Archive for June 24th, 2008

The People’s Gospels

In the documentary on the new-found Gospel of Judas, one thing that was mentioned rather shame-facedly was that a major reason Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were chosen as anonical Gospels was because Christians LIKED them. Like any other institution the Church paid attention to the books people favored.

That tookme bck to my childhood, lisening to the story of Christmas inteh St James version. As I said, the dozens of other gospel versions were written largely for intellectual snobs, not the kind of common folk Jesus went out and preached to.

Inspitration does not come ecclusively from bishops or theologians. The last thing Peter was was an intellectual snob. I think believe that believers in general had true inspiration. The popularity and easier-to-read character of the Gospels chosen bothers the documentary-makers. But it makes me more confident that the Gospels chosen SHOULD be the canonical ones.
