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AFKAN is on Target This Time!

Posted by Bob on October 25th, 2007 under General

The above post might seem trivial, to some, but I think it is of greater importance in the light of Bob’s theme for this thread.

In an earlier post, mrpelding noted our need for a new religion. I commented on this, noting that all other religions bind the followers BACK, while Christianity – True Christianity – bound its followers FORWARD.

White Nationalism, Western Nationalism, and what could be called a possible “Movement” involving these Ideals – call it WN2/M – has not made the headway it should have for numerous reasons. Among those is the so-called “Golden Age” – Rockwell, Oliver, Pierce – was formed in the clear background of a race war defined as a “Civil Rights Movement.”

ALL of these men could remember a White America, and KNEW that only a White America could be a Great Nation.

Since then, the “Civil Rights Movement” has been part and parcel of a Gramscian Institutional Transformation, and WN2/M went nowhere, compared to what could have been.

Thus, even now, the personal battles of thirty years ago are being refought daily on various WN bulletin boards and forums…

I am convinced it’s because they, essentially, stopped moving forward; they saw the issues in one context, and are trapped in that intellectual context.

Some have moved forward, even while these battles try to drag them back – like the archaic religions, they draw them BACK to a past that never really was, where they never spend any time creating a better future.

There are exceptions, but even these are spending too much of their time fighting yesterday’s conflicts.

My nephews shall not have anything to do with these dramas.

I have explained to them the conflicts they see being worked out, and have explained why nothing much has happened around WN2/M activities; everyone is still arguing over who should have won The Big Game back in high school, while our Opposition went on to colleges, and universities…

And I am tired of it.

So, we are looking to an incredible future, with the best of Bob’s Insights – and the Insights of his posters – in starting with the intellectual framework of Family First – Family, as the microcosm of Race, Race as the macrocosm of Family, and Race as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

And, if they can learn with Paul’s Meet-Ups about diplomatic and political skills, and can apply them to good effect with Dobson’s Third Party, so much the better.

If this leads to them leading a new nation twenty years from now, ALL based on the foundation of Family, and Race, so much the better.

At least, I will have offered them honor, discipline, and the stars…

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/25/2007 - 3:26 pm


    You are so right about this, this business of our opposition’s advanced training. I know that most of commenters on this blog do not even begin to get it.

    The “regalian forces” (police and judiciary) in any society are dumb forces. All they care about is showing their epaulets, being respected, and receiving their paychecks on time. They don’t give a damn about politics or policy. It is so important to understand this.

    Not only that, they are incredibly lazy. Let me say it again, they are incredibly lazy. The people who make “regalian careers” are lazy personalities. Believe me, top tier Jewish lawyers understand this keenly.

    It is the reason why a handful of top tier Jewish lawyers have been able to shape and mold our entire judiciary. Hell, I can name a lot of these lawyers who actually did it by name!!

    They know that judges are lazy. Consequently, these cunning, learned, and highly intelligent lawyers do the work for the judges. They instruct judges in the law (a law by rights the judge should know himself), in a law the damn judge is too lazy to research for himself to form his own opinions in. That’s how they were able to take over the judiciary. That was the basic mechanism. It was that simple.

    A very similar process has taken place with Jews and the Pentagon brass. A very similar process has taken place with Jews and members of Congress.

    We live in world were the shrewd, the intelligent, and the hard working win. And you don’t know successful Jews if you accuse them of being lazy.

    Now compare the Libertarians and their attitude toward the “regalian forces”. Their entire program is to DOWNSIZE the “regalian forces”(i.e, deprive them of their paychecks). How idiotic get you get? Their answer to the whole goddamn issue is at the level of a mental retard. How can these fools possibly compete? They don’t even know where the door to the ball field is.

    Now here’s another insight I doubt few commenters on this blog will get: Our opposition’s arena (they didn’t pay the rodeo fees, they just jumped the fence and hauled their asses onto the bucking broncos) IS ACTUALLY AMENABLE TO OUR AIMS.

    In my personal life I have a very good view to the inside of the opposition’s arena (that is the inside of the establishment). Nobody on the outside has a clue: THEY ARE NOT THAT HARD TO COOPT.


    That’s why I love it when BW says, “Cut the crap”.

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 10/25/2007 - 6:05 pm


    Some quick comments:

    Thanks for your reply, and your kind words.

    I have been doing a lot more than just watching “Fight Club” with them, and replaying Pitt’s/”Tyler Durden’s” speeches to them, explaining the deep truth he is trying to communicate.

    I have told them – and they now KNOW, at a level beyond “Words,” the truth of three words – “Violence Solves Everything.”

    The core of Governance is the power to Define, and to enforce the Definitions. The “Law” is simply a shorthand term for maintaining the force monopoly with the Crown, and using the power of the Crown’s servants – the lawyers, as a Priesthood, and the policeman, as Soldiers – to insure the monopoly of power remains in hands that are ever higher, ever tighter, and ever righter.

    Titles, to my nephews, mean a LOT less than they did.

    THIS is where the power of political skill, and diplomacy, comes to the fore; rather than call things by the right name (always a temptation to the impulsive young), I have taught them that the Matters of Form are of the utmost importance, and their Mastery of the Matters of Form are required for their success, in any field on endeavor.

    The Matters of Substance are a topic to be addressed separately, behind closed doors.

    Note that the Jews have Torah Academies, and Talmudic Academies.

    THERE is where the Inner Game, the Matters of Substance, are drilled into their charges in a thousand times a thousand lessons, with innumerable examples of HOW the game of Race War is intelligently played, with one eye on the minute clock, and the other eye on the clock that measures in terms of centuries, and millennia.

    I can not emphasize this enough.

    They are learning the skills, including the Mindset, they need to actually play the Long Game, successfully.

    They came from reduced circumstances; bluntly, they came from the “good mountain people” side of the Family.

    So, to help them learn, I am helping them to “Know The Code,” and spent about $500 USD on the appropriate attire from the Land’s End catalog.

    When they said learning etiquette was “pretty girly,” I showed them the chapter in Marcinko’s “Rogue Warrior,” where he admitted how important it was for him to learn the social graces (p 177 of the paperback edition).

    They can RELATE to Demo Dick!

    I am getting the manuals for the etiquette course from USMC Schools Quantico, and will take them to nice restaurants – IF they will let me use these times as times of testing.

    Their judo classes continue, DAILY!

    Let all of the other WN2/M crowd fight over yesterdays that never were, all the while ignoring their responsibilities to build a better Tomorrow.

    That Way is safe, comfortable, soft, and points ever so slowly downhill…

    Just like C.S. Lewis’s Path to Hell.

  3. #3 by Tim on 10/25/2007 - 7:13 pm


    Great Post! You are correct. Just look at what Putin and his gang did to the Neocons over in Russia.
    He jumped over the rail and got his bronco back. They accuse him of acting like a sneaky KGB agent. He just pushed them off his bronco. Now he is the ONLY European leader in the World.

  4. #4 by AFKAN on 10/27/2007 - 12:07 am

    Some quick thoughts on Dr. David Duke, and his importance to my nephews:

    I have stated my belief that Duke was a great natural politician, and is a great national statesman, who is ahead of his time in so many ways.

    I thought of Huey Long, who I hold in high regard, for his willingness to adapt to the situation before him – he was running against a political oligarchy right out of the Nineteenth Century, in a state with less than three hundred miles of paved roads – and how Long’s social initiatives terrified the status quo.

    Long – a brilliant man, passed the bar exam with nine months of study – tried to transform an essentially agrarian plantation society into a modern, industrial state. His last words were to the effect that he had so much to do…

    I think of Duke, and realize he made the natural mistakes of a younger man, in a different time and place.

    IF he had been a little less of an outside in his dress, and IF he had been the leader in transforming certain organizations into something a bit more presentable – Hell, EFFECTIVE – to the national media (sort of like the DLC to the Democratic National Committee), he would be a Senator today, and a Senator for life, because he would have crystallized the intelligent populist Ideals and messages of a Long, to one constituency, and a Perot, to another constituency.

    He would have been the one to reach Dr. Sam Francis’s much beloved, often scorned, MARtians – the Middle American Radicals.

    I will be using Long, as one example, and Duke, as the other example, defining bookends of the American Century.

    Further, I will have them review Duke’s public performances, and will explain to them how well he did against hostile audiences, and why.

    The Challenge is to look beneath the matters of Form – the false duality of Democrat and Republican, for instance – and develop the next Third Way Party based on Family, and Race.

    I realize that all Systems have Outer Games – what they seem to be, to the public at larger – and Inner Games – where the hidden agendas are defined, and conflicts between hidden agendas are resolved.

    I think that’s where Duke made his error, lo these many years ago.

    He accepted the terms and definitions of our Racial Enemy, without realizing it; his attempts at building a counterforce used the tools at hand, which were, essentially, archaic in the age of television.

    My next step will be to get them to take speech lessons!

    “But Uncle, we can already talk good!”

    “Yes; talking good, is well and good, but you must learn to speak, better.”

    In time…

  5. #5 by Pain on 10/27/2007 - 2:34 am

    “mrpelding noted our need for a new religion”

    That would be a blatant dishonesty.

    And who can’t see the irony of an irreligious person proposing a religion?

    It’s wordist.

    You can’t make up a religion. Anyone who says he believes in a religion he made up is not believable. It would mean he worships himself. No one who worships himself can be trusted.

    The technical term for this is “sociopath.”

    I have met many people who have read this blog but won’t comment, and others who have heard of it but won’t read it. The race issue is hard enough to broach, but coddling atheism (99% of whose associates are Jews) is too much to expect and too alien to the majority of whites. Even the League of the South officially cited this as a reason for its members to stay away from sites like this.

    But there would be consequences, too. Proposing to make one up is proposing to sweep away all values and allow him to do anything he wants.

    The honest person with a conscience, however, would not make a vaporous exhortation for a new religion. He would simply abjure. A person like that was Voltaire, who worshipped his own reason, mistreated others verbally (and was beaten up for it), but was neither so stupid nor of such bad character as to worship himself tout entier (altogether).

    What ALL successful movements and organizations have is a disciplined membership. Hitler (a devout Christian) stated that he was able to get all the discipline he needed by getting his men to believe in something far greater than themselves. In this case that was RACE.

    We can’t use individuals who think the world revolves around them.

    The white race is God’s finest creation. Anyone serving God will do what is right wherever he can, even where it means giving up his own self (life) for that race. No self-worshipper can do that.

    It takes guts. Faith=loyalty=constancy=courage.

    All this means: focus on RACE.

  6. #6 by AFKAN on 10/27/2007 - 7:26 pm

    in reply to Pain:

    “mrpelding noted our need for a new religion”

    That would be a blatant dishonesty.

    And who can’t see the irony of an irreligious person proposing a religion?

    It’s wordist.

    You can’t make up a religion. Anyone who says he believes in a religion he made up is not believable. It would mean he worships himself. No one who worships himself can be trusted.

    The technical term for this is “sociopath.”

    in reply:
    Did Christ come to make a “better” Israelite faith, or a “better” Judaism?


    He came with new wine, that the old bottles could not contain; this means, essentially, that the olf Forms could not handle the new Substance that was being put forth.

    We are not talking talking about “making up a new religion.”

    We are talking about removing the archaic control structures from the Institutional practice of Christianity, which only serve The Doctrine, and not the Servants of the Living Word.

    you wrote:

    I have met many people who have read this blog but won’t comment, and others who have heard of it but won’t read it. The race issue is hard enough to broach, but coddling atheism (99% of whose associates are Jews) is too much to expect and too alien to the majority of whites. Even the League of the South officially cited this as a reason for its members to stay away from sites like this.

    in reply:
    That is part and parcel of the great tragedy of our times; that the Church in which we were raised, as Children, wishes to KEEP US as Children, trapped in the Structures they have managed to overlay on Christianity to make it an Institution.

    “Was Man made to serve the Sabbath, or the Sabbath, to serve Man?”

    The answer is pretty obvious.

    Yet, the Institutionalists work with the Legalists to pervert Christianity into being MERELY “another religion,” and not The Way (FORWARD!), the Truth (Leading FORWARD!), and the Life (Leading FORWARD!).

    What they want of Christianity, all too often, is the comfort of comfortable rituals, and kindly community. A Church with Barcaloungers, if you will…

    Haven’t they made Christianity over in THEIR image – soft, quiet, tolerant, impotent and ineffective – as well?

    Understand that Christ was the very personification of Intolerance, setting father against son, and mother against daughter; in short, Community, as temporally defined, was of a distinctly secondary concern.

    And, to those who argue we are “coddling atheism,” I remind one and all that a Christianity that can not defend itself against the Institutions that have captured it is atheistic in all but name, for it has lost the Creative Christ at its center.

    And, as for the League of the South, isn’t it true that they, like the Institutional Christian Churches, are also dying on the vine?

    From “The League of the South” to “A Confederacy of Dunces,” all in one generation.

    If Robert E. Lee returned, with Jackson and Forrest, don’t you think they would treat The League of the South the way Christ treated the temple priesthood, with whips, vigorously applied, to those who so righteously deserve an old-fashioned ass-whipping, instead of the Old Fashioneds they serve one another at cocktail hour?

    Invite them to come over here and prove us wrong; no, better let the sleepers remain asleep…

    you wrote:

    But there would be consequences, too. Proposing to make one up is proposing to sweep away all values and allow him to do anything he wants.

    in reply:
    We are not creating a new religion, or sweeping away ALL values; just restoring Christianity to what it should have been, before our Racial Enemies co-opted it into JUDEO-Christianity, a tool which quite explicitly serves their Race, and quite actively undermines our Race.

    “This is not by accident…”

    you wrote:

    The honest person with a conscience, however, would not make a vaporous exhortation for a new religion. He would simply abjure. A person like that was Voltaire, who worshipped his own reason, mistreated others verbally (and was beaten up for it), but was neither so stupid nor of such bad character as to worship himself tout entier (altogether).

    in reply:
    We are not proposing a New Religion.

    We are simply proposing that all of the Wordism/”The Doctrine” Institutional Transformation of Christianity be defined as perversions of Christianity, and removed until a Christianity remains that does what Christianity is supposed to do – build, actively Create, The Way FORWARD, and not try to bind us to a past that never really was…

    Although, if you think about it, doesn’t The League of the South ALSO try to bind us BACK to a past that never really was?

    Indeed, isn’t Sewanee changing its name?

    I suppose The League of the South mutters impotently about THAT, as well…

    Yet, the Gramscian March continues, unabated by The League’s furious frothings…

    you wrote:

    What ALL successful movements and organizations have is a disciplined membership. Hitler (a devout Christian) stated that he was able to get all the discipline he needed by getting his men to believe in something far greater than themselves. In this case that was RACE.

    in reply:
    Thanks for making my point!

    Hitler was born into Christianity, but supported the proposition of the leading scholars of his day, that the “Christian” Institutions did a poor job of serving the Living Savior.

    He tried to create an opportunity for the people to outgrow THOSE, as well, IF THEY WANTED TO.

    This makes him an ideal example for us…

    you wrote:

    We can’t use individuals who think the world revolves around them.

    The white race is God’s finest creation. Anyone serving God will do what is right wherever he can, even where it means giving up his own self (life) for that race. No self-worshipper can do that.

    It takes guts. Faith=loyalty=constancy=courage.

    All this means: focus on RACE.

    in reply:
    When you focus on RACE, you must look at the larger issue of RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    This means restoring Christianity to its rightful purpose, as the ONLY religion that even allows you to look forward, to the stars, and not backwards, to the mud.

    Perhaps The League of the South can have as their emblem a picture of Robert E. Lee, and the motto, “WWRD?”

    That’s right.

    “What Would Robert E. Lee Do?”

    I suspect the second thing would be to reorganize “The League of the South” into “The League of the Next South,” and get to work on CREATING the Next South by reforming every Institution to serve the RACE – First, Foremost, Forever.

    The first thing?

    Join them in one last round of Old Fashioneds, and say, “Well, that was yesterday. Gentlemen, no more drinking until the job is done.”

    And no drinking ON the job, either.

    By the way, what IS “the job” of The League of the South, and how well are they doing at it?

    Thought so!

  7. #7 by mderpelding on 10/28/2007 - 9:30 pm

    Can’t you tell the difference between your Creator who is timeless and unknowable and “religion” which is the result of human perception? Or perhaps you personally presume to know what He wants better than anybody else.

    Pain, I don’t believe in religion. Religion is the work of men.I can see the work of men all around me.
    Belief and faith aren’t needed here. You just need to open your eyes and trust your senses. After all, God gave them to you.
    Right now our people are commiting racial suicide on a grand scale. Because they believe that they must. Because of their beliefs. From religion. So we must change that religion if we are to survive.

    In any event, please leave God out of it.
    And think about the second Commandment.

    Peace. Diversity is the opposite if Unity.

  8. #8 by Pain on 10/29/2007 - 12:40 am


    You don’t believe in religion, then you propose a new religion.


  9. #9 by AFKAN on 10/29/2007 - 1:06 am

    in reply to Pain (2):

    in reply to a comment by mrpelding you wrote:


    You don’t believe in religion, then you propose a new religion.


    in reply:
    The problem is, we already have a religion, and it is the one faith that is more than a religion, because it BEGAN as a religion, but blossomed into the one spiritual Institution that carries us FORWARD, rather than binds us BACK.

    What is needed is simply to remove the JUDAISM from JUDEO-Christianity.

    Simple as that.

    Remove the base metal from the impure alloy.

    The key is not to waste energy fighting the many Forms of the Adversary; he can always change Forms to suit his purpose.

    The key is to focus on investing our energy in simply doing what we can, where we are.

    The simple touchstone of the New Christianity is simply defined in a Racial context:

    Do we, and the New Christianity, transform and Create one another in a manner that carries us, and our Posterity, forward, to the stars?

    Simple as that.

    That pretty much reduces the Bible to “Christianity” – the Gospels, and the Book of Revelation, which deals with issues well in the far future of Mankind.

    Everything else is, essentially, a distraction; nice, but hardly necessary.

    It also reduces the Jewish Race as being the carriers of the cultural virus of the spirit of Anti-Christianity.

    After all, Judaism is the EXACT opposite of Christianity.

    Simple as that.

    Our Racial Enemies love to have us define ourselves in terms of what we are AGAINST; they lose all power when WE consciously choose to define ourselves in terms of what we are FOR.

    Their entire “religion,” Judaism, is simply a tool for Racial betterment, as part and parcel of a practice of low-intensity warfare.

    We can do better – much better.

  10. #10 by mderpelding on 10/29/2007 - 5:33 am

    Per Pain…


    You don’t believe in religion, then you propose a new religion.


    I also don’t believe in science.
    Nor medicine.
    Nor politics.
    Nor the law.

    These are all words that define systems that are practiced.

    I’m not the nihilist here my potty-mouthed friend.

    Perhaps you would be better off at the Democratic Underground, where name-calling and colorful metaphors replace reason. Lots of true believers and moralists over there.

    Kindest Regards,


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