be a white nationalist and compete
for President, and really his chances of winning are quite small. The reason I
support him is because the white nationalist message can be incorporated into
my support regardless of his WN provenance or lack thereof. This because his
ideas about immigration, the FED, the nanny state, Iraq are similar to ours.
Further, comparing his positions to the positions of “top tier” candidates is
an excellent way to highlight the traitorous nature of politicians who compete
with him–a way to point out that his republicrat opponents. PSMr. Whittaker,
I compliment you on your mantra and have in fact posted it on my blog. I
listened to all of your porch talk MP3s and read your book Why Johnny Can’t
Think–my compliments. Regards. Gerard. M.


There is only one t in my name. We used to have two, but we had to sell one for food.

“The reason I support him is because the white nationalist message can be incorporated into my support regardless of his WN provenance or lack thereof.”

I have found that is a hard resolution to hold to in the heat of supporting a candidacy. I, for one, found it far too easy to agree with enemies of our race for possible extra votes, and was later ashamed of what I had done.

DON’T MISS MY REAL POINT HERE. Sure, Dr. Paul has more of our positions than others. His rebellious candidacy represents another hole in the blanket the establishmet is trying to put the fire out with. It is already smoldering visibly.

But my point is whether OUR LIMITED RESOURCES should be used in jump in on massive anti-immigration petitions, political candidacies and the like.

My point is whether OUR LIMITED RESOURCES should be used in jump in on masive anti-immigration petitions, political candidacies and the like.

My point is whether OUR LIMITED RESOURCES should be used in jump in on massive anti-immigration petitions, political candidacies and the like.

We can USE Ron Paul, but only if we keep OUR MESSAGE in mind. As Hardric says,

Hardric says:
No, gerardmontblanc, you are no ignoramus. There is nothing wrong with using every tool available to get a message across. Let me give an example.

I was in a small gas station store and upon arriving at the counter overheard an older White Woman talking to a younger one who was behind the counter. The older woman had apparently looked at a Ron Paul flyer someone put there.

“I have never heard of him” said the older woman.
“Neither have I” said the younger woman.

Now it would have served no purpose for me to go into a long dissertation on the Constitution and all of the things that have gone wrong with America in the last 225 years.

I needed to get my message across simply and quickly.
“He’s the best man out there” I said in a knowledgeable manner.

“Why” said the older woman.

So I proceeded to recount some of the virtues of Ron Paul.
Having thus obtained their undivided attention (and they were interested), I went to my message.

The real problem, I said, is a racial one. And it is a very simple problem. White people need to start defending their own Racial Interests like any normal and sane group would be expected to do.

I got no disagreement there. I am sure that these woman knew enough about their own family history to be aware that their ancestors did exactly that.
