Archive for February 24th, 2008


Shari gave us this some time ago in General Comments:

It looks like Obama running for president is revealing what Bob said about the liberals’ faithful colored companions. I’m wondering if this will result in the consolidated government breaking up? If whites, at that point, might say something like what was in that stele on the Nile. “No Nubian shall pass this point except to obtain supplies and return.” I know you don’t think that whites have to be a majority, but it seems that some definite lines have to be drawn, and blacks, unlike Mexicans don’t really have else where to go. Just thinking too far ahead.

“I’m wondering if this will result in the consolidated government breaking up?”

I don’t think that the FORM of consolidated government will break up. The absolute monopoly of the major media in the 1960s has not broken up. Those networks are still there, and their monopoly of broadcast television is largely intact. It has not been destroyed, it has been superceded.

The British Monarchy is still there, but the threat of absolutism that led to their Civil War and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 is, to say the least, no longer front page news.

I get my jollies in funny ways. I get a kick out of it when old Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite types sit around and grouse to each other about the “death of REAL journalism.” On THEIR side, that is EXACTLY the same thing as Stormfronters moaning, “All is Lost!”

The Internet and cable and the whole storm of technology have KILLED “real journalism” when network rulers controlled all media information from New York City. I seem to be the only person alive who celebrates OUR victories.

But unless you read BUGS, all you see is SFers meaning all is lost and you miss the fun of watching THEM saying the same thing.

No, the consolidated government is not likely to disappear. It is going the way of the British Monarchy and network television. It ceases to MATTER.

What we say here interrelates.

What we say here interrelates.

What we say here interrelates.

So Shari brought in the second cataract inscription. Obviously that inscription did not refer to the Nubian slaves up in Egypt.

Where there are Nubians, there are Nubian slaves.

Including today.

We bought them from Nubians. We BUY them from Nubians. More than one political candidate has been humiliated by the slaves he has had.

What we say here interrelates.

The piece I wrote just before SysOps and BoardAd had to save us again, “History IS Bunk” is completely different from what you normally find people writing. It is not just the usual screed about how historians distort things. It is a PRACTICAL look at the future of history.

My question in that piece is, “What will we replace today’s history WITH?” Above, I talked about how consolidated government and network television aren’t going to vanish on some Great Future Day of the Great Torchlight Parade.

What we say here interrelates. The Great Rulers To Whom All is Lost like Rather’s successors are slipping and sliding in a morass of change they can’t understand or deal with, just like us mere mortals. Historians face a PRACTICAL problem. If they were REAL historians they would understand that history has to change almost every day now. But no one is less prepared for that than the “historians” whose world is set in a smooth flow from Ancient Egypt to the Modern History of Modern Humankind.

In a time of Genome projects and carbon dating and documentaries flowing in with the latest discoveries on cable, not filtered through broadcast TV, history is as much a matter of news items as anything else. So what does a modern history class have?

Books. Tens of billions of dollars worth of books rehashing how the whole world came from Pharaohs.

What we say here interrelates.

When I pointed out that the most important thing about this election is that it doesn’t matter, I doubt it meant much to most, even here.

There was a time not long ago when national elections were CRITICAL. A LOT hinged on whether Goldwater or Johnson won in 1964. Today neither side will make anything but adjustments at the edges. Our national policy is FIXED.

Network television reaches more homes today than it did in 1964. But it doesn’t DETERMINE things any more. It is a fixed quantity. Likewise, the government is a fixed quantity. When the Democrats talk endless about CHANGE is a sure sign that no change is going to come from this election.

To look to the future, you have to look at things that will make the difference, not fixed quantities. The Crown in Britain today probably has a greater REAL budget than it did in Henry VIII’s time. In modern society, the average merely sizable corporation would dwarf the Crown’s 1510 budget.

What we say here interrelates.

The future will NOT mirror the past. If you are looking in the same old places you are staring at a brick wall.
