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Posted by Bob on April 26th, 2008 under General, Mantra

I have a question.There are about 30 million black savages in the U.S.A. at this time. More and more enter our country every day. Our military actively recruits third worlders to serve as soldiers with the promise of citizenship for potential fighters and their kin.

What are you going to do?

Deport them?
Allow them to establish a giant Haiti with indefensible borders AKA ethnic separatism?

— mderpelding

Good question, short and to the point.

My answer, of course, is what I think may be useful rather than a Prophecy From On High. I can’t give you an exact answer because I do not know the future.

But THERE is the point I want to make. I am sitting here in front of a computer the way I sat in front of a telegraph key on a ham radio fifty years ago. Practically nothing means the same thing it did then. Then, genetics was hard and dried. Nobody could do anything about it in the short term. Population was booming. I feared a hundreds-year-long gradual integration and “assimilation.” Outside the South, no one cared about something that would take centuries.

Young people assume that that was more comfortable for me, with segregation and the South fighting on the race issue. It wasn’t, because I was worried about the survival of my race and Southerners really just wanted things put off a generation or so.

In short, I was even more alone than I am now. Separation was a solution to THEIR problem, but not to mine. Every copy of Jet Magazine had a mixed couple on the cover. Blacks wanted their white women NOW. But outside of Jet, no one talked about that goal openly.

EVERYTHING has changed. I can use the Mantra now to express dangers that were barely theoretical back then.

The point of this is that we must stop looking to the old world. Any specific solution I come up with right now will make no sense fifty years from now. Questions of genetics today have no relation to what they were then. Our genes will be what we WANT them to be. It is critical to keep reminding people that, all the bullshit aside, blond is beautiful, not black.

To keep up with whitey, many blacks try to say they want the preservation of their race, too, but it isn’t true. There is nothing about black that anyone wants to preserve. You can SAY that now and there are a hundred thousand places to say it. The giant networks and magazines that dominated all information then are gone with the wind today.

What people revered back then as “sophisticated” is laughed at routinely now. Everybody knows that the media will say.

Even the example given shows a certain nostalgic flavor. In our prisons, blacks are more and more outnumbered and terrified by Hispanics.

I am sitting here on the tenth floor looking straight at some black houses. They are about two hundred yards away. We have closed circuit TV, locked stairways, and modern devices that make that two hundred yards more impenetrable than two miles would have been some years back.

As technology changes, the world changes.

NOTHING is the same. On the apparently self-sufficient farms of the Midwest, farmers have to buy new seed every few years, sort of like the annual flu vaccine we take, because the parasites change and adapt and would destroy their crops.

I am not interested as much in the safety problem but only in the genetic long-term. But BOTH have changed completely. It is old but true. The important thing is to ask the right QUESTION. Black savages and black genes are now two different questions.

News is made by those who say, “X said this today.”

History is made by those who keep repeating,. “This basic assumption is wrong. This basic assumption is evil.”

  1. #1 by Al Parker on 04/27/2008 - 1:32 pm

    Bob’s blog doesn’t seem very inspiring to make people dedicate their lives to this cause.

    Bob lays out a possible future of gated, prison-like communities for whites (when we once had nation-states) — and another possible future in India of people who, besides their shared varna, will not even be our descendants.

    It not only fails to inspire someone who hasn’t yet become 100% dedicated, it makes one want to forget everything he’s learned here and find a nice hobby to take up. What’s the point of working for something now if change will happen naturally 50 or 100 years from now?

    But I understand this is a straight-talking, no-nonsense blog so you get an answer when you ask for one and I’m grateful for that.

  2. #2 by Bob on 04/28/2008 - 10:08 am

    If you want to take it as fuel for your “All is Lost!” bit, so be it.

    I was making a POINT: all the old “inevitables,” like GENETIC race-mixing, are dead. We do not make the future by living in the past.

  3. #3 by Dave on 04/28/2008 - 11:12 am

    The whole doctrinal and economic apparatus of Political Correctness generates injury. It sows injury into generational descent.

    Political Correctness’s refusal to charge itself with this defines its stupidity. And stupidity is the very essence of its crime.

    You have to believe that intelligence will prevail, that the membrane of lies will penetrated if no other reason that the need to mitigate the very real injuries are so compelling.

    It’s all really no different than medicine. Medicine today is enormously corrupt. But the worst of its corruption doesn’t lie with its considerable loots. The worst facet of its corruption is in that the very practices medicine hails as “healing” not only do not heal, but also in fact inflict harm.

    You can believe that there will be no end to this. But I believe that these self-severing medical practices that actually harm tissue, that actually undermine a person’s overall health, will be abolished because the cause and effect nexus of harm is so easily detected by anyone willing to take an honest look.

    The cheaters, swindlers, and liars have to be reined in for that. But it will happen.

    Same with Political Correctness.

  4. #4 by Tim on 04/28/2008 - 7:18 pm

    Everyone around the world is realizing the obvious. The only people that still refuse to see it are the Self Hating White People.

    Africans have 50++ countries on this planet.

    Africans have well over half the worlds natural resources under their feet.
    Africans have the largest population in the world.
    BUT the only real successful Africans on planet earth live in America as minorities. There are Africans making millions playing sports in North America, South America, Europe and even Asia….but not in any African Country.

    Twenty years ago this was all because of Slavery. That no longer works. Oh it works for some of the SHWP but not for the other 88% of the planet.

    America is 60 trillion in debt and imploding. Self Hating White Baby Boomers can no longer afford expensive pets.

    I will repeat myself.

    Africans have 50++ countries on this planet.
    Africans have well over half the worlds natural resources under their feet. Africans have the largest population in the world

    If you have all that going for you and you don’t have power……you never will. I am certainly not going to worry about “what to do with them”. LOL. That is not our problem. That is an African problem.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 05/01/2008 - 9:41 pm

    My question is a practical question.

    I don’t want to have to continue living with so-called African-Americans. In fact, I can’t stand them.

    At this time there are 30 million blacks in the U.S.A.

    Do we export them to Africa?
    Send them to a third party site?
    Establish a parallel black nation here in the U.S.? Just think…a giant Haiti on our continent.

    Maybe we can just analyse them away.

    Please save the metaphysical BS for the intellectuals.

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