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Seminar Versus Ad Hominem

Posted by Bob on September 21st, 2007 under Coaching Session

Mark recommended a South African site and said it was almost as thought-provoking as this one. I made the point that we are UNIQUE. Another commenter referred to the recomended site as “copy and paste” as opposed to our doing our own writing ourselves.

This seminar exchange made me think of the uniqueness of BUGS, and I used the term “copy and paste” there a lot. I joked about attacking Mark, but he knew it was in jest. But he COULD have taken the entire diatribe about copy-and-paste sites PERSONALLY.

Now Simmons said something harmlessly that got me to thinking about the whole problem of scattergun arguments. I will write the piece later, but it occurred to me that this would be a good time to remind you that this is a SEMINAR. I expound on what you REMIND me of. Not everythig I have to say about cut and paste sites versus our uniqueness has to do with Mark personally. Not everythng I say about ego making one turn to shotgun arguments instead of beating in the message is a personal criticism of Simmons.

I am NOT a subtle man. If I mean YOU, your name will be up front. But in a SEMINAR you have to let me expound on what you make me think of without taking it as a personal attack.

We have a job to do, a job NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO. Let’s leave the personal crap over on SF.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 09/21/2007 - 10:53 am

    Politics for the masses is theatre. I don’t know about the backroom variety never been there like you Bob, but I found the best way to reach the rubes is to hold court and mold opinion. You are absolutely right about the scattergun method and staying on message, and as part of the Bob W. roadshow I’m proud to be your example in the crowd.

  2. #2 by Dave on 09/21/2007 - 12:57 pm

    The MSM franchises in nonwhite countries are imitations of the American, British, and European MSM (with the Jewish influence absent) and anything European or American is presented as “sophistication”. In fashion and style, the narcissistic elements in nonwhite countries are Caucasian in substance and character, and nearness to things European, American or British always invariably represent status.

    The ambit of the imitation in the nonwhite counties cannot be overstated. But ironically, this imitation is a vehicle where the assertions of indigenous (nonwhite) pride rides, these indigenous assertions of nonwhite racial pride ironically riding in the worship and imitation of OUR culture and racial traits.

    It is not sustainable for it is an irreconcilable peculiarity for indigenous nonwhite pride to ride in the EMBRACE of all things racially and culturally WHITE.

    Therefore, things “thoroughbred” are destined to become fashionable in both white and nonwhite countries and already the celebrities with their Asian and Negro adoptees seem intolerably passé.

    This is because Political Correctness is too weak of a container for racial envy, and envy is an emotion that is too great and powerful for it not to evolve to new forms. Accordingly, the nineteenth century sensibility about race and racial purity is a much more durable container.

    The resurrection of chattel slavery now occurring under the guise of the global financial marketplace is connected and interrelates to all this. As we know, the so-called global financial marketplace is nothing but a cover for a “plantation system” of caste, based upon gradations of skin color and exploitation through creditor-debtor arrangements, and made incredibly effective and efficient through computer platforms and automated surveillance run by the banking system and its handmaidens in the courts and government.

    The silly affections of “democracy” now furnishing cover for the reinvention of chattel slavery are rapidly giving way to the brute force reality, the commercial and investment banking elites being the agents of plantation management.

    At some point in the redevelopment of chattel slavery under these arrangements, affectations of “democracy” become unnecessary as the “legitimacy procurement” services of such affectations become redundant.

    And Europe is slowly being flushed down the toilet owing to Europe’s high levels of taxation and government presence while America and Asia are increasingly running the show.

    You can’t have high levels of taxation and make chattel slavery work for the “masters” are always confronted with the age-old issue of the “slave rebellion”. In Europe this is known as the “Islamic revolt”. Taxation prevents the opportunity for the slave to buy his way out, as the opportunity to “buy your way out” must exist for the institution of chattel slavery to be sustainable.

    Otherwise, all parties to the chattel slavery transaction are trapped.

    Accordingly, the thing has to “centrifugically” blow apart. This leads to the kinds of situations Castro, Chavez, and that clown in North Korea are running, which are nothing but slave systems gone awry.

    Try getting a European to understand these basics. Try getting hordes of fools in America to do the same. Good luck.

    Mommy Professor has been working against you for generations. But racial purity is the next big trend. Count on it. You heard it first at BUGS.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 09/21/2007 - 7:01 pm

    in (partial) reply to Dave:

    You made two particularly cognizant points I would like to quickly address.

    One, you wrote:
    Taxation prevents the opportunity for the slave to buy his way out, as the opportunity to “buy your way out” must exist for the institution of chattel slavery to be sustainable.

    Otherwise, all parties to the chattel slavery transaction are trapped.

    in reply:
    Taxation has moved into new, more direct areas, and, yes, indentured servitude WILL return.

    Look for the term “body writ” to appear, and look for the only rational economic solution be to join, say, the Armed Forces – where your paycheck will be garnished until your writ has been extinguished.

    Under the five year rule of the bankruptcy law, your house just became a de facto debtor’s prison, in the name of market stability… (Incidentally, you will be hearing reports of people who drop the keys to the house off at the bank, while holding on to their credit cards. This happened in the late Seventies and early Eighties, and banks made sure that wasn’t going to happen again. These people just don’t realize it. Yet.)

    So, new classes of indentured servants – those with capital resources but are illiquid, and those who will never have capital resources – have been created.

    To the second class, your body is the collateral, under the doctrine of body writ.

    The only way out is the same it was for the indentured servants who fled to the hills and mountains of Appalachia.

    I suspect this option will become foreclosed, all too often, all too soon.

    Two you wrote:
    But racial purity is the next big trend.

    in reply:
    I have been thinking along these same lines for the past week, with the opportunity to meet with my nephews and talk with them for hours…

    A past issue of Chronicles featured a piece on a family that used the estate law, and entity law, to develop a legal mutual aid and support bulwark for the family structures they chose. This supports the family, and the family supports this system.

    This family’s business plan goes out fifty to one hundred years.

    MOST families I know have a hazy idea about next month, maybe, and that is if they are interested in long term planning.

    The closest I have seen to this is certain families in the Mormon Church, who are referred to as Mormon Royalty, one and all heirs of the “Trek of ’47.”

    As Family is the microcosm of Race, and Race is the macrocosm of Family, I suspect defining issues in terms of “THE Family” will be the functional equivalent of defining issues in terms of Positive Racism, and Social Eugenics.

    Oh, by the way, I told my nephews that EVERY conversation will be turned to the issue of Race, and I will give them lectures on this pretty much continuously.

    At least part of my Family can be saved…

    More to follow.

  4. #4 by Dave on 09/21/2007 - 9:40 pm


    Racial purity is the next big trend because competition forces it. Few see this reality, but BW made the call early on.

    The resurrection of chattel slavery through debt obligations has been made possible through computer technology, information sharing, and low cost surveillance. Before the advent of the Internet and low cost computing, the controls necessary to make debt slavery work were simply too expensive for the present era. This is a big unheralded change in our lives. Our Asian clients are learning quickly of the advantages of a credit card enslaved populace as the best forms of coercion are those forms not perceived as coercive. Getting sucked into debt does the trick nicely.

    But government can blow this all to hell through excessive taxation. It is bad enough to be in debt, but worse if the level of taxation prevents you from ever getting out from underneath your debts regardless of onerous bankruptcy laws.

    Slavery is an art. Lay on too many restraints and be too transparent in the application of force and you kill hope. That invites rebellion. This is exactly what is happening in Europe.

    BW has been very prescient about this. The European policy is absolutely ridiculous. They are inept at running slave societies, yet they invite the darkies in. Now they are left with the stark choice of kicking the darkies out, or letting the whole thing blow to hell.

    This can happen in America too. If the Feds respond to the next big government-financing crunch by upping the level of taxes, they will light the fuse for a real shindig on the racial and ethnic conflict front.

    BW has said it and it cannot be truer: Free society and multiracial society are incompatible. You can’t have both.

  5. #5 by AFKAN on 09/22/2007 - 12:32 am

    in reply to Dave:

    I have a slightly different perspective on one issue you addressed.

    you wrote:
    Slavery is an art. Lay on too many restraints and be too transparent in the application of force and you kill hope. That invites rebellion. This is exactly what is happening in Europe.

    in reply:
    I think you can replace hope with the illusions of Power. As well, the chemical gelding of over HALF of the Adult population in America with prescription tranquilizers all but guarantees that, as long as Big Pharma can keep the factories running, these people will only pose threats to themselves.

    As well, their children have been indoctrinated into the “Better Living Through Chemistry” lifestyle with State sanction-and-mandated prescription medication from as early as second grade.

    The parents fell victim to the potent combination of the First Virtual Reality – color television – and adopted the values put forward through it so deeply that they require tranquilizers to silence their Mind’s attempt to deal with what its senses tell it MUST be true. The plainly observed Truth about Race, for example, all but screams for Adult responses.

    The children fell victim to the Second Virtual Reality – prescription tranquilizers from elementary school on, and digital technology on their desktop that makes the Real World seem rather dull, boring, and mundane. As computer monitors become better – some goggles the VR crowd uses are incredible – and plasma tv with high definition becomes more available, the Virtual Reality will be a place where all but the least able of us will be able to hide from the burden of the Real World, which will be falling apart before their eyes.

    “Brave New World” required few Alphas – the Owners and Rulers – some more Betas – middle managers – and easily controlled Gammas. In the instant of Mexico, we are – literally – importing Gammas beyond measure, while defining normality down to their level…

    you wrote:
    BW has been very prescient about this. The European policy is absolutely ridiculous. They are inept at running slave societies, yet they invite the darkies in. Now they are left with the stark choice of kicking the darkies out, or letting the whole thing blow to hell.

    in reply:
    This is the logical outcome of the Suicide of the West. European society, in the neutralization of the White Race that made it great, will become, de facto, Eurabia – the bastard offspring of Seventh Century Islam, with electricity.

    I think Putin’s advisers have realized this better than you or I, and are insuring White Russia has all manner of firewalls in place to make sure this doesn’t happen in the Eurasian Homeland…

    you wrote:
    This can happen in America too. If the Feds respond to the next big government-financing crunch by upping the level of taxes, they will light the fuse for a real shindig on the racial and ethnic conflict front.

    in reply:
    I think the next phase will be mandatory National Service, with military service being the big prize for the underclass – a neat trick to avoid bringing a military draft back in name, while creating a tool for the de facto legalization of the Mexican populace. Remember, the Selective Service Act, AS CURRENTLY WRITTEN, specifically does not exclude illegals.

    There can only be ONE reason for that.

    This will delay the Day of Reckoning for the massive tax increases needed to sustain the further Indenturing of America, while importing an Army that can be trained to control the restive populace, which, I assure you, they will do with great gusto.

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