Archive for October 6th, 2008

Black is White

I mentioned Jane Goodall going ape, excuse the expression, when the fact that chimps patrol their borders and kill intruders was brought to its logical conclusion. They said that borders and fighting, which everybody thought until the 1980s was purely human, was in the nature of social animals in general. Her logical reply was that “It CAN’T be!”

I was watching yet another documentary trying to make Politically Correct sense out of those 4000 year old mummies in China. They are largely blond and they look like a Northern European population. Other documentaries praised the probability that those whites disappeared into the local population and look like everybody else now, which is the goal of Diversity,

This documentary took the Goodall Approach: “They CAN”T be!” It said the mummies were not white, but part of the Melting Pot. They called in some DNA folks to testify for them. The same genes were found in populations as far away as Siberia and India.

In other words, where each wave of Aryan movement had long since come these Aryan genes were also found. So they were a melting pot population, not whites.

As in the Mantra, where whites go is a Melting Pot area. One documentary traced the only probable origin of the Clovis Point to Europe. They concluded that America was therefore a Melting Pot country from the word go. This is the new Party Line: Where whites obviously brought in the inventions, like the wheel, the area is declared to have been a Melting Pot from the first.
