Archive for June 10th, 2008

Note From Russia

Some of our commenters aren’t here. A lot of people are afraid to get on the blog in our Free Society, but they comment by e-mail. The think they’re safer sending ME personal e-mail than they would be if they used the anonymity of the blog.

To be on the blog, you just say you agree with things like the Mantra. I am personally a lot more incriminated than that.

Anyway, one of my e-mailers sent me a subject which includes the right to use it if I don’t use his name, which I never would anyway:


Just got off the phone with Vladimir —-. He has a keen observation. Barak Hussein Obama is the “Gorbachev” of America. Same verbage. “Change”. “Perestroyka” (re-structuring). Everything in our country’s history was completely wrong, and we have to undo everything. Vladimir predicts America’s downfall within the next few years. Obama will lead the charge against America as we knew it. Sounds like good blog material???


Thanks, I’ll use it.

My brother used to point out that, while Solzheitsyn was a brilliant and brave man, he knew nothing about the real world. Being raised in the La La Land of Stalin’s Russia and then penned in the Gulag does not give one access to reality, however well-read one may be.

Vladimir has lived his life in a La La Land that was on its way out. The Soviet Union was a gerrybuilt machine running without oil. It was onits way to collapes from the bottom up. The minute Gorbaczev let the Soviet Union get a glimpse of its won reality, La La Land was doomed.

We were raised in a society whose basic institutions, right or wrongly used, are solid as steel. That is our PROBLEM. It is impossible for a Russian to understand that our MACHINE is solid. Its fundamental mechanical weaknesses are the nuts that are holding the wheel.

They had a bad MACHINE. We have drunk drivers. WHICH drunk holds the wheel is not that important here.


You notice that I assume the American MACHINE is not going to collapse for our convenience. For fifty years I have been hearing that the American economy is based on false premises and will soon collapse, the Second Coming is imminent and if we don’t win THIS presidential election it’s all over.

In the first century Revelations said the same thing about Rome. Those who declare things are going to end are always right, EVENTUALLY. But Christians who sat and waited for that collapse or the Second Coming did not build the church.

So I don’t build on that stuff. In the real world, America is headed for lots of problems, but compared to the rest of the world it is solid as steel.

No collapse will do us any good if we have not worked out an explanation as to why it will happen and an ALTERNATIVE way of thought for the ensuing society.



A Bottom Line on “Futurism”

Ben Franklin became the first American member of the Royal Society by his work on electricity. He invented the terms “battery,” “positive”, “negative” and others we use today.

But the one thing Ben insisted on was that there was no PRACTICAL use for electricity and there never WOULD be. He was a great researcher but he was also a Practical Man. As a man with endless curiosity Ben was the great scientist who discovered the Atlantic currents. As a Practical Man, he was a highly successful businessman and statesman.

But when it comes to the science of the future, the Practical Man is always a fool. As a result he is always making his predictions by using other, opposite fools as straw men. During the Revolution there were repeated panics in England about how Franklin was going to use his inventions to destroy Britain.

Ben laughed at these panics, citing them as evidence that only panicky fools believed his theoretical discoveries would be any use at all. Only bifocals ands Franklin stoves and lightening rod would ever be USEFUL not the electricity silly people were panicking about.

This is the usual double error. When something new comes up there are those who declare that it is the beginning of a Brave New World. Then Practical Men come in and show how the new stuff means nothing by quoting the people who say it means Everything Now. Anyone who takes this “bouncy-wouncy bally” crap seriously is at a total loss about the REAL future.

But what makes this always a good show is that nobody CARES about the REAL future. Take it from one who knows by experience, nothing is less profitable PERSONALLY than being right about the future. The discussions about the future you can SELL are the ones that feature this bouncy wouncy bally bit. It begins and ends with quotes from the Brave New World crowd by Established Authorities.

If anybody ever looks back, which they don’t, the Established Experts look sillier than the Brave New World types.
