Archive for June 12th, 2008

Mussolini and Perot

Rome just elected a “former fascist,” — Shades of David Duke! — Violently anti-immigration — mayor by a clear majority of 54%. Cities are normally the centers of anti-nationalism. During Hitler’s rise, Berlin was known as “Red Berlin.”

Few who praise 1930s Germans realize how many of them were hard-core Communists.

Rome may BE a holdout. After breakouts of violence against Gypsies a poll found that 68% of the population wanted them all thrown out of Italy.

Like France, Italy now has a head of state who is libertarian and pro-Bush. He takes the usual line, “To hell with Italians (the French!), labor is labor!”

At the beginning of the twenties Italians were so frustrated with the national government THEY HAD ELECTED that they marched on Rome and put Mussolini in power. That was when Germany had its first Jewish, Social Democratic, heads of state (sound familiar!)

The German establishment paid no attention to Italy, and guess who ended up in power THERE?

As I have pointed out before, Mussolini almost missed the March on Rome. He had said in a speech that Italians should march on Rome and throw the bastards out. He was caught completely by surprise when Italians took him up on it.

If MUSSOLINI was caught by surprise, you can imagine how totally unaware of the real world the government and media in ROME were.

This reminds me of Perot, who mentioned on the least watched talk show on cable that he would be willing to be president, and suddenly had a clear plurality over both major party candidates.

Perot was no Mussolini. He quit the race because some people threatened to disrupt his daughter’s wedding. Nobody wanted him handling threats of nuclear war.

But our media, like the government in Rome in the 1920s, just concentrated on what a loon Perot was and forgot the LESSON because they WANTED to.

So do we.



Dave: Our Destiny is OUR Destiny

It isn’t so much that whites have been lied to and betrayed as a tide has swept us out to sea.

The very essence of Political Correctness in racial matters is nonwhites laying claim to a destiny that in fact resides within the genes of the white race.

Pain or Simmons or another commenter said this insight: “Nonwhites confuse form and function”, going on to paint the image of a “redskin” obtaining the strength of the buffalo by way of his buffalo robe.

Correspondingly, Cadillac has built some business on its “niggermobile” to service the conceits of inner city coloreds in the drug trade. It never occurs to the criminal driving one that to the white man the Cadillac technology is quite trivial.

I just give this example to point out that the colored man is participating in a destiny not of his own making. And he never sees the irony of his conceits (his claim of equality) from the point of view of the loss of his indigenous (in this case, African) tongue. He can’t, for he has forgotten HIS OWN tongue entirely.

Try understanding how hard this is on nonwhites. That is why they rage against our insensitivity to their pain. And how can they not lay claim to what WE have bestowed upon them? They literally have nowhere to go.

So leave aside the impossibility of it all. OUR destiny is OUR destiny. It isn’t shared, nor could it be. That was never in the cards and it never will be.

— Dave
