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The FCC Revolt

Posted by Bob on June 27th, 2008 under General

— The FCC Revolt

I am not referring to the federal agency but to the Faithful Colored Companions (FCC) who have slavishly voted for white liberals down through the years.


For years now, while others repeated news items about Iraq and the Jews, I kept insisting that a huge development was on the horizon. While others agreed with each other that all was lost because minorities and anti-white whites formed a growing majority, I kept pointing out that this coalition might be unstable.

In I have said for YEARS that the Faithful Colored Companions were eventually going to want to vote for their OWN. I am the only person who mentions that this happened to the NAACP when, sixty years after its founding, it elected its first BLACK president. The NAACP has been a harmless cash cow for suburban blacks ever since.

There is a huge divide here. Jews and liberal whites are monomaniacally dedicated to the end of the white race. Blacks want stuff for themselves. To anti-whites reparations means a renewed dedication to Racial Guilt and shame on the part of those who don’t like to see whites with colored kids.

To blacks, reparations is a brand-new Mercedes.

REAL power politics is not detailing the Bad Guys and the Good Guys. Power politics is finding out what everybody WANTS. Anti-whites who are being displaced have only one goal, the end of whites.

If we handle it right, the FCC doesn’t want our blood.

It wants our money.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/27/2008 - 1:12 pm

    The FCCs not only want our money and property. Above all, they want our genes.

    Obama’s candidacy has already moved the culture to a much greater respectfulness of whites and if Obama actually wins, I won’t be surprised if the word “master” comes back as a form of address.

    Caste arrangements are unfailing.

    Revolutions are what white people do (with their minds, not their guns).

    But to the extent Obama serves Mommy Professor he is anti-white. And the evidence is he does serve Mommy Professor. It all goes under the name “environmentalism”.

    Mommy Professor is the enemy.

    McCain will never betray her.

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