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The Power of Advertising

Posted by Bob on January 14th, 2008 under Bob

This was put in Stormfront where I usually put things, Sustaining Members and Opposing Views.

With a background like mine, it will surprise you to know that I am sometimes less than the soul of subtlety. I am just a touch tired of people ignoring my advice on propaganda and it is just possible that that mite of frustration could show up here.

So I submit it to you:

 The Power of Advertising

It is about time we got out of thinking Ole Bob is just being strange when he keeps insisting on our using terms like anti-white instead of “anti” and the Whit Man’s Mantra. I was in professional politics, which means professional advertising.

When advertising began the Practical Men of Business made a critical mistake. Since they bought newspaper space by the square inch, they crammed everything they could into that space. The result was a long, intricate explanation of every aspect of their product and themselves.

One classic exchange, that probably happened more than once, was when the explanation got so long that the printer wrote that he simply did not have print small enough to fit all that into the purchased space because, “Print that small is unreadable.”

The reply was, “I don’t care if it is readable or not, I WANY MY MONEY’S WORTH!”

For some inexplicable reason, that sort of advertising didn’t work very well.

Most of us on Stormfront seem to be back in that age. If I didn’t care so much about our message, I would consider this hilarious.

Like the old Practical Businessman, we are big on lots and lots of lots of words. Unfortunately, that doesn’t WORK. It didn’t WORK in 1850 and it doesn’t WORK now.

We d tend to say that people would be convinced if they read “My Awakening” or “Jewish Supremacy,” but it will be a long cold day in the Bad Place before Dr. Duke is dumb enough to try to jam his whole book into advertising space.

Advertising is aimed at the AMOUNT OF SPACE we have. But the aim is NOT to FILL that space. The aim is to USE it effectively. When someone comes on Stormfront, we have a precious opportunity to get them interested or at least impressed. So it HURTS me when that opportunity is wasted on one more swastika or some cute quip or some attempt to show how knowledgeable the writer is.

So I am deadly serious about using anti-white rather than anti, and it is inexcusable that anyone with half a brain who has been born and raised in the Age of Advertising would shove this aside.

My God, gang! This is like some retard driving through a red light murmuring, “Me no see red thing before. Me no unnerstan.”

USE WORDS RIGHT. If you care about our cause at all, STUDY how to use words right on that critical first impression. Damned few of us got here by reading a tome FIRST. They will learn AFTER we have shown them there is something to learn.

Please, please, PLEASE, my comrades, STOP BEING DUMB!!!!

Respectable conservatives have already cornered the Dumb Market.


  1. #1 by Pain on 01/14/2008 - 5:03 pm

    Bob, let me simplify what you just said:

    Anti-White or anti what?

  2. #2 by danerebor on 01/14/2008 - 5:38 pm

    Not only that but we have to get passed the programming PC does to people. Why waste time complaining about blacks, et. al.? Focus on the double standard. Non-whites will never give up their right to have their own places and their own groups. So keep on asking why we can’t have that.

    “Fairness” is permitted in the PC vocabulary. Talking about it helps us to get through to our people. Our enemies usually end up accidentally doing the rest.

  3. #3 by YearningForFreedom on 01/14/2008 - 6:32 pm

    I think a new mantra that talks about the end of the world if whites don’t survive could be effective, assuming people don’t get bogged down in debating achievements of other groups.

    I’ve expressed that I have problems with the current mantra. It seems strange to try to convince people of the way they should already be acting — to support the survival of their race. In this argument, to not support your race’s survival or not care is suicidal. Suicide indicates mental illness and why should a mentally ill race survive?

    When you raise the issue of humanity’s survival, it introduces something new people probably have not considered.


  4. #4 by shari on 01/14/2008 - 7:15 pm

    I got an interesting e-mail update from a site that calls itself libertarian. Guess what? It is saying anti-white, anti-white!

  5. #5 by Bob on 01/14/2008 - 7:27 pm

    YearningForFreedom, writing is WORK.

    Give me your Alternative Mantra.

    I could ask you to TRY it, but one step at a time.

  6. #6 by AFKAN on 01/14/2008 - 7:57 pm

    My problem with The Mantra is that it takes too long for most people to hear, much less understand.

    I use the term, “I am for Family, and Faith. I am against White Genocide.”

    IF I see a favorable reaction to the words “White Genocide,” I can move forward.

    If not, I simply move on.

    I don’t try to “convert” people any more; either they get it, or they will get it, or they will never get it.

    Either way, when they are ready, I am here.

    We’ve spent far too much time on what our Racial Enemies are doing to us, and no time whatsoever on what we should be doing for us, our Family, and our Race.

    I think that a lot of the subpotent bitching and moaning about our Racial Enemies has had no effect whatsoever, because it has not been focused on a Goal.

    “Advertising” should focus all questions in one direction, one Solution, that we, uniquely, have to offer.

    This policy has worked extremely well for our Racial Enemies – the Zionists, in particular – and should work extremely well, for us.

  7. #7 by Bob on 01/14/2008 - 8:11 pm

    AFKAN, what you say seems to be mostly about YOU.

    The only question for us is whether what you say WORKS. If it doesn’t, YOU move on. Which makes YOU look good.

    Making YOU look good is not our primary motivation here.

  8. #8 by Prometheus on 01/14/2008 - 8:33 pm

    danrebor, the content of the double standard isn’t what is important. It is why this person is creating a double standard and maintaining it in the first place that is.

    The longer I’ve been on SF, the shorter my posts have been getting. One could argue that I’m just sick and tired of writing the same responses again and again, which could be true. But really, who has time to read posts that are 2000 words each, to make a simple point?

  9. #9 by AFKAN on 01/15/2008 - 12:06 am

    in reply to Bob:

    you wrote:

    AFKAN, what you say seems to be mostly about YOU.

    The only question for us is whether what you say WORKS. If it doesn’t, YOU move on. Which makes YOU look good.

    Making YOU look good is not our primary motivation here.

    in reply:
    So much of what the WN2/M has tried over the last fifty years has had so little effect, it is almost as if we don’t WANT to actually make headway in any area other than cursing our (Racial) Enemies with great impotence.

    Our Racial Enemies have used Advertising, and all manner of Indoctrination, to great effect; our Leaders, for the most part, hearken back to a kinder, gentler time, where if we would do like they did in The Good Old Days, The Good Old Days will magically return.

    I’ve focused on what WORKS, and what WORKS is simply planting a small seed, and seeing what happens. “I’m for Faith, and Family; I’m against White Genocide.”

    The Mantra, in my experience, takes too long to get across, and has an effect that is imperceptible.

    I hit my Family and my Nephews with the Mantra, to no effect. They simply aren’t thinking at that level, and worse, have to make a concerted effort to think at that level.

    What finally HIT my Nephews is taking them to the nearest Major City, and driving through the Colored section of town. Wordism was overcome by the simple physical reality before them.

    I dropped cd’s of the best of Peter Shank and VNN in local blue-collar bars and meeting places. No idea if they had an effect.

    I see it this way: if I can’t convince young men out of high school with no skills, and no real education, then we have lost the future.

    I am convincing them to the point that they now convince themselves that they must work to groom themselves for the fulfillment of a much Higher Purpose than they thought they were capable of achieving.

    If you see it as being about me, that’s fine.

    The safe, abstract discussion has kept us at first down, and the entire field stands before us.

    The emotional based discussion helps get us to what we need – anger – and we have the framework for the solutions needed to resolve conflicts on the other side of What Is To Come.

    It’s a RACE WAR, and the sooner we shift from pure defense (“I’m NOT a Racist!) to an offense that moves the ball down the field (“Uncle, we were wrong, and you were right. It’s Race that we have to look for, and work with!), the better off we will all become.

    I use me nephews at the only example I have to show that we CAN make headway, and half-way measures just don’t do us any good at all.

    We need activity – on the ground – right now.

    It’s not about me, Bob; it’s about the only approach that works: straight ahead, head-on, and “violence solves everything.”

    We are being slowly dispossessed in all realms; land, rights, Culture, you name it.

    We have to argue back as a matter of diplomacy, and fight back intelligently.

    While we can…

  10. #10 by Bob on 01/15/2008 - 3:13 pm

    Prometeus, your stuff is getting shorter because you’re getting better at it.

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