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Posted by Bob on October 31st, 2007 under Coaching Session

I join a distinguished group fo commenters in congratulating mderpelding on this really SHORT, really excellent, insight:

Our great weakness when confronted with so-called progressive thought is to be conservative. Resisting change gives the initiative to the other side. So then we counterstrike. The progressives call this being a “reactionary”. They are correct. This is a defensive position and the best outcome of defense is the status quo. In extremis it means extinction.

Every Roman battle began with the Javelin throw.

Note that it didn’t begin with an enemy attack.


What a great opening salvo!

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/31/2007 - 8:01 pm

    Conservatives are perennially trying to recover a past that never existed.

    Those who cannot reckon the past accurately cannot reckon the present accurately either.

    This is a problem of the “no street smarts” brains of personalities who have become soft because of too much affluence and too little real challenge.

    For example, the Libertarians on behalf of their precious metals as money talisman believe the 1873-1900 era in America was some sort of “golden age” of prosperity and “honest money”.

    There is no cure for people this ignorant. They might as well be Chimpanzees.

    They are certainly not fit to make a revolution.

  2. #2 by Pain on 11/02/2007 - 9:53 pm

    Every moron thinks he has “progressive thought.”

    Every would-be cult leader calls healthy minds “resisting change.”

    This is cliche. Kindergarten. Fortune cookie Wisdom.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 11/03/2007 - 4:56 am

    Nobody gets this….

    Every Roman battle began with the Javelin throw.

    Note that it didn’t begin with an enemy attack.

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