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Translating for Morons

Posted by Bob on September 15th, 2007 under Coaching Session

When I put forward the Mantra, is often Me no hear “intermarriage” before. What assimilation? What that have do intermarriage?” and like brilliance.

Lord Nelson, on the other hand, went out there and DEMANDED that antis give him ANY alternative they had to genocide against whites. He is beating them over the head with it, and he is beating them to death.

When someone says, “Me no hear ‘race problem,'” you can either use that to ACT or you can REACT and come to me with your tail between your legs.

I get SICK of doing ALL the translating. When they say that, YOU have a chance to define things the way LN does.

When someone asks you a question, that is a chance for YOU to SAY SOMETHING.

Now for something that seems completely different.. If experts get caught by every historical benchmark with their noses up their behinds, I can afford to be wrong a LOT in my predictions. WOL has all the examples here on record.

Right now there is a protest of about a thousand against the Iraq War – the media says “thousands,” so that’s a max. The REASON I say that is because it is a leftist march. It is leftist march because the organization used AMSAWR, Against War and Racism.” What in Heaven’s name does “racism” have to do with it?

Translation for the brain damaged: Consistently over the past four decades, an organization that was pro-Communist always used the term “Racism” in its title. This was obvious to anybody who could reason. Anti-racist means openly anti-white, just as Temperance means Prohibition.

Back on Earth, the word Temperance excludes two things by definition. Temperance means not ABUSING alcohol. It means the moderate USE of alcohol. So a non-drinker is, by definition, not “temperate.”

As with Anti- Racism this requires a second of painful THOUGHT. As soon as I hear “Anti-Racist” in a title, it is the same as “Marxist and I can go ahead. But I can’t because it is tripwire. I have to go back and explain this to each and every person who has decided to abandon his frontal lobe on me – AGAIN.

Capitalized, Anti-Racist ALWAYS means Marxist. It has always meant Marxist for forty years. But I have to go back and pick up the stumbling who can’t speak the political language.

Over and over and over and over and over.

  1. #1 by Alan B on 09/15/2007 - 8:28 pm

    Marxism is “Wordist” to the nth degree. Marxism championed the wordist phrase capitolist exploitation and yet they enslaved the masses to the state. Todays anti racist are anti white and pander to the mentally inferior brown skin races, these parasites would die without our white money and shortsightedness. To the non whites marxism is appealing, it claims to provide all and that is what non whites live for, living off white wealth and creativity.

  2. #2 by Mark on 09/15/2007 - 11:48 pm

    I must have really gotten under your skin, Bob. I haven’t been this “abused” in a long time. Look how many times you hit me over the head. My god but my ego is swelling. Tee Hee…

  3. #3 by Simmons on 09/16/2007 - 10:01 am

    Its a cult it survives on the emotional response to the wordism of the day. They word you and you ask them what in exact detail do they mean and then you pick them apart. Be patient give them a minute, but I guarantee within two follow up questions they turn violent in nature, moral authority gone. Its a hoot having a mud brain or a white kiddy kultist have a meltdown over cognitive dissonance of their small infantile emotive brain. Eg; Ask a Jew if they fear white men, no need to shriek.

  4. #4 by Back Bay Grouch on 09/16/2007 - 10:44 pm

    And what does Marxism lead to? When the elderly Marshal Petain detrained in Paris from Madrid, called back to do up the deal with Hitler, he said, “This is what comes from seventy years of Marxism.” He nailed it.

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