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Tim: Traitors, the Denazification Approach

Posted by Bob on October 23rd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Bob has wondered out loud on this blog on what to do with the traitors. I have a solution. Many of the rituals in Christianity are taken directly from the Druids. Baptism right through to Excommunication were Druidic long before they were Christian.

I say we bring back Excommunication……the full Druidic deal. It is a tad more brutal than the Catholic variety…….but it will be unforgettable to the transgressors.

— Tim

If you will THINK about what I have said here repeatedly, that is my recommendation.

I have said, REPEATEDLY, that when the age of the liberals’ Faithful Colored Companions ends, we will divide racially. Liberals and respectable conservatives will come crawling back. But they will try to be neoracists, with reservations, with David Horowitz as their spokesman. See below, “David Horowitz: Genocide with a Smile.”

We wouldn’t be in this position if Jews didn’t know what they were doing.

How do THEY handle people who were Nazis back when it was the only thing to be in Germany?

They NEVER forget. They NEVER forgive.

You can’t execute today’s traitors, nor do you want to. But the government should have a permanent bureau, as it does on getting Nazi Germans from sixty years ago. But THIS one will pay off our national debt.

Full-time people will go back through every ad and donation foundations and private corporations ever did during this period. They will FINE them tens or hundreds of millions of dollars — not the weak race traitor laws of Nazi Germany — for every genocidal, criminal thing that is discovered.

It will RUIN their heirs. It will make discovering old race treason a major industry. Every day in every way people will be reminded of what was done in the name of fashion because it will COST THEM MONEY.

It will NEVER end.

It is a form of excommunication, but I am a practical politician, and it is a PRACTICAL one. The money will KEEP coming in to reverse the damage earlier people did to us.

Get off the soapbox, LISTEN to what I say, and let’s do what has WORKED.

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/23/2007 - 12:39 pm

    BW is getting into the real plumbing of the establishment when he talks about penalizing the foundations and other institutions for their complicity in the regime of political correctness.

    There are two primary holders of highly desired assets in America: foundations and governments.

    Few in America realize that governments (there are an unbelievably large number of separate governments in America) hold 50% of America’s private sector equity and bond capital (public employee pension plans, workers compensation reserves, etc.).

    Let’s not even talk about these governments’ real estate holdings. Combine them with the holdings our huge tax advantaged corporate, family, and academic foundations and you have a pretty complete picture of how wealth is held in America.

    Levying penalties for disloyalty upon the executives who control these wealth titling and wealth controlling institutions gets to the heart of what a revolution should accomplish.

    But what happens to the value of these assets under a new regime could not be more important, for that is the same question facing the current regime.

    There is no way white people can evade their governance responsibilities with respect to nonwhite populations.

    The question of the inability of nonwhites to successfully self-govern has dogged America since well before independence and today it dogs the entire world. It is what the wars in the Mid-East, Central Asia, and Africa are really all about.

    But it is heresy to raise the issue.

    Nonwhite populations are not capable of successful self-governance. If they were, we would not have a global banking system capitalized with American bonds.

    Yet the conservatives’ answer to this issue is to demand that somehow nonwhite nations such as Japan and China establish sovereign bond markets that are trusted, taking the pressure off America and Britain for capitalizing the whole world’s banking system.

    This will never happen as they are asking Japanese and Chinese to become white people. It is as stupid as George Bush asking Iraqis to become a successful multi-cultural democracy.

    Nonwhite populations can only be managed by very cunning policies that force nonwhites into productivity and away from political activity. It is a high art to accomplish this and our people must be aware of its importance.

    This is where Europe is failing. Europe is under the rule of nutty academics and productivity is falling off the cliff for all segments of Europe’s populations.

    Productivity is at the heart of the game of dominance.

    The alternative is to live a fantasy life like the Amish, bottom of the barrel losers in life’s evolutionary struggles.

  2. #2 by Lord Nelson on 10/23/2007 - 2:17 pm

    Coach, this is a fantastic solution. I would really enjoy seeing the ongoing witch hunt.
    We could make an industry of hunting down social constructs.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/23/2007 - 3:16 pm

    I think we are getting ahead of ourselves here. First thing I would like to see is liberals being held responsible. You would think even the respectables would notice they win when the rhetoric is about holding these idiots responsible for their emotive nonsense. But this segways into what you fellows are onto, for ex; Harvard has a prof Joel Ignatiev a jew whose shtick is whiteness studies publishes something called “Race Traitor.” Harvard has a 39 Billion dollar endowment (follow me so far?)that I would say is ripe for the plucking. It might only take one person to file a lawsuit against the university for hostile enviroment or something like that. Now if they had a Duke stripper hoax Katie bar the door 39 billion would shrink pretty damn fast. I could be wrong maybe whites are excluded from hostile enviroment lawsuits, but I believe when it comes to this it only takes one.

  4. #4 by hpfeffer on 10/23/2007 - 3:20 pm

    Wow! You fellas are truly drunk with power! Where did you get these ideas as to what you are going to do?

  5. #5 by Tim on 10/23/2007 - 4:18 pm

    Great comments all of them. I was looking a wide open piece on Bob’s idea that he had mentioned before. And I got it.

  6. #6 by Tim on 10/23/2007 - 4:27 pm


    Right this minute we have more power than the Commies and the Socialists did 100 years ago. They seemed to have done well……and they did not have new medium of communication like the internet. I should say OUR internet. Because we pretty much own the show on OUR RACE issue.

    You know you are hurting someone when the peanut gallery is coming over here and snipping at us on our home turf. Everywhere the self hating white people (liberals and socalled conservatives) turn it is RACE hitting them in the head. Even when they least expect it from established scientists. RACE, RACE, RACE.

  7. #7 by mderpelding on 10/23/2007 - 8:52 pm

    Remember the jurisprudence of our pre-Christian ancestors.
    The punishment for a person who caused harm to another was not death or jail/banishment but repayment.
    For instance, if I killed one of your family members, my punishment would be for me to serve you and your own until such time as you as the injured party decided that I had righted that which was wrong. And if, in your opinion, I could never do so, then I served you until my death.
    What wasn’t done was to kill me outright like a Jew or rehabilitate me in a cage like a Christian.
    I would have been treated as a man, as those I had wronged wished to be treated.
    We shall treat our enemies as men also. They shall spend the rest of their lives serving us. The golden rule of our ancestors provides all the precedence required.
    Those who wish to truly be part of us will serve for as long as need be.
    Those who refuse our offer to be men as we define them would release us from the obligation to treat them as men.

  8. #8 by Pain on 11/11/2007 - 9:21 pm

    “Many of the rituals in Christianity are taken directly from the Druids. Baptism right through to Excommunication were Druidic long before they were Christian.”

    That’s just stupid. There were no Druids in Constantinople.

    Besides, I think I have read every primary source on the Druids, and they had nothing like that. Actually very little is known about them since Julius Caesar hunted them down and murdered them before almost all written records were kept.

    We need to avoid insane statements like this. No movement can function if it is based on delusions.

    Does anyone posting here believe he has an alien implant in the back of his neck?

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