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Simmons Reams Poor, Sweet, Helpless Little Bob!

Posted by Bob on May 29th, 2008 under General, Politics

The same but different. How are we supposed to know unless you want us to sound like Popular Mechanics. Heck one time I mentioned Peak Oil you went junk yard dog on me. And I only mentioned it because plans would not be able to be made according to the “expert’s” predictions of limitless oil, nothing more.
To be constructive I will write that we must depose the story tellers of the 20th century. That they are Jewish supremacists only makes that easier since they have about alienated everyone. People like Jared Diamond, Gould, Adorno, Freud, Boas and their junior partners should be easy to set up as the fall guys since the latter two have fallen into the humor category.
If you want sound bites this is my first try; “Ideology is dying, genetics is being born.” Not very good but I’m in a hurry.

— Simmons

Cut the false modesty. ““Ideology is dying, genetics is being born.” Is the sort of brilliant summary I am looking for.

One of my continuing themes here is how ridiculous it is for people to talk about the “inevitable future.” It is on of their main weapons to discourage us. Having had so many years of this, you naturally react as if I were PREDICTING the future. That is one of the purposes of my piece below.
I did jump on you when you first mentioned Peak Oil because it sounded like that, but you forget that I later discussed it seriously.

The comments on my discussion of the future were generally unfriendly, but you did actually address it this time, which is quite an improvement. I’ve had plenty of unfriendly comments in my life, and if I have to get you het up to give some material to address, the effort has been a success.
The last two paragraphs of Simmons’s reply more than made up for his bruising of my delicate ego.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 05/29/2008 - 11:47 am

    “inevitable future” that is what anti-semites propigate amongst our masses. At Liberty forum there is a thread started by a long article on the zionist tentacles thruout American society. Its probably all true, and if you are the typical jews are god type anti-semite you would wait till your own rabbis of hate the jews came along with his own wordist claptrap to exorcise your bad feelings. If the jews are not funding that type of crap I’ll eat my hat.

    The jews in whatever racket they promote have never had to answer any questions, never. Their entire shtick is one of CRITIQUE of you, it works both ways folks and it is fun.

    I’ll try and end this rambling post on a constructive note. At anyplace in whatever setting when the critique is offered of the gentile it has the same effect that a arm thrust does to an expert wrestler an opportunity to take hold of the beast. For ex; at Stormfront next to Bob Whitaker the jews who post there are the most precious resource. Jews should be encouraged to post there, and when they are there they can explain why they think they are superior and why the gentiles should not be able to guide their own destiny, amongst other gently asked questions of double standards. The lower IQ Fronters could simple be told to have their swastika tatoos removed and then go post on jewish dating websites begging to be let in. See I try and make everyone useful.

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