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And about that ShankTalk Worldwide interview…

Posted by Bob on July 26th, 2008 under General

They loved it, of course. 
Bob Whitaker on ShankTalk Worldwide July 23rd — 57MB

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 07/26/2008 - 12:52 pm

    Just downloading the show now looking forward to hearing it. Also, me and Adelheim maybe recording another show soon with Truck Roy.

  2. #2 by Dave on 07/26/2008 - 1:41 pm

    I have posted this interview on the welcome page of also.

  3. #3 by Lord Nelson on 07/26/2008 - 1:53 pm

    You made a great point about the Clinton’s faithful coloured companions letting her down. The Obama v Clinton campaign was the most fun I have had in years. I share your frustration over how no one on our side will hammer home the GENOCIDE point.

  4. #4 by Dave on 07/27/2008 - 12:58 am

    I found BWs interview with Peter Shank fascinating, not because of what BW had to say, I already know BWs thought, but because it exemplified so much of what BUGS is really all about.

    BW refers to himself as a heretic, but that is just his way of expressing his refusal to climb down from top-drawer professional standards. That’s all professionalism really is, adherence to standards. Certain personalities refuse to climb down and submit to organizational pressures regarding professional standards. BW is not alone in this.

    Peter, on the other hand, is motivated by a desire to procure justice. That is why he puts an image of the flaming and crumbling Word Trade Center towers on his site. But Peter is like so many of us. We talk about war, but don’t know war. There is no justice in war. The procurement of justice can never be achieved through war. Peter doesn’t know this.

    But what I hope Peter does know is that Robert Whitaker is the only man in the world who possesses are accurate assessment of the climate of the battle against the white race. Robert Whitaker alone possesses the only accurate assessment.

    BUGS is about this assessment.

    An accurate assessment of the climate of battle is a prerequisite to the discovery of new and more effective forms of maneuver, preceding any real hope of finding successful methods against the enemy.

    This assessment constitutes Robert Whitaker’s professionalism. And he and I know that the right minds will inevitably find it. That is the way life works.

    I think I am the only participant in BUGS that knows this, truly appreciating the huge real world implications of Robert Whitaker’s work.

    I know the real talents, the real minds, will find Robert Whitaker’s assessment. It is inevitable.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 07/27/2008 - 11:35 am

    I prefer your writings.

  6. #6 by Bob on 07/27/2008 - 4:45 pm

    Simmons, so?

  7. #7 by Simmons on 07/27/2008 - 8:13 pm

    I ususally prefer writings over the spoken word anyway. Don’t get your feathers ruffled.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 07/28/2008 - 8:48 am

    Besides Shaenk’s site is a “News” site. I read that Jew porno article and it is literally the same crap I have read for years trying to rouse the same emotions that have wasted our time for millenia, mindless rage against the cult of judaism.

    That crap belongs on Stormfront with perhaps Prof Nugent analyzing it with the exact precision known only to the highest ranks of anti-semites practicing “anti-semetism.” Anti-semetism being another “ism”, isms being wordism which ask little, answer less.

    Bypass the Shaenks, Nugents boil it down to the basics folks. When a kook Jew pornographer tries to “critique” us or christ or whatever you simply ask, “Is your god better if so explain in exact details.” Why do I ask this, simple everyone of those kooks has endured his/her indoctrination into the cult, the Bat Mitzvah. Everyone of those kooks is tied to his cult none of them has sprung up from nothing they have ties, you simply skip them and go back to their Mothership and knock on the door.

    This will work with any kook or group of kooks or even with their gentile accomplices who eshew Christ for kook worship. AFKAN is right the old forms are the enemies gifts to themselves, they don’t work, from now on we go into a different form one that will work.

  9. #9 by AFKANNow on 07/29/2008 - 12:14 am

    in considered reply to Simmons:

    I suspect a significant reason we have been rendered functionally helpless so often ties into Wordism, and the folly of assuming your opponents are your moral equivalent, share your foundational beliefs, and really want to do right.

    I wasted a lot of my life until I realize I was being rational with the irrational, and trying to convert demons into following the paths of angels.

    I can assure you, our Racial Enemies are so devoted to our destruction, even at the cost of all of they have, that they see our attempts at peaceful “compromise” – a la the “salami slice” technique – as signs of weakness.

    They still awake in the morning with the same they had when the fell asleep last night – “How can I destroy them?”

    All of the Institutions we have tried to use have been co-opted to a horrific degree, and we are finally reduced to the One Organizing Principle that works like magic – Race.

    When you try to see ALL human activity in the light of the manifest outworking of the dynamics of Race, suddenly, you are freed from accepting the false premises our Racial Enemies have placed at all points of discussion.

    You then have the opportunity to develop your own analysis.

    The people who have done this successfully are few; Forrest, Rockwell, Oliver, Duke, the late Dr. Sam Francis, Kevin Alfred Strom – and they all paid the equivalent of the price Odin paid for such Wisdom of Perspective.

    They were freed up from being locked into the Forms of the past, the Forms set as traps for them by their Racial Enemies, and could Create a new system, slowly, a step at a time.

    That’s what I am trying to do with my Nephews, and that’s why I read from “Perspective,” the first chapter of Imperium, nightly.

    We MUST focus on our return “To The Stars.”

    Anything less simply traps us into playing the Enemy’s Game, with the Enemy’s Rules, with the Enemy as the Referee.

    All of us, Shank in particular, are laying the necessary intellectual foundation to be Aware of the traps set for us.

    It is up to us to avoid them, and build a better world, around them.

    Focusing on the activities of the Jews, while of great importance on several levels, keeps us focused on the mud.

    We could, and should, offer our Posterity “Honor, Discipline, and the Stars,” and the only Cultural vehicle that can make that happen is a focus on Race, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

  10. #10 by Z on 08/04/2008 - 1:38 am

    I just listened to the interview and thought it went well. I wonder how many listeners that show gets?

    Despite what some might think about Bob’s performance, the fact is, Bob is much more of a man than I am, considering the fact that he’s willing, and always has been willing to take part in activism overtly and while using his real name.

    I hide behind the pen name “Z” while Bob works as Bob. I often struggle with this. I say that I’m serious about reversing the genocide of my race but when it comes down to it, how serious am I really?

    Like the early Christians, shouldn’t I be willing to accept a life of poverty, loneliness, and harassment? Or, am I nothing but a hobbyist? Perhaps now isn’t the “right time?”

    Do any of you ever think about this?

  11. #11 by AFKANNow on 08/04/2008 - 11:13 am

    in reply to Z:

    Great question, and one that has bothered me for some time.

    A while back, the old guy who ran the warehouse where I worked, who was big on Carto’s newspaper, brought up the topic of Memorial Day, and how things changed.

    I said, essentially, that we would benefit from looking at how Germany developed from 1933 to 1939, and learning some lessons from it.

    Next day, I was called to Mahogany Row, and was grilled about whether or not I was a “Nazi,” and whether or not I was a “Nazi sympathizer.”

    Assuring The Great One I wasn’t, I was told that was good, as there were rumors the facility would be closing down, and there would be job transfers to Destiny City.

    The place closed, and I was not invited to move to Destiny City.

    Between the time of the discussion, and the closing of the facility, I became an Unperson, except to some guys I knew who worked on the loading dock.

    Think about going public, and think long and hard.

    I know lots of people with hobbies.

    NONE of them can make a living with their hobbies.


    The “right time” will be when you have no other choice; until then, you can live a quiet, peaceful, prosperous life, and develop your talents and abilities.

    Remember this:

    MOST of our “Race” – “Race” has a vertical component, from which the vanguard is derived – would just as soon throw us to the wolves, all the while cursing us for being evil “Racists.”

    It takes a lot to get to this point.

    My tipping point came when I was watching “Oprah” one day, and I saw the absolute looks of slack-jawed adoration the White women in the audience gave her.

    I then realized the contempt with which these women held White men was so total as to be beyond redemption.

    I thought of the many, many guys I worked with over the years, at jobs they could barely tolerate, SOLELY to support their wives, and keep their wives in relative comfort, living at a safe distance from the Third World in America.

    I realized we had all been played for Fools.

    That’s why the big Obama sign is in my front yard.

    That’s what they want, that’s what they’ll get.

    And, I know how we will be treated by one and all, and I recall the admonition of Christ:

    “Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend you.”

    When they realize how badly they have been used – and they will, one day, sooner than we think – they will blame US for not having “done something about it.”

    By then, it will be too late for them.

    By then, hopefully, my Nephews will have been trained and will be in a safe place that looks a lot more like Montana than it does Los Angeles, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.

    You are of no use to yourself, much less The Race, if you have been driven into the bitter poverty of Aloneness, and destitution.

    You have choices, but, for now, follow the advice of Terrible Tommy Metzger – blend in, better yourself, and just WAIT.

    In time, Isaiah’s Remnant will be called from their slumber.

    in the meantime, sending tangible support – money – to those who are out front, like VNN’s Linder, Voice of Reason radio, and Frank Roman’s European Americans United, would help our Posterity, and you would remain safe, and prosperous.

    Everyone’s address is on their webpage.

  12. #12 by Z on 08/04/2008 - 12:29 pm


    thank you for your reply. I think you’re right in your analysis. The only disagreement I have is regarding VNN. I don’t trust those people, just like I never trusted Hal Turner. I do appreciate Frank Roman and EAU however. I’ve never belonged to an WN organization, but I do believe that EAU has a bright future.

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