Archive for September 21st, 2007

Seminar Versus Ad Hominem

Mark recommended a South African site and said it was almost as thought-provoking as this one. I made the point that we are UNIQUE. Another commenter referred to the recomended site as “copy and paste” as opposed to our doing our own writing ourselves.

This seminar exchange made me think of the uniqueness of BUGS, and I used the term “copy and paste” there a lot. I joked about attacking Mark, but he knew it was in jest. But he COULD have taken the entire diatribe about copy-and-paste sites PERSONALLY.

Now Simmons said something harmlessly that got me to thinking about the whole problem of scattergun arguments. I will write the piece later, but it occurred to me that this would be a good time to remind you that this is a SEMINAR. I expound on what you REMIND me of. Not everythig I have to say about cut and paste sites versus our uniqueness has to do with Mark personally. Not everythng I say about ego making one turn to shotgun arguments instead of beating in the message is a personal criticism of Simmons.

I am NOT a subtle man. If I mean YOU, your name will be up front. But in a SEMINAR you have to let me expound on what you make me think of without taking it as a personal attack.

We have a job to do, a job NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO. Let’s leave the personal crap over on SF.




I sometimes slip words like “subjugation” and “submissiveness” in place of genocide, but then again I’m a bit of a free thinker and willing to make a mistake or two.

— Simmons


That’s fine if your big concern is yourself. If your big thing is to be a free-thinker this neednot concern yo

But if you are dedicated to the CAUSE, artistic variation is a BAD ida. We need to hit GENOCIDE. This thing is way beyond subjugation. Lord Nelson took my criticism of his talking about”outpopulating” well, and this is the same thing.

The ONLY way to beat our concepts into their brains is to give them NO wiggle room. If You VARY the tems to look good or not to look bad or to look “free-thinking,” that gives them wiggle room. We have to get this to the point where any of the code words, anti-racism, assimilation, and so forth, cause the word “genocide” to pop up in theirminds or they get nervous that it will pop up in others. THEY HAVE NEVER MET THS KIND OF ATTACK BEFORE.

Your little play with words can do tremendous damage. It’s like shooting powder instead of a bullet.

It’s not subjugation, it’s GENOCIDE. It’s not outpopulating, it’s GENETIC mixture.



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