Archive for July 25th, 2008

Some Simplism

I have been to where many a Great Civilization has fallen. In every single one of them, as in the Mantra, the skin at its height had been white. The people are now BROWN.

The Genome Project keeps trying to prove that all men are equal. I spent my youth fighting exactly the same “final proof” that all races had equal innate IQs. It was just as authoritative and just as universal. No way I’ll fall for that twist on the facts again.

They report what fits. What doesn’t fit doesn’t get published.

History is a series of Northern Invasions. In the World History course there is another Northern Invasion, like the Doric Greeks, and another civilization rises and then turns brown and falls.

Any animal that can hold its territory has minimum coloration. It is lion CUBS who have the protective coloration. Animals depend on strength or blending into the background.

DON’T MIX THIS POINT UP WITH PROTECTIVE COLORATION. The above sentence is an intro: white skin shows that one has developed in an area which requires no protective coloration. Europe is what I call The Genetic High Ground. It is NOT miserably cold, we are not Ice People.

White people are those who conquer the genetic high ground and then spread out, invade, to take over brown slave cultures. This is what history shows.
