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Saying It to Their Face

Posted by Bob on October 10th, 2008 under General

McCain has a problem with his accusations against Obama, and the media is using it. The weakness is that in the debate he didn’t FACE Obama with those charges. Doing it in the last debate when he is umpteen points behind looks like what it is, a gamit of desperation. This shows why BUGS’ mission is so basic.

ALL of our present problems — and McCain’s problem — go back to the same thing:

No one SAID so. No one ASKED the basic question and demanded an answer.

Where did the stock market crash really come from? It came from deals which no one ASKED about. The assumption was that, while they were a bit greedy, the Leaders of Finance knew what they were doing. Exactly the same thing happened with Enron, but that was such a minor matter that no one learned anything.

Surely if there were an Enron Lesson, it would be insulting to Leaders of Finance to say that they did not learn it. In our society, anyone who would have asked basic questions would have been kicked out of the Big Finance fraternity at the beginning of their career. As sociopathic society bases advancement on the ability to say the proper things at the proper time, it does NOT ask awkward questions. If you are one of the experts who never asked awkward questions, you will be called in and paid to solve the latest disaster you have caused.

BUGS says it to your FACE. But no one would say to Big Finance, men who knew what clothes to wear and above all what to say at the right time, “Do you have anything but your connections to back this up?” Ever since the sociopath’s cookbook, How to Win Friends and Influence People, we have learned that form IS substance, and that the only way to succeed is diplomacy.

So in McCain’s world the last thing one would do is say, “You work with terrorists, you had a preacher who hated white people and said so, maybe this says something about you.” No way. In a good sociopathic society, the priority that truth has is below that of shoe polish.

BUGS is dedicated to the proposition that the truth is something that has to be hammered in, repeated, pushed, No one with political or economic power is assumed innocent until proven guilty. We believe in the real lesson of Original Sin more than Christians do. And we’re not trying to sell a baptism that will get rid of it. We LIVE with the fact that a war hero will lie like a dog in front of a congressional committee when he wants military appropriations.

Reagan had to put “Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall” back into his speech THREE TIMES because his speech writers kept taking it out. Respectable conservatives would no more discuss the Berlin Wall than Wall Street commentators would talk about what was really going on, and for the same reason. The fact that a third of the world was ruled by people who had to use landmines and machine guns to keep their people in was too simplistic for them.

How could conservatives sell tomes about libertarian theory and Catholic theology if someone kept saying that any fool could see what was wrong with Communism? A country that keeps people OUT is a good one. A country that must keep people IN is a bad one. Try THAT out on a libertarian or a religious conservative and you will find that the left doesn’t have a monopoly on the word “simplistic.” So Reagan had to overrule his own speech writers THREE TIMES.

McCain could not tell the truth when he had time. No one could yell that the guys in the suits were simple being stupid, despite the Enron example.

The problems of our society can be met with Mantra Logic, BUGS logic. The LAST people who can deal with it is a Panel of Recognized Experts or Established Commentators..

To repeat, the Problem is recognized expertise and established comment.

The solution is Occam’s Law.

BUGS is Occam’s Law in practice.


  1. #1 by Dave on 10/10/2008 - 11:12 am

    Lying is done in myriad ways, but the most important way is silence about the truth.

    We are getting to the end of this particular phase of the financial catastrophe but it is the beginning of long years of continuing and endless delusion and troubles.

    The real culprit is the dishonest means in which the Federal Government finances itself. Congress is the tail that wags the Wall Street dog, but try to find the one man in a million who understands that.

    A corrupt and treasonous Congress that must be abolished. And to hell with coward McCain, he is just one of Congress’s wall-to-wall maggots.

    A lawful government must never permit speculation in its bonds and other liabilities. Their purchasing power must be guaranteed under explicit and binding covenants. This is done by the establishment of sinking funds to protect holders from rising interest rates, and by convertibility clauses allowing conversation of the bonds into insuring (e.g. tangible) assets should CPI inflation impact the purchasing power of the bonds. Government bonds must be issued with a 2% real return floor which has been the standard of public liabilities throughout history. Any person caught speculating in government liabilities need to handed heavy prison sentences.

    The abolition of “gold standard” has nothing to do with it. Congress loves the Gold Bugs and Libertarians because their stupid and unrealistic proposals are a great diversion from what is really going on. Our current system is the bald-faced legalization of theft and fraud, allowing the government to confiscate the public’s savings through currency depreciation and forcing the public to speculate in Wall Street’s risky investment products in the vain hope of escaping the government’s currency depreciation tax.

    The hedge fund industry would have never existed were in not for this fact. Credit default swaps would have never existed because there would have been no incentive to try to mitigate the risk of holding Wall Street’s risky investment products through insurance.

    It all goes back to the corruption of the government bond markets and the Federal Reserve Bank’s (the Fed’s) network of Primary Dealers (criminal bond speculating organizations) who profit obscenely at public expense by blatant tips by the Fed with insider information in advance of Treasury auctions. This is the means by which Congress corrupts Wall Street.

    It is all a slight of hand by the United States Treasury Department to focus the public’s wrath on the Federal Reserve Bank and to divert the Public’s attention from Congress’s corruption and the corrupt manner the Federal Government finances itself.

    Like I said, Congress just loves the Gold Bugs and Libertarians because their chant is “abolish the Fed”.

    Their chant should be, “abolish Congress”.

    Obama will never mention this because he is a Communist pure and simple.

    We the American people are now in a balls-to-the-wall struggle for our freedom, a struggle against a Communist Party that calls itself the Congress of the United States.

    And against the “Committee of Infallibles” that calls itself the United States Supreme Court.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 10/10/2008 - 11:20 am

    The above comment belonged in “GC.” “Just ask them”, I didn’t invent that, Bob mentioned that months ago on the technique to subvert the establishment conventional wisdom with an anecdote about a Southern Senator who played the libs for what they were worth.

    Works with the biggest fear words in use today “racist” or “racism” if you ask them for the definitions and examples. Now the semi-respectables and respectables waste their time and ours but thanks to Comrade Obama their shear desperation shall make BUGS a very valuable commodity. We shall be lashed to the idea chain soon enough.

  3. #3 by Dave on 10/10/2008 - 12:19 pm


    I am using Occam’s Law in the above comment.

    In life, it is not your enemies that furnish your greatest threat. It is your friends.

    That’s Occam’s law.

    Correspondingly, in the financial arena, it is not Wall Street’s most risky investment products that provide our greatest threat. Instead, it is the “most trusted asset”, e.g. 90-day US Treasury Bills.

    90-day US Treasury Bills are the key instrument of the US Government’s tyranny, the accounting and currency manifestation of Communism.

    That’s because if you ask basic questions in finance, those questions don’t lead you do any insights about Enron type arrangements and Wall Street games, they lead you to basic questions about 90-day US Treasury Bills.

    That’s Occam’s law.

    This is the kind of knowledge that needs to get out. If it gets out, we’ve got a revolution, which is exactly what we need.

    The alternative is a Communist state run by niggers.

  4. #4 by shari on 10/10/2008 - 1:01 pm

    Seems like a Communist state run by niggers would get a whole lot of knowledge out, in a hurry. I sense that even some “experts” on the telebision are nervous about this.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 10/10/2008 - 2:51 pm

    My point being it should have been condensed, we did not need the full explanation like we are reading I agree with you, but like Bob says we must do the hard work of simplifying the works. Unless we want to be as relevant as AR and the other PHDs of verbiage.

  6. #6 by Prometheus on 10/10/2008 - 6:47 pm

    I guess there really aren’t any professions anymore. Only institutions which have taken the place of professions.

    At work we get the term “Professional” hammered into us again and again.

    Do you know what a middle manager means by being a “Professional”? It means you stay back and work longer hours than your contract (for free). It means you know the jargon, dress appropriately and have the right attitude towards work. Quality of work was rarely an issue and the MORE they banged on about professionalism, the less the quality of work mattered.

    When YOU don’t understand the profession you are in, you have no way of guaging which of your underlings is good or not. So what will these underlings do?

  7. #7 by mderpelding on 10/10/2008 - 7:13 pm

    I note the rule here that must be applied by our beloved congress…

    “A lawful government must never permit speculation in its bonds and other liabilities. Their purchasing power must be guaranteed under explicit and binding covenants. This is done by the establishment of sinking funds to protect holders from rising interest rates, and by convertibility clauses allowing conversation of the bonds into insuring (e.g. tangible) assets should CPI inflation impact the purchasing power of the bonds. Government bonds must be issued with a 2% real return floor which has been the standard of public liabilities throughout history. Any person caught speculating in government liabilities need to handed heavy prison sentences.”

    But is this the same group of elite assholes mentioned in this…

    “This is the means by which Congress corrupts Wall Street.

    It is all a slight of hand by the United States Treasury Department to focus the public’s wrath on the Federal Reserve Bank and to divert the Public’s attention from Congress’s corruption and the corrupt manner the Federal Government finances itself.

    Like I said, Congress just loves the Gold Bugs and Libertarians because their chant is “abolish the Fed”.

    Their chant should be, “abolish Congress”. ”

    Hey, instead of bloviating about goldbugs and libertarians, please try to understand the nature of government and what the term “power” means.

    A mid-level government nobody can make a millionaire dance. With the stroke of a pen.

    The Obamas’ are promoting government service for black people. Forget about competition in the private sector. Empower yourselves in government.

    The richest Wall Street nabob could never kill a man in broad daylight.
    Any armed alphabet soup apparatchik from USA can.

    The US government no longer belongs to us. Nor does it represent us. It is your enemy, as is every organization that depends upon governmental largess.

    Repeat after me…

    The Government of the United States of America and all of it’s subsidiaries desire the annihilation of the White Race.

    That means Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, all various agencies. Also, the Banking system, the Corporations, and all other entities connected to our “leaders”.

    We as a people are alone. There is not one institution or mainstream group in this country that will help us.

    Not one.

    Accept it.

    Get over it.

    Deal with it.

    Start over.

    It can’t happen to us; right?

    And please, please, don’t put Occam and nigger in the same sentence. You demean a great man and equivocate him with savagery.

  8. #8 by Dave on 10/10/2008 - 9:00 pm


    I hear what you are saying about keeping it short.

    BW is not the only one saying Mantra logic is the solution to our problems.

    The awareness of the political system’s Left-Right mutual support society and its 50 years behind the times Wordism is growing rapidly.

    BUGS really is out in front.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 10/11/2008 - 11:03 am

    That is right Dave. This month’s AR has a book review by Jackson about how America is dividing up and it goes along with what I have said, that America is a country of cults, seemingly opposed yet symbiotic and never questioning of damn near anything of each other, only the primitive shrieking of human chimps.

    Jumping ahead I see that the first set of political players to use BUGS logic will create a tsunami in these times. Even innocous questions such as, “Has liberalism worked at all?”, timid as it is sets the pins up for a strike.

  10. #11 by Dave on 10/11/2008 - 5:43 pm


    There are three types of people in the world.

    There are truth tellers and there are liars.

    Truth tellers and liars are equally bound to the truth, because they both know the truth.

    Then there are the BS’ers.

    I’m like so many malcontents. Authentic hatred doesn’t upset me. It’s the phony kind that drives me up the wall.

    I well understand why those of us most consumed by hatred choose to attack the innocent, for so often the innocent are the most intolerable of all, they never open the door to the world and walk within it as it really is.

    The political apparatus and election system is designed to serve the innocent. These are those cheering fans you see at Obama and McCain rallies. So are the great multitudes trying to live peaceful and protected lives, all those peering out into the world from their living rooms, who think they have the right to lives unmolested and unharmed.

    These innocents are our real enemies.

    When you begin to understand things like this, you begin to get what it takes to make a revolution.

    It’s coming, I can feel it. And furthermore, the growing territorial dominion of criminals, their emergence into the daylight, and the fact that they now set standard of culture, tells me it is so.

  11. #12 by shari on 10/12/2008 - 11:22 am

    We woke up to close to a foot of snow. My husband stayed in bed. I started going over Marsinwing’s site. I liked it a LOT. Angry AND funny! Maybe this belongs in gc,but I’ll leave it here.

  12. #13 by AFKANNow on 10/13/2008 - 2:37 am

    This thread is a target rich environment for comments.

    I’ve TRIED to “say it to their face,” over and over, and all it has gained me is social isolation, and that’s fine.

    Things are changing, and I – with my Nephews – have been invited Home for Thanksgiving. Apparently the realization that their pensions are in danger of being wiped out has forced a bit of willingness to see things a bit more clearly, back in the hills.

    We’ll see.

    Dave’s right about the Wall Street con, and God, but the magical powers libertardians impute to gold, all the while ignoring the FACT that the gold confiscation regs have been dusted off and are ready to go.

    mrpelding is on the money – so to speak – with his summary:

    The US government no longer belongs to us. Nor does it represent us. It is your enemy, as is every organization that depends upon governmental largess.

    Repeat after me…

    The Government of the United States of America and all of it’s subsidiaries desire the annihilation of the White Race.

    That means Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, all various agencies. Also, the Banking system, the Corporations, and all other entities connected to our “leaders”.

    We as a people are alone. There is not one institution or mainstream group in this country that will help us.

    Not one.

    Accept it.

    Get over it.

    Deal with it.

    Start over.

    It can’t happen to us; right?

    in reply:
    It CAN happen to us, and it IS happening to us, even as we speak.

    That’s why I am working on an alternative social order, a White Nation, in a White Republic, along the lines of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic.

    The System, developed by our Racial Enemies, is bitterly opposed to us, and this is only further validation that we are RIGHT.

    We are alone, and when we are gone, the Lights of Civilization go OUT, and stay that way, for good.

    Damn, but the look of absolute hatred for us in the eyes of the Obama supporters should be all of the warning we will need.

    We MUST shift our of defensive mode, and move to intelligent offensive mode, while we can.

    Oh, and by the way, to paraphrase:

    “We aren’t Monsters; we’re just ahead of the curve.”

    I’m glad to see Ygg returning; perhaps, in time, Kevin Alfred Strom will be joining us, as well.

    Strom shared the best part of the Vision Pierce tried to develop, and share; we always set our sights too low.

  13. #14 by Simmons on 10/13/2008 - 9:03 am

    I don’t know about saying it to their face, that is another form of shrieking like chimps do to another troupe of chimps on their borders. That is standard liberal/conservative warfare kind of like “2001” at the waterhole scene.

    I will explain it one more time you simply ask them to explain themselves. You will never ever have so much dominance over a liberal as when you have them try and explain the how exactly they can cheat nature into perpetuity.

    Reading Jared Taylor’s chapter in Francis’ “Race and the American Prosepect” I found it well researched, conceived, written and whatever, but for the fact he wiffed when it came to the word “racism.” Thruout the book the words “racist” and “racism” are in parenthesis as they should be, but then without explanation the conservatives who write the chapters pick up the ball from the left and go into respectable mode. Since “racism” is the reason for the advocation of our genocide you think we would at least ask the left to explain themselves instead of allowing them carte blanche or uselessly shrieking at them.

  14. #15 by shari on 10/16/2008 - 9:28 am

    There is a difference between saying it to their face and candor. People are so desparate for candor. This explains the reaction to Perot or Palin. This by the way is what Jesus did that made them nash their teeth. He wasn’t the commie christ preached today. This is simple, but not easy, as Bob says. It’s really not easy, but we will keep going.

  15. #16 by shari on 10/16/2008 - 9:31 am

    I meant, a difference between saying it to their face and shrieking. Been trying to type in the dark, sorry.

  16. #17 by Simmons on 10/17/2008 - 10:00 am

    “Saying it to their face”, “candor” as directed to a liberal is not to change their mind or to rehabilitate them because you will not in any sense do such a thing, disabuse yourself of such fantasies quickly.

    When you direct your candid speech towards a liberal you are engaging in warfare as been practiced since we have fallen out of trees, the facing off against the enemies and impressing our own with our bravery so as to move up the ladder of prestige and power. A christian might call this “truth to power” which is warfare without said title.

    Yes the people desperately want candor to relieve them of the unbearable mental stress that PC puts on their souls, but the respectable wants the love of the liberal more so we have decades of frustration. Mantra is candor.

  17. #18 by Simmons on 10/17/2008 - 11:25 am

    Joe the plumber is candor versus the swaggering bullies of Poltical Correctness. Every respectable in this country is trying to find a way to ditch this man without seeming to abandon their “principles.” They will find a way, but it might place more people in a mindset to accept our message of racial survival when the ditching is complete.

    We couldn’t have asked for a better man than Obama with his swaggering bullies of PC hurling “racist” at every non-submissive in this country. Even AR that censors my one sentence posts asking if this word is ever defined will have a March on Rome moment when they have to play catch up to an angry demographic.

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