Archive for March 31st, 2008

This is About All One Needs to Say About Jews

Henry Kissinger will never be forgiven for saying,

“Any people that has been persecuted for two thousand years is doing something WRONG.”

Take a person who constantly says, “I am wonderful and everybody has hated me all my life. They’re ALL just EVIL and JEALOUS.”

If a person goes around saying that, he is rightly considered paranoid. The only question is whether he is dangerous enough to himself and others to require institutionalization.

This is the line preached every Saturday in synagogues. But anyone who points this out in most countries goes to prison.



Z on Odinism

Another thing about Odinism.
Have any of you ever noticed that they never run anything on the history channel about Odinism? Not that the HC is a good source of information, but you would think this could be of some interest to people?
Maybe it’s too dangerous to introduce white people to their heritage?


Vanishingly few people can tell you the origin of four of the most-used words in the English language, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

When Wagner’s Niebelungenlied begins, Odin announces that “I gave an eye for love of Freya.” This is pure Romantic Era crap, but it no more inaccurate than the accepted history version of why Odin was the one-eyed god who hung on Yggsdradil and lost an eye in torture.
Like all Indo-European languages, Old Norse had a word for “knowledge” and a word for “wisdom.” In NO OTHER religion does anyone seek KNOWLEDGE, that is, to know more data. All the sources are very specific about this: Odin gave an eye to KNOW more Information, for KNOWLEDGE, not for some Wisdom he could sit on his butt and impress the students with.
Odinism reflects the Nordic genes it comes from. Accepted history, when it mentions this at all, always uses the word Wisdom. Western science is rooted in the Nordic mentality of Odinism, not in Middle Eastern Culture.
If you want to know the dog poo the Greatest Generation built Political Correctness out of, read the first volume of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. He simply writes down what everybody accepted in the 1950s.
The Galactic Empire was about to fall, and only with an Empire could there be knowledge and fundamental advances. So Asimov’s heroes set out to build a New Empire where civilization would return. Until they did all would be darkness.
The history on which Political Correctness is built says that everything was created by Egypt, taught to Greece, then transmitted to the Romans from Greece, and then all fell into darkness with the Fall of Rome. Only the Moslems and the monasteries held this knowledge while the West wallowed in the stagnant darkness of Shaggy Barbarians.
Then came the renaissance, and this Knowledge was rediscovered. Nothing the West did had anything to do with Western GENES. It was all a matter of us Shaggy Barbarians rediscovering the Common Heritage of Mankind.
Historians are not about to put things in the plain English that I do. As with the Mantra, just putting what they say in plain English makes them look like the fools they are. But books of fiction have to put things just that plainly to go on and tell the story.
You will find the idea that only monasteries preserved the Common Heritage of Mankind in another science fiction book, “A Canticle for Leibowitz.”
It is vital to Political Correctness that the truth about Odinism not be discussed.




I see almost nobody using the term “Negro” today except Stormfront. I lived through the hey day of “Knee-Grow.” It was adopted and enforced ebcause it made Southerners pronoune a word htat so entirely foreign to their normal speech. When a Southerns said “knee-grow” it is like genuflecting toeh NAAP.

I will never cease to be grateful to the founder of the Black Panthers for taking that word off the backs of both blakcs and Southerners.

Stokeley, by the way, had a high opinion of me. He used to meet with my press man regularly at an Ethiopian restgaurant in DC. He died in Africa helping blacks.

Carmichel did not want integration or white women. He wanted money and power for blacks. He was not after genocide against whites. He wanted a DEAL with whites.

He died far too early. The day will come when it is time to DEAL.



Simmons’ Mantra Thinking

A bit of opposition research and my summary of a general set of beliefs. Only white libs and their “respectable” conservative bootlickers believe in intergration towards a raceless world fantasy, nonwhites have none nor do they express any desire for such intergration except to their advantages. Such a gap of expectations is fertile fields for our work. The bootlickers at FreeRepublic are besides themselves that a Wright or an Obama could exist amongst the purity of the conservatives intention. While the usual doomers predict the end it does appear the new Soviet is showing its wear.

— Simmons


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