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Posted by Bob on January 28th, 2008 under Coaching Session

At least white nationalists should be a little more aware than the conservatives who were taken in by people like “marxist-turned-rightwinger David Horowitz”.

I trust most Stormfronters wouldn’t be as gullible as Jared Taylor and start thinking that jews have suddenly discovered their inner Klansman.

— richard

When Dr. Duke stood up at the AR convention and attacked the Jewish presentation, he said, “You are accepting the neo agenda!” Afterwards when I saw him he was very upset with himself for upsetting Jared Taylor and the AR group.

But, as I told David, if HE didn’t bring his point up, who the hell would? What is the POINT of being David Duke if you get bashful?

After my continued warnings about neo-racists, you would assume that Jared Taylor would be my bete noire. No. Jared is out there presenting our point of view as close to the mainstream as it can be. Jared’s close circle is solid.

Jared Taylor has an inner group which advises him, good people all, like Sam Francis before and Sam Dickson the whole time. Jared is trying to bring us into the mainstream. David Duke does not want to be out here with me, totally unacceptable.

I get the impression that Jared is even more of a loner than I am! He is trying to do something that no one understands but himself. Hence the Jew.

To be perfectly frank, the people in this movement do not DESERVE both Jared and David Duke. But powerful minds like that are taking their positions. As I said, we need a Jared Taylor to go mainstream and we need a David Duke to call his actions into questions.

Can anyone actually imagine two minds like that of Dr. Duke and Jared Taylor in any other movement? Jared and David got in here when we were tiny. What we do NOT need is to cling worshipfully to some big-name outsider who converts to us.

THAT is what killed conservatives. Big-name neos took over.

And we need to watch Jared. The difference between going mainstream and going neo is a hair’s breadth. THIS is the sort of thing we need expertise on.

Which is why I said we don’t deserve Jared and Dr. Duke. They are trying to deal in Realpolitik, but our only reaction to Obama’s win was to bitch and moan and pine for Ron Paul. This is amateurishness in a time when professionalism will win.

Thank God for Jared and stay on his tail. If this sounds contradictory, you are an amateur.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 01/28/2008 - 8:30 pm

    What differentiates the various white peoples from others is their desire for change or what could be loosely called “movement”.

    Physically, intellectually, emotionally.

    Our world is not static.

    Not fixed.

    Thus the importance of that person identified as the “pathfinder”.

    All the “isms” in the world are our creations that the rest of world can only play lip service to.

    We as our various peoples properly revere our pathfinders:

    Boethius, St. Augustine, Goethe, Hegel, Bacon, Shakespeare, St Thomas Aquinas, Bach, Beethoven, Michealangelo, Leonardo, Newton, Darwin, Napoleon, Mill, Bismarck,Kant, Mozart, Jefferson, Washington, Jackson, Bowie , Crockett, Davis , Jackson, (again), Pierce, Rockwell, Strom, Duke, Taylor, and all the rest.

    All people who believed that the advancement of western civilization as they understood it was their responsibility.

    Because they were beneficiaries of it.

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