Archive for May 26th, 2008

Ethnic Soiling

Someone sent me those two words.

I think that by now you know how to use that phrase. I want some responses on this. I want YOU to explain how to use it and why it is so valuable to us.

I want seminar members to start explaining BASICS here. AFKAN needs to cut back on the verbiage and go into Movements Past in a tight thinking way. A new member whom I asked to register said in passing that Rushton has to stay with some political correctness in order to do his job. I want him toe explain that. Each person has a ROLE to play in our movement, Dr. Duke on Jews, Pat Buchanan says things that only he can say, but that also requires his remaining a national columnist. I had to be disgustingly mainline when I made my living in politics.

This does not make it all right, but it is a necessity we who regard this as a war on many fronts must see and analyze clearly, and I am tired of doing all the analyzing. It is WORK tying down the very specific and subtle points here, and it is time YOU started doing it YOURSELF.

I also need people to tell me whether I am making this CLEAR. Too often my statements about what I need from YOU get no comments at all. But that is a major portion of my job here, and I need to know you are paying attention.





When it comes to “attempts at organization” there are no slights of hand, color TV notwithstanding.

The German people, a people with a hardwired native competence, were saddled with governments that lacked sobriety and proportionality during the first half of the 20th century (they were not alone in this among the peoples of the world at the time). These governments were full of folly, being organized by conceited personalities, who tended to confuse their own careers with the destiny of their of their own nation, eventually falling pray to self-created myths and their delusional millennialism.

Nevertheless, the German people went on being natively competent both during the long trajectory of their ruin and afterwards when they astonishingly and rapidly repaired things (which you would expect of such a competent people).

But at the end of the day (May 1945) their successive one-off governments of folly did one thing supremely competently: It very competently handed off the baton of its millennialist folly to Political Correctness, a force that has been running wholeheartedly with it ever since.

That’s because refuges in Wordism and millennialism have staying power, seemingly with us perennially. And when Politically Correct zealots return (yet again, again, and again endlessly) to their favorite haunt of denouncing Nazism, to me at least, it is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

It never occurs to the anti-white whites (in the delusional millennialism they share with the very thing they denounce) that morally they are no friends of nonwhite people. And believe it or not, it has occurred to many of the more thoughtful coloreds, and other nonwhites, that perhaps the cult of Martin Luther King, the hordes of anti-whites whites, and the whole integrationist Politically Correct “civil rights” trajectory has, in fact, worked against their real long-term interests.

This is because there is no substitute for sobriety and proportionality and realism in life. There is also no substitute for the related attitude of calm and poise that goes along with it. It is this attitude that puts race relations to rights, and encourages people to organize their affairs and relations in a wholesome and realistic way. This encourages a responsible reining in of the hotheads, the millenialists, the BELIEVERS, and the (mentally and emotionally) disproportionate and fearful of every stripe.

But bear this in mind: Once you SEE, once you really have accurate visibility, there remains the greatest barrier to “sight” of all, and that barrier is the fulcrum of interpersonal trust (or lack of it) that underlies all relations.

There is no “gaining visibility” on the issue of trust. There is no “SEEING”. When it comes to trusting others, you can only “believe”.

And that is why I believe nonwhite people want the white race to succeed and fill the roles of “creators”, “governors”, and “anchors” for the world that nature seems to have assigned for us.

This view is greatly at odds with the views of the Politically Correct millenialists. And this view is also greatly at odds with most of the opponents of Political Correctness (who in my view are for the most part delusional millenialists themselves).

Accordingly, we white nationalists have a row to hoe. And that row is hoed one step at a time, patiently, in proportionality, in sobriety, in realism, with an attitude of calm bearing and poise (especially toward the challenges of our adversaries).

That is how I think it is done.



The Post-Communist Situation

Back in the 1970s an Arkansas Republican made one of those obviously true observations that gets people into trouble. His party had just won a big election and he said that it was because Israel was in a crisis at the time, and the Jewish money that would have gone to the liberal candidate had been diverted to that vital campaign for Israel.

This was the sort of exposure of the obvious that REALLY infuriates the establishment because it so obviously true and it makes the Jewish outlook so obvious. I haven’t seen anybody make the equivalent point about our post-Communist world, so I will make it.

While the Communist Empire was around a major share of the money and power of the media and the left was dedicated to fighting its battles. The desperate, giant last-ditch fight to end the Strategic Defense Initiative and Reagan’s ratcheting up the killing pressure on the Soviets took up a major share of the resources of the left. Those resources have not disappeared, so like that Arkansas Republican, there is room for lone heretic to ask where they have gone.

I, alone, have pointed out repeatedly where a major portion of those resources have gone. I have noted that the moment the Soviet Empire collapsed, every single leftist switched overnight from a socialist to an environmentalist. No one else seems to have noticed this BASIC rule.

The situation for leftists is a lot like that of the Jews if Israel disappeared. Their ideological homeland is gone. But the goals are the same. Leftists want the priesthood of Political Correctness to rule. When they lost the Professor-rule in Moscow, they instantly switched to Kyoto.

Jewish strategy is equally consistent. Like Emma Lazarus, who wrote the words on the Statue of Liberty and was a lifelong dedicated Zionist, Jews want 1) to destroy all other identities, and 2) to make t Jewish identity the only legitimate one. Dershowitz is as obvious about this today as Lazarus was well over a century ago.

Dershowitz has Lazarus’s consistent theme, 1) he is constantly worried about the disappearance of Jews and 2) he is totally dedicated to ridding the earth of the white race. He makes comments about how blacks and whites don’t kiss enough on television. What is enormously frustrating to me is that anti-Semites do not point to this obvious reality, but keep presenting Jews as supernatural Satans, which is precisely the argument they have centuries of practice countering.

The fact is that getting rid of the Soviet Empire gives us a clear shot at our enemies. I had to hold my nose and join with respectable conservatives to fight the ideological homeland of our enemies. I seem to be the only person on our side who has NOTICED this fundamental reality has changed.

In the real world of our real war, the role of respectable conservatives has not changed in the post Communist era. Their function has always been to divert attention from the real struggle, but in the case of the nuclear-powered Soviets they were actually facing a REAL enemy, a critical part of the enemy left.

Like the leftists who have morphed into environmentalists, the respectable right has had to find another way to do the same thing WITHOUT the Soviet Empire. They have morphed into anti-Arabs under the banner that we must not be divided by race in the face of the Real Enemy.

My point is that this is the basic REALITY. But no one MENTIONS it.

In the new world we must cut the old crap and take a new look at the old reality. In AFKAN’s “Movement Past” leftists who were peaceniks were still our enemies. In the new reality leftists who are peaceniks are potential allies. But what is critical here is that we must look upon this, not as a Revelation, but as a simple reality of power politics.

Less tomes, more logic.

We have an argument that is easy to accept, rather than a battle for Revealing the Truth about the outright pro-Communist efforts of the left.

Simple logic, bringing people to simple reality, is our BUGS specialty.
