Archive for March 17th, 2008


Those of you who READ THE COMMENTS will see that, just when I was having some senile fun attacking Simmons, he reminded me of what he had actually said.

This is the sort of thing progressive European Thought Crimes legislation is designed to prevent.

I have SUFFERED. I am not just talking about walking twenty miles in the snow. I am venting about my LIFETIME of SUFFERING.

So how does Simmons deal with this? Does he offer me a cash settlement? Does he grovel about offending someone who has SUFFERED?

No way.

He just obsessed on what he actually said.

Yes, what he said said was true. But “The truth is no defense!!”

That was stated by British Authorities.

And not just by British Authorities who had on robes

They were wearing WIGS, too!

Hang Simmons!



Thanks, richard!

When I was a teacher, the accepted orthodoxy was that boys and girls are exactly the same, and they should be taught in exactly the same way.

It was also accepted that you teach kids to read by making them learn whole words, instead of old-fashioned letter sounds.

Every study showed that phonics was hands-down the best way to teach reading, and that single sex schools always did better than mixed schools. But that was ignored.

Now the government is forcing schools to teach phonics, and recommending that girls and boys should be taught differently, if not seperately.

And of course, the same people who ruthlessly imposed the old orthodoxy are now imposing the new one.

I can only imagine how weary Bob feels.


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In some way or another, I think that everybody who is concerned about white survival, has a problem, whether a christian or big, tough, non-beleiver. We just can’t see very far ahead. And we are not all that sure of what we can hang on to of the past. It is a bottle neck, and we NEED a broader view.

This is where things like “Practical History” and “SUB Urban” are really helpful. I pass them on, although I really don’t know what anybody thinks.

I don’t see anything here that is faith destroying. Wordism would have HAD to come in, and perhaps even served some purpose for a while. But when it doesn’t serve us anymore, it’s time to get rid of it, while keeping what should never be gotten rid of. This is where I think that we are historically. It’s a feverous time but “Courage, God mends all.”

Shari is making her usual mistake. She provides a brilliant summary but forgot to apologize for it the way she used to. BUGS is corrupting her.

On Christianity, she says:”Wordism would have HAD to come in…”

That is a summary of all I have said in one short phrase. I am SO relieved to see someone here SAY it!

Jesus is a Hero and he kept simplifying things. Instead of insisting people read the Old Testament, he quoted it, simplified it and stated repeatedly that HE, PERSONALLY, stood for Salvation.

Then he went on the Cross to prove it.

Jesus gave us a simple choice::

He said, Believe that I am God, or DON’T.

The practical problem is that one cannot make a Living just preaching THAT. So we got the Wordist bureaucracy we call The Church.

My Nordic soul cannot fail to be in awe of Christ. I may say Yes or I may say No, but the choice he offered is beyond praise.

The Wordist disease that, as Shari says, inevitably grew up around Christ is just a stink.

My opinion is that Yes or No is Christianity. The rest is “Christianity.”


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Bob the BOM

Simmons is right. I came off as a bitter old man in my discussion of the wheel. But my prediction was also right: Simmons did not address my point at all.

The discussion on Stormfront got off onto some guy engaging in public mastur, uh, self congratulation about knowing the difference between a wheel and an axle, but didn’t say anything about the HISTORY of either.

I could have predicted that, but I would have sounded like a bitter old man.



Our Buddy Science

Someone on SF wrote about how the longer lives science is bringing does a bit to offset the big birth rates of coloreds. I replied:

Science gives us a big advantage for another reason: We are right and they are wrong.

When I was coming up, ALL heredity was declared Nazi. Routine articles that appear about the latest discovereiesin genetics wouldhave been suppressed back then.

Mankind History, which was an absolutely required belief when I was coming up in the 50s, is being routinly discredited in every documentary, with the Political Correct windup being the only remdined of the Old Days.

I seem to be the only person who remembers any of this.
